Day 1- New Start!

Hi Everyone!

Today is my first day, my dr said it would be good writing down everything I eat. So here we go! Hoping to lose weight and get into amazing shape. Im been working for about 3mths, but I was told the scale was not moving, due to what Im eating. My biggest problem is portion control, let see if this will make a difference. Have to remind myself it's 70% mental!

Q :)


  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Welcome! I too have issues with portion control...tracking everything on MFP has really opened my eyes to how much food I was eating, and that it wasn't nearly as healthy as I thought it's a really helpful tool to track your calorie intake and exercise.

    Feel free to "friend" me if you like.

  • casey1974
    casey1974 Posts: 18
    Welcome! I love this site. It's as addicting as Facebook. Good luck to you!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    I think we all have a problem with portions because whenever we go out to eat the portions tend to be huge so we think that's normal (and healthy!) Take a look at the packet of whatever you're going to eat and see what the recommended portion is of that food - with something like pasta, cous cous and rice the portion is surprisingly small compared to what we're used to. Start using that recommended portion, your calories will come down and so will your weight. Worked for me! Good luck x
  • KelRed
    KelRed Posts: 30
    Welcome! The main reason I got on MFP is for portion control too! I feel the same way as Ellen! MFP has really opened my eyes to what I am eating. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to "friend" me as well!

  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Good for you on a new start ... You'll soon get into it ... Me and my boyfriend were quite shocked how much we used to eat befor MFP .. It certainly makes you think more ... Its great to log the exercise and see how you are doing !! I hope you succeed .
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Welcome! I love this site. It's as addicting as Facebook. Good luck to you!

    I totally agree ..... I'm completely addicted :happy: :laugh:
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi this is my New Start of Day 1...LOL I currently weight about 196. Wow written it out and seeing it (my weight visually) lets me know I definitely need to do something about my weight before its too late. I'm not going to lie I do look overweight. I hope this will be a good and best start for me. It's time for a change.
  • qtilghman
    qtilghman Posts: 12 Member
    Thx Ellen!!! Good to hear its been helpful :)
  • qtilghman
    qtilghman Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Laylah, u are bold and brave, im not giving going to say my how much I weigh lol.... I believe we can do this!
  • qtilghman
    qtilghman Posts: 12 Member
    Thx u Casey!!! I need to be addictive to it !:smile:
  • qtilghman
    qtilghman Posts: 12 Member
    Thx u Sullyboo!
  • qtilghman
    qtilghman Posts: 12 Member

    1st congrats on ur weight lost, u look great!
    Thx u for the tip, Im going to try that!
  • qtilghman
    qtilghman Posts: 12 Member
    Thx u Kelred!
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
    Thank you Q. I'm just honestly tired of being overweight..and not taking care of myself. I take care of everyone and everything. I think its time to focus on me and do something better for myself that will make me happy at the end. :tongue: Brave/bold lol not me. Daring at times but not brave or bold. :blushing: