Trying to keep healthy eating while away from home

This coming week I will be traveling to meet up with some old friends for a "Gal's get away" for three days. One of the ladies I spoke with is bringing homemade coffee cake, a bunch of drink mixers and we will be eating dinners out. I told my "coffee cake" friend to please not get offended but I would not be eating any as I am trying to stick to my daily calories and healthier eating. I figured if I gave her a "heads up" she wouldn't pressure me about eating it.

I do all the cooking of meals at home and have not eaten out since January so I could control what goes in the foods as they are prepared. I am looking for any suggestions on food choices while eating out.

As far as the other meals go, I have packed cereal, peanut butter, tuna, crackers (instead of bread), and homemade trail mix. I will also be taking yogurt, bananas and Almond Milk. These ladies are all about the eating and drinking so I'm trying to cover my bases with healthy snacks. I know I will be having wine and I just want to be able to control the "damage" of this get together as far as hurting all the good progress I've made.

Any ideas would be appreciated :)


  • emyback68
    emyback68 Posts: 89
    The best advice I have is portion control. There are going to be times when there are just no good choices, so you will be forced to eat something that you normally wouldn't. Just don't eat a full portion. When I was away, I researched restaurants to see their menu ahead of time, and tried to pick something close to what I would eat. I also brought MFP with me and researched those restaurant foods so I was prepared re the amount of calories. Healthy snacks are always great too, it is good that you are bringing them.

    But don't be so obsessed with calories that you miss out on the good time with your girlfriends! Moments like those are few and far between (we have every day to diet!)

    Hope it is a good week for you!
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308
    Ask for dressing on the side of any salad you order. Ask for veggies instead of fries, or a half portion of something. Ask someone to split a dinner with you if either of you are not super hungry. Sounds like a lot of fun. I don't think you should kill yourself counting calories, have fun, but be smart about what you eat. Don't order a full dessert, split with someone, or just ask for a bite of someone else's. Drink a lot of water. Also, you could take some of that fiber stuff you put in water and drink it before you go out to eat so that you have something bulky in your stomach when you get the menu. Have a blast. Girl time is great.
  • imgonnadoit123
    imgonnadoit123 Posts: 49 Member
    I think all your pre-planning will pay off. Your gal pals may tempt you with food but they will respect what you're doing if YOU stick to it and just open up and say it's hard for you to be doing this and you could use their support. It doesn't make you any less fun to hang out with.
  • einysmom
    einysmom Posts: 3
    Hi, My husband is on the road for two months and has been keeping up great. There are lots of lower calories options at restaurants. He loves the chili and baked potato at Wendy's. McDonald's has oatmeal for breakfast. Panera's is great because it has the calories right on the menu. That aside you can eat almost any restaurant or event- the real key is portion control! When I know I am going to be at an event with unhealthy choices I just cut way back on the amount of food that I eat and find time to go for an early morning run to build up my calorie allotment. Get those girls out for a power walk in the morning or evening, ya'll will have a great time!
  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    Thanks so much for replying.
    Emy- I will try to keep in mind the portion control. Sounds like a smart way to go since the restaurants we will be going to are all family run (not chains) so I couldn't get nutritional info anyway. I know I won't be obsessed with the calorie counting but one of the girls is a major fast food/junk eater/fattening cocktail drinker so I am trying to get my head in a strong place to not get pulled in to that.

    Knelson- I like the dressing on the side idea. I think I will pick up some jug water to take so I don't have to drink tap water the entire time.

    imgonna- Thanks :) One gal in particular will be hounding me with the "you only live once" speeches but she has always eaten very Unhealthy so I will take your advice. She knows I have been working hard at this so if it gets to be too much I can just say, "I feel so much better since I've begun this journey so I appreciated you understanding that I am happy with my new daily choices to meet my goals." You are so right also that I'm still a blast and I don't talk (bore) anyone with my journey outside this wonderful forum, I just live it now! LOL Your "pep talk" made me smile!

    Einysmom- I think you and Emy are right on with the portion control. I will keep that in mind. Too bad I can't carry around the smaller Luncheon size plate I use as my dinner plate and ask the restaurant to put my food on it! LOL I'm hoping the weather will be nice so we can walk the boardwalk and beach. If the girls aren't up for it, I have no problem hitting the beach for a run while they are resting. :) I am hoping the place has a gym so I will pack my exercise clothes in case.

    Thanks so much!