Great South Run 30th October 2011??

Hi there MFPers
I have just entered this run taking place in Southsea U.K. Are there any other MFPers out there that are doing this one? Maybe we can support each other. The furthest I have run up til now is 10k but I hear that this is mainly a flat course so hopefully I'll survive!!

Feel free to reply to me or 'friend request' me if you want to share training ups and downs.




  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    I'm doing this. I haven't run at all yet so it's a huge challenge. Building up fitness at the moment and then going to start running at the end of April.I can see me walking some but I'll get there. Friend request sent
  • Delboy1961
    Im thinking of doing this , Im doing 10k in Bristol in May then maybe looking to increase mileage to do a half