depressed about food!

I honestly hate myself for cheating so badly this weekend while I was away. I obviously gained a few pounds but I am not going to look at the scale until friday. This just means I will have to work extra hard this week on my meals and workout habbits..

Any suggestions? Should I eat less calories to make up for my terrible "sins" this weekend ?


  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140
    No just eat lots of the good stuff and exersize hard! :) good luck!
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    Don't feel depressed, we all do it from time to time. Just do a lot more exercise this week and I'm sure you'll be fine, but whatever you do don't go under your calories it's not healthy
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    Do not hate yourself!!
    So you took a little food vacation, who cares? Don't beat yourself up over's like crying over spilled milk...
    Just reboot now that you're home and any weight you MAY have gained will come back off with the rest of it.
    You are here aren't ya? That right there says you're dedicated to making yourself healthier.
    Ease up on yourself, everyone enjoys to eat (I give myself a free day every week or I'd go INSANE LOL) and you being here says that you acknowledge your love for food and want to find a healthier way to have it love you back.
    You're doing an amazing job!
    Keep it up!! :)
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Nah just carry on and get back on the horse!

    When I have bad weekends I start fresh Monday and drink as much water as I possibly can. It may be purely mental but it feels good to be flushing out the bad stuff.
  • ndking21
    ndking21 Posts: 24 Member
    girl i'm not the right person to give advice on this topic because i'm that girl almost every weekend. however, i look at each day as a new beginning. so instead of giving up like i used to do when i see a gain, i just try again the next day. so keep on pushing. @thaikaren congrats on quitting smoking
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I went a little over board this weekend too but I plan to get back to it on Monday by exercising and eating more fruits and veggies.
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    No worries, it's extremely doubtful you gained a few pounds from one bad weekend :tongue:. Gaining even a single pound of actual fat is challenging in two days. Think of it this way - you'd have to eat 3500 calories in addition to your maintenance level... that means everything you eat day-to-day PLUS something like (for visual reference) 35 fried cheese sticks.

    You probably just have a lot of bloat and water-weight, don't be so hard on yourself :). A weekend with the boys does the same thing to me; it's nothing to beat yourself up over. Just get back on your diet, exercise, and drink plenty of water. Within two or three days you'll be back to normal, no worse for the weekend. Losing weight is about your long-term habits, not a bad weekend here or there :)
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    Don't feel bad..I too had a bad weekend..But tomorrow is a new day:)
  • emily859
    emily859 Posts: 38
    Unless you ate over 3500 EXTRA calories, there's no way you gained actual weight. If anything, you might have some additional water retention. Just focus on eating really healthy this week and exercise a little harder and you will be fine. I promise!

    I was traveling and I indulged this weekend too. I enjoyed every second!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    we have to live and enjoy life. so what we go off and eat what we want once in awhile! it's all good.. as long as u get back on track and excercise a little harder, you will be fine. i do that too once in awhile. no biggie!
  • ykondo
    ykondo Posts: 38
    I did the exact same thing! I went overboard this weekend but start fresh on Monday. We can do this!
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I had a cheat day yesterday and I kinda thought I ate more than I should have! I thought I would have gained quite a few pounds but it ended up being only one pound and I didn't feel so bad after that! Just remember that losing weight is a journey and a change of lifestyle. You're not going to lose all the weight at once, so focus more on the journey and the learning process than on what you did wrong. You didn't learn bad habits over night and you're not going to learn good ones overnight either! It's ok to give yourself a break now and then, just make it a point to exercise and burn off those extra calories if you so choose!
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    I think we've all been there. I'm in a constant battle with myself not to judge myself so harshly. So try to be kind to yourself. And listen to everyone, don't purposely cut back as "make-up", just see tomorrow as another day. If you have time and energy to work out a little more great. And I was told it's best not to eat the exact number of calories everyday, but try to average for the week, so if you're a little less hungry one day, that's okay to be a little under, and if you're really hungry another day, it's okay to be a bit over. It's "intuitive eating", eating in response to listening to your body, hunger, and the fuel it needs from day to day. Hot days usually make me want to eat a lot less, other days I'm more hungry all day. Then there are a the craving days, but I won't even go there, we all know what that is like!! If any of us has been thin without working at it at a point in our lives, think back to that, you just ate what you needed and it was not an issue, I work on trying to get myself back there mentally. Before food was so loaded with emotion and judgement.