Just joined

Hello everyone,

I just joined this site after following a link posted by someone who has had a lot of success here. From looking around, I'm not sure how many guys have actually joined this site...haha...but I thought I'd go ahead and join anyway.

When I first started my weight loss journey, I was at 400lbs. I made it down to around 280 and have been stuck here for about 6 months. My goal weight is 240-230.

Here is a progress picture:


I'm looking forward to loosing those last 40 pounds!



  • chnkydnknmomma
    Welcome! And wow, great job so far. I haven't seen too many guys on this site either, but I will tell you that the girls are fantastically supportive and inspirational! :bigsmile:
  • foodjunky
    Way to go! I joined yesterday and am encouraged by the postings that I have read so far.
  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    Great job! I'm in it to drop 60 myself. Hope I can do as well as you've done. Welcome to the community.
  • cinseattle
    Thanks for the welcome!

    It is encouraging that so many people are here for the same reasons. Good luck all!
  • Startingover71
    Congrats on the weight loss to date, that is amazing!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    wow! well done on your loss so far, very inspiring! good luck to losing the last few pounds :)