Getting back on the wagon - tips to adjust to 1200 cal intak

rrjs Posts: 46
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I've slacked A LOT lately and gained back all the weight I had started to lose. I got to a point where I would eat whatever I want, when I wanted...I haven't felt legitimately hungry in at least a month and a half. So now that I'm getting back on track, it's hard for me to get used to only getting 1200 calories again. It's only 6:00 and I have 130 left!

Any tips for re-adjusting to a restricted caloric intake after a period of not watching what I'm eating?


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    LOTS of veggies. I am a constant snacker myself so I snack on veggies!!!
  • if you work out you can eat more than 1200 calories a day..make sure to log it and then try to get the NET as 1200 and you will see you can munch more!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    excercise more. i find that i am wanting to workout more.. just so i can add a little more calories to my day. :)
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    THIS IS EXACTLY WHERE I'M AT!!! Add me and I'll try to post helpful finds....been looking all day at work for recipes and such. Boss is out.... = )
  • rrjs
    rrjs Posts: 46
    what about when that's just not satisfying enough for you? sometimes i'll eat a ton of veggies and still feel empty afterwards
  • Start by charting what you are eating. Even if you "blow it" chart it as accurately as possible. You will not want to keep seeing how many calories over you are each day. Drink lots of water which can help you feel full. I am only on week two of my new program and I thought 1200 calories was going to be difficult to manage. I find myself under a lot of the time. Also, get faithful at doing some exercise which will help your body not crave food as much. You can get back on track! Good luck!
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    I don't think eating only 1200 calories is enough food. In my opinion, most people (myself included) are more likely to stick with it if you're eating a bit more and losing the weight slower... Just my two cents. :smile:
  • Eat smaller portions but eat more frequently. A fruit smoothie or a cup of tea and some apple cinnamon rice cakes mid morning or mid afternoon help to tide me over until the next meal.
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    All this is good advice...plenty of exercise means you can eat back some of the calories. Small snacks throughout the day really help. Snacking on veggies, and some fruits are filling (strawberries are a pretty good, filling, semi-low calorie snack). A small snack of light mini Babybel cheese and low cal crackers is nice too. Drink tons of water, that keeps your belly feeling full! Also, find ways to totally distract yourself - if you keep busy, you don't think about feeling hungry so much.

    However, it is going to take some period of adjustment, where you will feel hungry. The important thing is to learn how to ascertain between real hunger and habitual eating hunger. There IS a difference!
  • I have a lot of experience with falling off the wagon...actually it's more like rolling the wagon off a cliff and diving into a pint of ice But what I've found is that I need to "detox" my body after one of those episodes. The foods that I binge on mess up the chemistry in my blood and I actually start to crave the sugar.
    So, what I do is eat foods that stabilize and regulate my blood sugar...veggies, lean protein, nuts, lowfat cheese, eggs, etc. I swear off most high carbohydrate foods...bread, bagels, corn, potatoes, etc. I do this for about a week or two and I promise, those cravings disappear after the first few days. AFter that process, I can reintroduce good carbs like whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes, rice, popcorn, etc. without the cravings. I wouldn't say it's ever easy...but without those cravings, it's possible for me to stay on track.'s a process. You have to listen to your body and love it enough to treat it well. But we all mess up...kudos to you for getting back up on that wagon!!
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    I've been making nice heavy veggie soups for dinner. Adding lentil, sweet potato, corn make them nice and heavy and filling and it leaves me more calories to eat during the day (around 200=250 per serve). I am a fan of a big breakfast (350 - 400 cals) then a reasonable lunch and I'm trying to ease off on my dinners so that I have more calories spare for snacks during the day when I get hungry. I'm loving Rockmelon at the moment, only 56 cals for a cup and its lovely and sweet.
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    And more thing - I think that if you are hungry you have to eat! At least while your body is adjusting to less food you need to keep it happy. No one enjoys being hungry, and if you are hungry too often you are more likely to give up, so I always always eat if I actually feel hunger (not boredom). And if that means going over you calories by a couple of hundred I think that is fine.
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