Are you 80-90lbs overweight, please reply??



  • divalovely
    divalovely Posts: 65 Member
    I started out at 298 and currently weigh 233...i've also been overweight all my life....people started to notice when i lost about 50lbs, and now that im 65lbs down all of my coworkers are complimenting me on my transformation and notice how my clothes are practically starting to fall off of me:) Keep at it and remember-"Persistance is better than perfection on the road to weight loss success!"
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    i am 197 lbs and trying to lose weight just started good luck to you. from your picture you don't even look 220 lbs

    Oh thanks, believe me if I take a full pic you can tell, its probably the way I took the pic
  • surv8r
    surv8r Posts: 40 Member
    I have a goal of 80lb to lose. I've lost 26lbs so far, and I'm just starting to receive comments...hang in there!
  • benger6
    benger6 Posts: 6
    I have the same problem but I do not care anymore. The reason is that I have a neighbor that ran everyday and ate good and I never saw a difference then one day she was 80 pounds lighter. I was shocked that after eight months watching her it seem like overnight success . Today she celebrated her 100 pounds weight loss. Took a whole year but she did it.

    My year will be up November 10,2011. My goal 83 more pounds. I have lost 16 pounds and only a few have notice
  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    yeah 20 lbs is usually when most people notice
  • finity559
    finity559 Posts: 59 Member
    No one besides family & a couple of good friends have said anything abt my weight loss. I've noticed a few coworkers & my supervisor look at me kinda weird. I've definetely felt the changes even though I don't see it that much. My clothes are loose & I can move more easily & feel smaller in my car and sofa. Just stay motivated & don't get discouraged if no one has said anything yet. What matters is how your feeling. The more you lose the more taller you'll stand & grow more confident and people will begin talking. :) Keep on truckin!
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Lost 18 lbs so far and went from a size 10 to 8, no one who didn't already know I was trying to lose weight have commented at all. I'm still waiting, but I love the energy and the clothes I can wear now. Just trying on clothes w/o buying at the store is super fun.
  • frankbo25
    frankbo25 Posts: 206 Member
    I was about 92 lbs overweight according to the bmi scale, and I was exactly the same way, I never thought it looked like I was losing but other people noticed, we are many times too hard on ourselves, my advice is dont worry about it and just keep working hard toward your goal and you can get there, 1 year ago I weighed over 270 lbs and didn't think I had it in me to really lose weight and keep it off but now I weigh around 191-193 lbs and there is no going back!!!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I have lost 11 (dont mind my ticker) and there is no dad and sister say they can notice..but im sure its just to motivate me
  • thomalr6180
    thomalr6180 Posts: 94 Member
    I have about 70 to lose. I have lost 92-/+ a few so far. I think I was around 20 when people started noticing. I think it also depends on how you carry your extra weight too. :flowerforyou:
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    I have a goal to lose a total of about 80 pounds. I've lost 11 and I don't think anyone will notice until I lose about 25 pounds.
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    It wasn't until I lost about 20 lbs that some folks began to notice. I started the journey at 280 and my ultimate goal is 160 (wow!! I finally said it out loud!!). But I have no doubt that by God's grace, that goal will be met. But you can't put stock into what people say. If you do, they will get you off course every time. Keep your eye on the ultimate prize.
  • susancelli928
    Did you honestly notice when you gained your first 8lbs...I know I didn't..I didn't notice I was getting fat until I had gained 15lbs...People will notice and you will be like did I really awww thanks... Don't worry you will get noticed.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I started on 219 i think :S and i have lost 6lb in 10 days. People have made comments about my shape changing at my place of work so far. I think when your heavier and u start an excercise programme your measurments are a better indication of progress then scales. I have lost several inches from all kinds of random places doing the 30 day shred (day8) and lots of walking. Another thing.. i am not so concerned about others commenting on my hard work. When i think about what i....we are all doing thats a better feeling then any comment. I feel energised outside and in now!!!
  • youthgonewild23
    youthgonewild23 Posts: 6 Member
    I started at 225 and am down to 199. Only my fiance and I have noticed. I work at a place with almost 200 employees and nobody has noticed either. Maybe it's because I see them so often and it's a gradual weight loss, they don't notice. I don't know. I'm sure eventually someone will notice. No big deal either way. Just don't let it get you down. Keep up the good work.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    Yeah I would typically say it takes about 25 lbs at our weight. I started out at 263 and i am 248 right some people, like my mother, who are really observant have noticed my face slim down...but when i lost about 40 lbs a few years ago it was when i hit the 25lb mark that people really started noticing. Keep going girl!!
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
    I have lost 12lbs and about 10 inches, couple of my coworker and my sister has notice the weight lost.. I carry most of my weight around the mid section (not good).. 2 years ago my daughter and I started walking she wanted to support me. She weigh in at about 117lb. In 2 months she went down to 105lb. Now I needed to lose the weight but ppl notice her weight lost which was only 12lbs. I had lost about 20 and no one said anything to me..I think the difference this time is that I'm using more weights in my work out and doing a lot more ab work out.. Good luck on your weight lost journey wzelleke :smile:
  • Paz26
    Paz26 Posts: 23
    its very sud ale its more like toning up @ first everyone is different people can lose inches or weight. your doing a great job 8lbs is great!
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    I am 5'11 and have lost 21lbs and no one has said anything except one person, and he knows I'm trying to lose so I think it was just encouragement not an actual (oh my you've lose weight). I'm hoping my 30lbs down someone will see a difference, i purposely didn't tell anyone I was working on this so to prevent fake compliments, I want real ones based on real progress. I have at least 90lbs to lose if not more, walk tall and be proud of your success so far. You've got this!!