So disappointed...

So after gaining a few lbs back after our month long vacation, I got right on my weight loss journey again. I was so proud of myself that I was only 2 lbs away from where I was at before the vacation, I knew that by this week I would have met that goal. WELL, to my surprise after doing so good and keeping up with my diary, exercise, and calories, I was up 2lbs! WTH?! I am soooooo disappointed right now I could just cry! I even did a 3hr zumba party that was awesome and I figured would help me out in the long run. I have no idea what happened. I mean, how do you just go up 2lbs in a matter of days when you are doing all the RIGHT things? I keep telling myself it will just be better next week, but I am just so bummed that I still have not worked out this morning :/
I know in my head there could be a bunch of reasons, and that I will probably be fine, BUT it is so hard to do all this hard work and stick to my diet and see nothing. I will workout eventually today, but just sad at the moment. Anyone ever experienced that?


  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    HI your body is probably settling back after your holiday. Keep at it you start to lose again
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member
    Are you losing inches ...I experienced a week of very little movement on the scale but when I measured myself I noticed I'd lost inches all over ...sometimes you will experience a plateau or even have water retention. Your body has to get use to being back to your normal routine. Don't get discouraged ...we all go thru it. It's part of the journey. Keep focusing on healthy habits, even switch it up a little as far as what you eat, how much you eat and your workout routine (this would shock your body I'm sure) and shortly you will start to see the change in the scale ...You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • kps1104
    kps1104 Posts: 58
    thanks guys! not really seeing it in the inches either, although I did not gain any inches back, which is a good thing. gonna keep my focus and keep it up, thanks for the support :P
  • luvlifejen
    luvlifejen Posts: 7 Member
    if your exercising you could be changing fat into muscle which weighs more xx
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    Its so frustrating when this happens! I find that my body takes 2-3 weeks to show the result of any change in eating and 2-3 months to show the results of any change in exercise pattern. It may just be that you are just seeing the result of the latter part of your holiday. Keep at it and I'm sure you will see a loss next time.

    B x
  • ChunkyMag
    ChunkyMag Posts: 4 Member
    Hang it there - this week I was good just like you and gained a little as well - sometimes that just happens for various reasons but my friends tell me that I will probably see a significant weight loss next time I weigh in - Just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel and you are not alone.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i know how you feel...i am busting my butt off doing p90x(haven't had an break day in 3weeks yet i stepped on the scale this morning and my weight is up, and apparently so is my body fat!

    it could just be your body adjusting again, or you could be building a little muscle, water retention, food sat in your stomach that hasn't 'passed through' yet....there are so many different possibilities

    my only advice is to keep at it, it WILL come off eventually if you're putting in so much hard work

    also, you're exercising alot, are you eating back any of the calories you have burnt, could there be any possibility that you're not eating enough?
  • tarjake
    tarjake Posts: 56 Member
    exercise muscle weight! you hang in there, and keep doing what you are doing.
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    I mean, how do you just go up 2lbs in a matter of days when you are doing all the RIGHT things?

    Body weight fluctuates often. I have seen my own weight change 2.5lbs inside of 12 hours! The scale weighs everything--what you recently ate, the water your body is holding, your bones, organs, and yes fat too. It is not the best indicator of body fat, only one of many metrics that can be used to help you keep track.

    Also, it is just a minor, temporary setback. Nothing worth stressing over, and studies show stress hampers weight-loss.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    2lbs could easily just be fluids, you might not see this weeks work until next week as well. Dont get frustrated! Weigh yourself again in a couple of days.