Reeces Pieces - my weakness

Last Sunday I bought 5 43g bags of Reeces Pieces - I had been searching for these for sooooo long in England and couldnt find them anywhere!
Sainsburys had a big box full so I bught 6 and gave 1 bag to my brother in law -today is Saturday and they are ALL gone!
Thats over 1000 extra calories this week that I didnt have to eat but I chose to and now I feel so guilty and mad at myself because I didnt have to eat them.....
I have been poorly for the past 2 days and have used that as an excuse as to why I ate the last 2 bags - it was like I was trying to find an excuse for me wanting them or trying to justify that in some way - that would take me over an hour in the pool or on the cross trainer to burn them off - and god only knows what the fat and sugar content in them is!!!
Nobody foced me to eat them - it was of my own free will - BUT WHY DID I GIVE IN SO EASILY?!! I have been so good since 22nd Feb and this feels like a major flaw in my journey........ Its honestly as if I can feel the pounds piling back on and I only need to lose 1 more before I have lost my first stone...... I just hope I ahvent messed that up. Hindsight is a wonderful thing!!

Does anyone else have anything to share along the same lines of this? Have you worked really hard to shift weight and then been reckless with calories and felt awful afterwards?


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    ET would have done the same thing, so it isn't just you.

    Don't beat yourself up. Just try your best not to do it again. It doesn't matter why it happened, so long as it doesn't happen all the time. Just stop. You can do it - you're stronger than you think.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
  • Aps123
    Aps123 Posts: 71 Member
    we all have something or (things) that make us feel week. all you can do is learn and move forward. i have gotten off track with meals or had bad days but take thats as a lesson and remember how you felt afterward that helps for me sometimes. it may taste good for a minute but how much longer do you feel bad about it. its a mindset and it doesnt change easily. temptation will always be there in some way sometimes you will give in but thats life. moderation is the key :) let this make you stronger and continue with your head up! good luck!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Last week, I broke down and ate a Culver's frozen custard -- a very small scoop of their flavor of the day. When I logged it, it was 700 calories -- OUCH! I guess I should have logged it before -- perhaps I could have had a bigger sundae somewhere else.

    I did feel guilty about it for a stretch, but then figured it was a special treat, picked myself up and got back on track the next day.

    I had also read a success story from a woman who regularly had "cheat" days, and it was only when she incorporated those, that she started losing weight. I haven't gone to that point of specifically incorporating a cheat day into my diet, but it made me feel so much better that I could have a slip up one day, and it wouldn't hurt.

    And I like Reeces, too!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    My weakness is crunchy Doritos, corn chips, popcorn. I find if I don't buy it I can't it eat it. It is not easy, just continue to eat right the rest of the day. You are only human. :smile:
  • susancelli928
    Please...Mike n Ikes, peanut m&ms and goobers are my weakness.especially around the time of excuse I am goin to be bloated so what the hell.. Everyone has a weakness just try not to indulge all at once
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    It's a struggle and will continue to be a struggle. Sorry if you were looking for good news.....LOL I had one day last week that I over consumed by 1000 calories (my sad day)......

    Here's the news that should help alleviate some of the guilt.....1000 calories isn't even a's not even a third of a pound......You'll see a gain from the sugar and the sodium, but it won't be in fat. Watch what you eat and go easy on yourself. It will happen again and next time you'll know what to do
  • missduffbug
    missduffbug Posts: 217
    well its good to know I am not the only one~! And pleased to hear that it isnt even a pound - but yes I shall indeed remember how I felt and I wont be doing it again - I dont even know why I bought them! I should have just walked past the chocolate aisle to be honest!!
  • kirstinkrueger
    that was so me and coconut MMs... i finally found some and today and i can not stop eating them. Now I know why I don;t buy them haha if they are around I will eat it
  • nicolagh
    nicolagh Posts: 4 Member
    I can say I've definitely been down this road. My weakness foods are white rice, any chocolate candy with caramel and the worst of them all is pizza. Don't be so hard on yourself, you are probably like me and trying to change a lifetime's worth of habits and weaknesses. My family always had carb filled foods and pastry cakes around, so they still remind me of happy memories as an adult. Try to add a little extra time to working out to help offset the indulgence and you'll be able to negate the moment. We all have tough times....hang in there and put yourself first in regards to gaining your focus back. :happy:
  • missduffbug
    missduffbug Posts: 217
    The thing is - I do work REALLY hard in the gym and pool nearly every day - I walk lots too. I exercise all the time but am just worried that its gonna have damaged my hard work - mind you - i shouldnt have been so silly in the first place haha.
    Also - I am pretty big - just over 17 stone now and even before I ate the reeces pieces, I feel like I am taking a long time to lose pounds..... I know large people usually lose it quicker than people that are lighter/slimmer - I wonder if my body is just getting used to its new regieme and will soon kickstart - reeces pieces arent gonna of helped matters though!
  • mk820
    mk820 Posts: 137 Member
    honest, it isn't a failure, it's a blip