What's wrong with REAL bacon?



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I disagree. Because of the heart attack I had at 37 I have to watch my cholesterol intake. Thankfully, it's lower now but I also take a medication for it. I do better eating egg whites sanz the yoke. I was eating 2 eggs before but it just sucked up all my fat and cholesterol points and left me lacking later in the day for choices I liked. In the end I alternate between egg white breakfast and oatmeal with fruit.

    Are you aware that the more cholesterol you eat the less your body makes, therefore your cholesterol will drop.

    Egg yolks do not cause high cholesterol nor do they contribute to heart disease or heart attacks. That is old outdated information.

    The inflammation is most likely caused from too much sugar, starches and grains.

    I am so glad that my dad has a sensible heart doctor and has him on a grain free, sugar free diet and he eats whole eggs every single day with BACON!! My dad's doctor has a degree in Naturopathic nutrition and is also a cardiologist, there fore he puts his patients on a whole foods plan which includes plentiful proteins, fats, vegetables, and some fruit.

    His heart is actually repairing itself and the scarring is healing too.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I disagree. Because of the heart attack I had at 37 I have to watch my cholesterol intake. Thankfully, it's lower now but I also take a medication for it. I do better eating egg whites sanz the yoke. I was eating 2 eggs before but it just sucked up all my fat and cholesterol points and left me lacking later in the day for choices I liked. In the end I alternate between egg white breakfast and oatmeal with fruit.

    Are you aware that the more cholesterol you eat the less your body makes, therefore your cholesterol will drop.

    Egg yolks do not cause high cholesterol nor do they contribute to heart disease or heart attacks. That is old outdated information.

    The inflammation is most likely caused from too much sugar, starches and grains.

    I am so glad that my dad has a sensible heart doctor and has him on a grain free, sugar free diet and he eats whole eggs every single day with BACON!! My dad's doctor has a degree in Naturopathic nutrition and is also a cardiologist, there fore he puts his patients on a whole foods plan which includes plentiful proteins, fats, vegetables, and some fruit.

    His heart is actually repairing itself and the scarring is healing too.
    I'm happy to hear about your father and his heart. My father died at the age of 51 of a heart attack. And my mother is on a pace maker. As you can see I got the best genes in the world! lol.

    Anywho. 24 grams of fat per egg. I'd rather use those points other places. I am not an EGG HATER by any means. I have about 2 eggs a day about 3 times a week actually. I like to make deviled eggs with lowfat mayo. Oh man, to die for. But if I know I want a particular meal later that's higher in fat, I have to cut it somewhere. So it's easier for me to have eggs whites or oatmeal for breakfast. I still have real bacon though. Also my cholesterol has been normal thankfully! That's the one thing I've got under control right away.

    So for me. Eating egg whites works. And eating regular eggs a few times a week is about as much as I plan to do. I'd rather spend those fat grams on dinner to be honest. That's when I really need to get some energy in me.
  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member
    yeah - I tried turkey bacon once trying to make a healthy choice. When you really look at the turkey "bacon" and realize what they had to do it to even TRY to look like bacon, let alone taste like bacon...I tried a few slices and then threw out the rest!

    I will stick to whole foods that are processed the least for my body.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    its not a brilliant choice of meat healthwise. Highly processed, salty and carcinogenic, but it sure tastes good, and caloriewise its not too bad
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Love me some bacon...on green beans...with smokies...baked beans...with eggs.! The only way I was able to eat the turkey bacon was in TBLT form(that's turkey talk for BLT). The tomatoes and lettuce helped somehow!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    in australia, we don't even have a product called turkey bacon on our shelves... and if we did, i'm pretty sure i wouldn't even buy it.... sounds wrong!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    its not a brilliant choice of meat healthwise. Highly processed, salty and carcinogenic, but it sure tastes good, and caloriewise its not too bad

    That is why we get farm fresh uncured bacon that is not processed at all and taste better than the processed bacon in the grocery stores.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    LMAO this thread is awesome! I'm a bacon fanatic but I don't keep it in the house anymore because I cannot stop at 2 slices. Sometimes it's hard to stop at 4. >___< Turkey bacon does NOT taste like real bacon but it doesn't taste like death to me either lol. I don't mind it. It's not bacon. Not bacon at all but I also can have 2 pieces and be fine. I think bacon is a trigger food for me. I went through a chocolate with bacon stage for a while too. EEEEK! SO bad for you. I'll have bacon on a chicken sandwich or something maybe once a month when we go out. Other than that I pretty much avoid it. You guys are making me want to go buy a pack though... hahaha
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    I personally prefer the taste of turkey/chicken bacon over real bacon. I agree that they do not taste the same, but I find the taste and texture of chicken or turkey bacon preferrable to me. When I was a kid I liked real bacon a lot, then I didn't have it for a while and then my parents made turkey/chicken bacon and that's all we ate at my house, so now real bacon just seems wrong. I LOVE turkey/chicken bacon - like, will eat 15 slices in one go I adore it so (I realize that's not good at all, but this was also before I started my weight loss journey).
  • herbalgirl011
    What kind of turkey bacon have you been eating? Some brands are gross. I've been eating turkey bacon for probably about 10 years. If its not cooked right its awful. I buy Louis Rich or Butterball. I've also eating beef bacon which is too salty for my taste.
    I don't eat "real bacon" pork bacon because I don't eat any pork. It was my personal choice to stop eating it at the age of 12. I think alot of people choose not to eat pork bacon anymore because its mostly fat and grease.
  • herbalgirl011
    I disagree. Because of the heart attack I had at 37 I have to watch my cholesterol intake. Thankfully, it's lower now but I also take a medication for it. I do better eating egg whites sanz the yoke. I was eating 2 eggs before but it just sucked up all my fat and cholesterol points and left me lacking later in the day for choices I liked. In the end I alternate between egg white breakfast and oatmeal with fruit.

    Are you aware that the more cholesterol you eat the less your body makes, therefore your cholesterol will drop.

    Egg yolks do not cause high cholesterol nor do they contribute to heart disease or heart attacks. That is old outdated information.

    The inflammation is most likely caused from too much sugar, starches and grains.

    I am so glad that my dad has a sensible heart doctor and has him on a grain free, sugar free diet and he eats whole eggs every single day with BACON!! My dad's doctor has a degree in Naturopathic nutrition and is also a cardiologist, there fore he puts his patients on a whole foods plan which includes plentiful proteins, fats, vegetables, and some fruit.

    His heart is actually repairing itself and the scarring is healing too.

    I've been reading these posts. I think the key here is that certain things don't work for everyone. Everyones problems are different. Myself personally when I stopped eating so many egg yolks and started just using the white, my cholesterol did improve natural.(I refused to keep taking pills for it). I don't use the boxed kind but I do use real eggs. I also lowered my fatty meat intake. I am diabetic as well but cutting out sugars 100% will harm me more than help. I am so happy for you and you dad that he is ok. We all have to remember that doctors base treatments on age,sex, weight, gender, and all different types of individual health issues.:smile:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    ive only ever tried one type of turkey bacon - bernard matthews - yeah i know, crap crap, but it tasted fine. Not a lot unlike normal bacon, and i liked the fact i dont have to pick or chop bits of fat out of it. I hate bacon fat
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I disagree. Because of the heart attack I had at 37 I have to watch my cholesterol intake. Thankfully, it's lower now but I also take a medication for it. I do better eating egg whites sanz the yoke. I was eating 2 eggs before but it just sucked up all my fat and cholesterol points and left me lacking later in the day for choices I liked. In the end I alternate between egg white breakfast and oatmeal with fruit.

    Are you aware that the more cholesterol you eat the less your body makes, therefore your cholesterol will drop.

    Egg yolks do not cause high cholesterol nor do they contribute to heart disease or heart attacks. That is old outdated information.

    The inflammation is most likely caused from too much sugar, starches and grains.

    I am so glad that my dad has a sensible heart doctor and has him on a grain free, sugar free diet and he eats whole eggs every single day with BACON!! My dad's doctor has a degree in Naturopathic nutrition and is also a cardiologist, there fore he puts his patients on a whole foods plan which includes plentiful proteins, fats, vegetables, and some fruit.

    His heart is actually repairing itself and the scarring is healing too.

    I've been reading these posts. I think the key here is that certain things don't work for everyone. Everyones problems are different. Myself personally when I stopped eating so many egg yolks and started just using the white, my cholesterol did improve natural.(I refused to keep taking pills for it). I don't use the boxed kind but I do use real eggs. I also lowered my fatty meat intake. I am diabetic as well but cutting out sugars 100% will harm me more than help. I am so happy for you and you dad that he is ok. We all have to remember that doctors base treatments on age,sex, weight, gender, and all different types of individual health issues.:smile:

    Actually there is an eating plan that will work for every single one of us. That is ditching the processed foods (anything from a box or carton) and go back to eating WHOLE, Natural foods.

    This is where eating whole eggs, getting fats from natural sources, fruits and veggies and quality meats comes into play.

    I am also diabetic and cutting out sugars is the #1 thing that you should do. More protein and fats to stabilize insulin levels. There is no need to have sugar in a Diabetic diet except for what occurs naturally in fruits and veggies and even fruit intake should be kept to a treat or dessert type option.

    My doctor and my dad's doctor have both said if people would get back to the basics half of the ailments and diseases they see would not be occurring.
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I tried turkey bacon once....no thanks! When I crave bacon I have REAL bacon. A couple pieces of bacon now and then aren't going to kill you. I also use REAL butter when I want butter. Everything in moderation! I must say though....I have become addicted to olive oil. I used to have a habit of dipping pretzels or saltines into the butter dish. Now....to get my dose of HEALTHY fat...I use an ounce of pretzels and 2 teaspoons of olive oil and dip the pretzels in the oil. Or else I use an Arnold's Multi Grain Sandwich Thin cut in quarters and a tablespoon of olive oil and dip the bread in the oil. Yummy!
  • AmandaHammill
    AmandaHammill Posts: 125 Member
    I found this thread just like a pound of bacon...I had to read every post in the thread just like I'd want to eat every slice in the package! I love bacon and used to eat quite a lot of it but it's not something I'll cook for myself anymore (I just pinch 1/2 a slice off my husband's plate once in a while and inhale the aroma of it cooking).
    I have nothing against bacon in general but have made a personal choice to not eat highly processed meats, particularly smoked meats because of the nitrates. Even if you buy it from the butcher you still can't avoid nitrates (at least I don't think so, I could be wrong...never really researched it as I figured,, since I'm a bacon glutton I don't need a reason to go back to eating it).
    In general I've pretty much given up purchasing pork products and now only buy grain fed, antibiotic free other types of meats. I watched a documentary called 'Food Inc' (which I would recommend anyone watch) and when I saw the life of pigs and cows on giant feed lots I couldn't eat meat at all for a couple of weeks. Couldn't give it up completely, but decided I'd support my local family farms instead. That said, I'm hoping hubs going to have a late Sunday brunch so I can inhale some more of that heavenly aroma (hard not to be a hippocrite when it comes to bacon!)
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    woah. I totally quoted the wrong amount of fat in an egg. My bad!

    Anywho, yes each person reacts differently to foods. As a Diabetic we need to watch our carb intake as much as sugars. And as a member on a Dibatic forum, I've found that all Diabetics react differently to different foods. I've found that following my meter is what has helped me figure out those foods. And I think I'll go along with what my doctor has prescribed for me.

    Also I too am trying to limit my pork. For now it's just bacon I can't resist. My fiance is Muslim and well..no pork is allowed!

    As to Grokette, Girl you seem to have a good amount of wise advise. But you are coming off like a food nazi. No one is gonna hear it.

    I'm eating egg whites.
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I just had 4 slices of bacon for breakfast....mmmmmmmmmm! I was only planning on having 2 slices but....they were small and I couldn't stop at just 2! I had an apple too so, it wasn't all bad.....lol!