SAHM 3/28-4/3



  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    hey girls

    welcome back Barb, I'm so glad he is doing better with the sippy cups! :drinker: Walking away from your 'friend' definitely sounds like the right thing to do, I hope it didn't upset you too much :flowerforyou:

    drcarrier - well done on shifting the holiday weight already, great work!

    kat - you can stay on track at your folks'! It sounds like you are preparing really well and have planned it out which is half the battle I think, plus the motivation of knowing you need to fit in that dress has got to help! I'm sure a lot of the reason I'm currently doing so well is I'm desperate to actualy be able to wear the stuff in my wardrobe! You are so right to have a housework routine too, I really should do that, its not fair how much DH still does given I'm off. I am sooo tired with all the night feeds that I must admit when a chance comes up its just too easy to sit on my bum and come on here :blushing:

    We don't have cracker barrel or that other restaurant over here, they sound nice and lethal though - yum!

    I am planning a splurge on sunday as its Mothering Sunday (do you guys have it to? Or is it a different time of year there? I know Russia celebrate it on International Womens Day). Anyway, we are going to buy a dinner for all 4 of us in Marks & Spencer and I'm not going to enforce my healthy stuff on them and will eat whatever they pick out for us. I'm therefore currently trying to eat 2/300 per day under target. I blubbed like a baby when I picked the boys up as my 4 year old had got a perfect daffodil and made me a card and the 2 year old had also done a card and painted a little wooden flower bless them :love: My childminder had also given me a just gorgeous pic of the 2 of them sat together on a tractor, I absolutely love it :love: :love: :love:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks for the kind words. i made it thru yesterday and today w/o giving in to the junk. while i didn't eat very well balanced today, i am still in my cals and didn't have the ice cream or cookies. so i'm pleased.
    and i made it ONe WHOLE month without baking!! woohoo!!

    passover is in april--so there will be some sweets at that time. at least for the 2 seders. but other than that, i have no special holidays to bake for, so i will try again for a no bake month.

    i know that for me to really lose this 20# i will need to seriously exercise 5days/week. for rt now, i'm coasting again and then will start after we are in the house for a week. at least that is today's plan. i don't want to let april slide by without bumping up my efforts.
    another +--i just got back from the homeschool ice skate session. FUN! i skated around with dd for 50 minutes. not necessarily fast for all of it, but i did use those muscles! can't wait to do it again next month :)

    shoppie--mother's day is in may here. how sweet what your lo's made for you. enjoy!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Shoppie ~ Happy Mum's Day!! We have ours May 8th :) And really don't worry about the house! You just had a baby, who is still eating in the middle of the night, take it easy for a few more months ;)

    Stacey ~ Congrats on one month without baking, I know how hard that must have been for you! Good luck during Passover!

    Went to a baby shower yesterday and consumed way too many calories in one sitting, yikes! Hoping today will be a little better, but not likely since I am having a Mary Kay party with cake balls, spinach dip, and beer bread LOL I'll still get a workout in and start fresh Monday! I should take a new ab picture...with the situp challenge there is a little more definition there! YEAH!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Oh cake balls are lethal!

    I'm down another 1.6 this week. We got take out Friday night that I have no idea how many cals it was, but it was small portions and I ate half one day then half the next. The true challenge this week will be staying at my parents' again, last time I didn't do so well. Plus the trip to Cracker Barrel will be then. I'm hoping I can get a run in while R naps, though even if she doesn't I'm sure my mom won't mind watching her :laugh: AF is due next week so already weigh in has the potential to be scary!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    sorry to post and run but unfortunately my DD was admitted to hospital yesterday with acute bronchitis. We are hoping to be allowed gradual release from tomorrow as she is already much better in herself from the oxygen they have been giving her (so basically I can be at home inbetween going to hospital for medication/ oxygen and suction (reoving all the gunk from her lungs - niiiiiiiiiice). she hasn't been well but tbh I thought it was just a cold - oops.

    Hope you are all groovy :flowerforyou:
  • So I have been totally MIA for the last month, I know horrible. :embarassed:
    I am just going to mark this so I can jump back in tomorrow morning when the new one starts.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    sorry to post and run but unfortunately my DD was admitted to hospital yesterday with acute bronchitis. We are hoping to be allowed gradual release from tomorrow as she is already much better in herself from the oxygen they have been giving her (so basically I can be at home inbetween going to hospital for medication/ oxygen and suction (reoving all the gunk from her lungs - niiiiiiiiiice). she hasn't been well but tbh I thought it was just a cold - oops.

    Hope you are all groovy :flowerforyou:
    Oh poor thing! I'm glad she's feeling better. R has had a nasty cough since Thursday, I'm actually planning on calling tomorrow. It started as a cold, but her nose has stopped running and she still has a horrible phlegmy cough. Time for warmer weather!!
  • abbyph311
    abbyph311 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I just joined yesterday! I have 2 kids ages 8 and 5. They are in school now but I was lucky enough to get to stay home with them and watch them grow up until now. Please add me, I need good motivating friends :)
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