Looking for support...

Looking for friends thats not trying to top out there friend list.. I call them Real friends.. No phonys.. Not into all the WTG, good job, nice work.. Just be Real with me and I WILL MOST DEFINITLY be TRUE and HONEST WITH YOU.. Not here for popularity votes.. IM HERE TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT LOG IN MY FOOD AND EXERCISE AND SAY HELLO.. hope i wasn't to harsh.. I'm really a nice guy...Thanks.


  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    Sometimes you need to give a WTG or good job. If the person has had a good day or done well they need you to notice what they have done.

    However the other day one of the ladies on my friends list posted she buned over 1000 calories doing 300 min of cleaning. I thought that must be a typo, but then then a week later she posted she walked for 300 min. I told her her math did not add up. 300 min is 5 hours! I think she was padding her exercise to make it look like her calories were not over for the day. She is only hurting herself.

    you can friend me if you want

    Good luck on your journey!
  • lauriallen
    First of all welcome to MFP it's been a rewarding program for me and it's my first week doing it. Second of all you'll get lots of support here but I have to be honest with you, I have no problem being support for you but somedays you may only get "awesome job" from me cause I am extremely busy with my career, family and well me getting healthy. If you've had a bad day and need support of course I can do that, that's not a problem but for me I cannot be mean or tell you that your not doing this right or that right, I don't believe that is anyones place. This journey that your taking (as am I) is one that you can only control, no one else. You have to have the "I am going to make this happen" attitude (which I think you do) and make it happen. From my first week on here all the friends I have aquired have left me notes, some of which might only be one word "great" or even "WTG" and that's ok. So to make a long blurb short, I am here if you want to add me as a friend. Just thought I'd let you know ahead of time, I might be a one worded girl.
    Good luck and stay strong.
  • Forlife7323
    Sometimes you need to give a WTG or good job. If the person has had a good day or done well they need you to notice what they have done.

    However the other day one of the ladies on my friends list posted she buned over 1000 calories doing 300 min of cleaning. I thought that must be a typo, but then then a week later she posted she walked for 300 min. I told her her math did not add up. 300 min is 5 hours! I think she was padding her exercise to make it look like her calories were not over for the day. She is only hurting herself.

    you can friend me if you want

    Good luck on your journey!
  • lauriallen
    Sometimes you need to give a WTG or good job. If the person has had a good day or done well they need you to notice what they have done.

    However the other day one of the ladies on my friends list posted she buned over 1000 calories doing 300 min of cleaning. I thought that must be a typo, but then then a week later she posted she walked for 300 min. I told her her math did not add up. 300 min is 5 hours! I think she was padding her exercise to make it look like her calories were not over for the day. She is only hurting herself.

    you can friend me if you want

    Good luck on your journey!

    I could not agree with you more with everything you've got written down here.
  • Forlife7323
    When i stated the WTG or good job.. i understand the whole logic clearly.. But alot of people say those things just to say them.. Don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings..
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    No feelings hurt, just wanted to point out some people need encouragement too. =]]
  • 38Gigi38
    38Gigi38 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm new to MFP, and I am loving it so far. I'm hoping to make some real friends as well. I appreciate people who are real, its becoming a rare quality. I'm very supportive and very real. I'm one of these people that if you don't want to hear the truth then don't ask my opinion and I don't tell people just what they want to hear either. Most people are put off by it, but its just the way I am. I'm tactful though, I don't say things just to hurt people. I'm serious about losing this weight, and I have a lot of weight to lose so I'll be a good supportive friend for a while if you are interested in adding me.
  • florange323
    florange323 Posts: 50 Member
    Because this is the internet, its easy to forget its a real person you're talking to. Responses turn generic and comments are rushed. That's not cool. I'm sincere and happy to have met you. <3