Are you 80-90lbs overweight, please reply??



  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    I am currently about 80 lbs overweight - but I used to be a lot bigger and it took getting about 30 to 40 pounds off before anyone really noticed. But I didn't let that bother me - because before long - when I got about 50 to 60 pounds off the compliments and comments started pouring in more than I could count!
    Be patient - give it some more time and your weight loss will become more visually noticeable to people -and remember, compliments and positive reinforcement are great, but in the long run it's what you feel that matters most not what others think or say!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    There is a great thread on this board somewhere that talks about how weight loss comes off of your body like sheets off of a roll of paper towels. With the outer sheets you don't notice much difference in the size of that roll at first, right? But as you take more and more sheets off, eventually that roll seems to get smaller faster. The same thing happens with your body, in a way. So don't be discouraged if people aren't noticing it at first. Keep working on it and eventually there WILL be a big difference. Look at my profile pic, for example =)

    Your profile pic is very encouraging, how much have you lost?
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Thanks sooooooo much guys, you rock. This makes me feel sooooo much better, to know I am not the only one and that it's normal. :wink:
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    I started at 244 and I'm now about 221 and no one notices. I notice but no one else does - thank goodness for the digital scale, right?

    The reason why is that when you're over 200, you can't really see weight loss, even in the success pix here at mfp until people get to 160. ie, if you started at 190, and went to 160 - you'd see it, if you started at 160 and went to 140 you'd see it, but at the upper reaches of that scale you can't see it till you go down quite a bit.

    LOL, you are right about that thank God for my digital scale.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    There is a great thread on this board somewhere that talks about how weight loss comes off of your body like sheets off of a roll of paper towels. With the outer sheets you don't notice much difference in the size of that roll at first, right? But as you take more and more sheets off, eventually that roll seems to get smaller faster. The same thing happens with your body, in a way. So don't be discouraged if people aren't noticing it at first. Keep working on it and eventually there WILL be a big difference. Look at my profile pic, for example =)

    Your profile pic is very encouraging, how much have you lost?

    95 pounds =)
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I am at around 224. I hope to get to 135 and then reevauluate.

    I lost about 10 and gained some back due to injuries, health, etc. So now I am trying again. People who know I am trying compliment me, but I think it's just because they know I am loosing weight.

    So I hope to hear the WOW's OOOO's and AAAAhh's.... soon.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    People didn't start to notice my weight loss til I had dropped around 40 lbs, I started at 258. Keep going, it's so worth it! :D
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I started with 90 to lose. I have lost about 25 (my weigh in is not until the 4th). I am down to a size 14 from a 18/20. Two days ago was the first time someone noticed, though it has been very noticeable to me since I lost the first 10 pounds.
  • d_smith85
    d_smith85 Posts: 94
    I was 247 at my biggest and no one noticed the first 20lbs... once I got around the 200 210 mark people started to notice. Recently I've lost 25lbs bringing me from 197 to 171.8 and you can REALLY see the difference. I still have 30-40lbs I wanna lose, but I'm noticing as I'm getting smaller, each pound is becoming that much more significant. Just like the paper towel effect :)
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    I have lost 20 lbs, starting at 300. I actually just posted a thread similar to this asking when people notice their weight loss. Almost all said about 30 pounds before there was a big difference.

    I was kind of frustrated because my clothes don't fit better yet, BUT after I got out of the shower today, I noticed some of the loss in my neck and collar bone (unfortunately not the double chin yet haha).

    Anyway, just keep at it and slowly but surely you'll notice a difference!
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I started to see a difference in my face with ten pounds lost, but it wasn't until I was close to 20 pounds down that I could start to see a diffence elsewhere. And now, every pound I lose I can see the difference in my body. My thighs, hips, butt (especially!) and belly.
  • I started at 310 lbs with a goal weight of 180 lbs. People didn't really notice until I had lost 40 lbs. I think this was in part that my clothes were all too small (I refused to by a bigger size and opted to starting losing weight) and look very bad. Once things started fitting nicely, the comments about my weight loss started.
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I have about 100 pounds to lose. Of course no one has really noticed yet, but I can tell the difference. I think time will tell
  • Hi there!
    This is my first post.
    I started out at 239lb, lost 13lbs to date, i hope to lose 42lbs to start off with, then hopefully another 50 or so!
    Good luck to you all!
  • hi i weigh 240 over a year ago i weighed 288 i want to weigh 150 by christmas we are going to florida.its hard to lose weight drink lots of water exercise make small goals we can do these
  • it also has a lot to do with how tall you are. I am 5'10 and it always takes me 20 lbs before anyone notices...its discouraging but just hang in there!
  • i am 197 lbs and trying to lose weight just started good luck to you. from your picture you don't even look 220 lbs
  • I started getting compliments from everyone around 50 lbs lost and I started at 200.I think it's different for everyone.
  • rice161
    rice161 Posts: 59
    I also think women tend to notice/ comment before men. Previously, on WW, I lost 100 lbs. It took about 30 or more before my female coworkers noticed. Took longer than I expected really but because women focus on weight more in general, they notice. Men however, didn't comment until it was at least 50 and in some cases not until 70 LBS!! I think they're afraid of offending you; my friend says they didn't notice until my boobs stuck out further than my stomach, haha!

    Unfortunately for me, stress and a person who didn't treat me right, led me to give it all up. NOW I'm back right where I started but ready to do it again the right way (same as last time) but this time for the right reason (ME!). Good Luck to all!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I started at 250 lbs and have lost 22 lbs (roughly--weigh in is tomorrow but that's the way the scale is trending). Nobody has really noticed other than my husband, although quite a few people know I'm aiming for a more healthy lifestyle. Part of this is because I pretty much look the same from the front or back--but when I turn sideways the difference is really noticeable. I hadn't realized just how big my stomach had bloated up until after it went away.

    I've still got 88ish lbs to lose before I get to my first re-evaluation point. I'm hoping to be down to <200 lbs by mid-July as that's the next time I'll be seeing my family and I really want to wow everyone ;).
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