Hello everyone

I am new to the site but liking all of it!
I sure hope it works for me. I lost 70 pounds but am struggling with the last 20 and
I have thyroid issues also.
This is a great site by the way lots of information


  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    WOW awesome job losing 70lbs!!! Good luck and welcome to MFP! We can help you with the last 20 :smile:
  • smhuber
    smhuber Posts: 16
    Welcome! I have been on for almost two weeks and love the site. Good for you for already losing 70 lbs! It's always the last bit of weight that is the hardest to lose but I bet this site will really help you. :flowerforyou:
  • estepteau
    estepteau Posts: 146
    Welcome! I love this site as well! I am a newbie too! lol! Congrats on your success so far. That last bit is always a lil harder but with your motivation and efforts it will SHED!