Is this stupid?

I was thinking today. Lately I've been looking around at other people who are skinnier than me, and I been feeling like I might not feel as attractive if I lose weight. I mean, I'm like 170 and 5'3, but I've been this weight for so long, that idk if I would like being that skinny. I'm certainly going to try and see how I feel, but it's just something I was thinking about.

ALSO, I decided to give up weighing myself for Lent. It's difficult, but I think it might help me not stress out as much because I used to weigh myself everyday, even when I wasn't logging my food. I just get obsessed, so I decided to try to stick with MFP, and see if I can stay motivated without weighing myself. Plus, I can't sneak a weigh-in, because I left my scale at home on purpose!


  • Aintplayin
    Aintplayin Posts: 102
    I feel that way too sometimes. I feel like if I lose weight, I'm going to look funny. It's like my weight has become my identity or something. I don't think it's stupid but I'm wondering if it's a way to subconsciously sabotage yourself... at least I think that for me. If I think I will look better with the weight, then I have already won even though I'm not happy with it. For me, I feel like it's an excuse to for me not change.

    Does that make any sense or am I just babbling???
  • treekins
    treekins Posts: 73 Member
    Nope, not stupid! I was up between 150 and 165 for a loooong time, and when I lost all the weight, there was a long transition period where I didn't like the attention I got, I felt at odds with the new attitude people had towards me, and I just wasn't USED to the way I looked in the mirror!
    For me, focusing on how much better I felt, and eventually learning to be confident in my look and myself made all the difference. Remember - you deserve to be at your healthiest, and it's hard work to get there! Once you acclimatize, you don't ever want to go back.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i was @ 178-ish when i started mfp, and am also 5'3''..i wanted to be content with that, because the mere thought of working to get skinny was just horiffic...i am currently @ 166, and FEEL better, and am looking better too..just think, when you get skinny and look fabulous, you will think back to how you could have ever let yourself get to that weight..go for it's not stupid, just what you are used to, i get it, but imagine all the things you will be able to do, and wear, and all the " skinny girl " of luck, add me if you like
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    When my mom first told me that if I lost 50 lbs, she would give me $200, I thought "50 lbs? Won't I look ridiculous if I lose THAT much?" then when I started weighing myself, and realizing all the places I needed to lose the pounds from, I realized that not only will I look better, but my entire body will be healthier. Your organs will LOVE you when you shed all that extra fat.
  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
    I think that as your losing weight, the moment you look in the mirror and feel attractive is where you need to stop. Because as long as you feel attractive then thats what matters most. It doesn't matter if your as skinny as some girls it matters that your as skinny as you want to be. As long as you love your body, everyone else will too. :)
  • PennyRiha
    PennyRiha Posts: 15
    I have felt that way, too, in the past. I think it's why I regained all the lbs. I lost previously to last yr because I couldn't come to terms with my new body. I did that several times. However, this time, I feel I have conquered that feeling and who I am is a skinnier me. I will never be model size, but I am very comfortable weighing what I do & being a size 7/8. DO IT! You are making excuses! You will feel better, have more energy, be healthier & nothing will be able to stop you if you conquer this demon!!!!