How can this be?

I started my period last Thursday. I was so afraid to weigh in on Saturday as I thougt I was going to gain weight/water weight. I weigh in anyways and was so happy that I lost 2 pounds. 150.2 was my weight on Saturday.

I had a funeral on Saturday and Sunday. I ran the whole kitchen, I am asain so our funerals are huge. We had about 2000 people that we cooked for each day. I wore my HRM and on Saturday, the calories burned was 5498 for 14 hours of standing, cooking, cleaning, sweating, chopping, plate table setting, you name it, I did it. So I figure I didn't eat that much, logged everything and came up with less than 2000 calories.

On Sunday, did the same thing. Burned closed to the same amount, ate closed to the same amount. And my period is ending. I weigh in this morning, and I am 155 pounds. GAINED 4.8 pounds! How is that possible?

I didn't drink as much water as I usaully do because I didn't want to bother running to the bathroom while cooking. I may drink less than 5 cups a day compare to 10-12 cups.

Any expaination will help. I just hate to think that what has taken me over 2 weeks to lose, I gained it all back in 2 days.


  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate up to 5 pounds from morning until night, so weighing in after only a few days isn't all that reliable. Also, the calories burned over 14 hours include some of your daily calories burned (without exercise). So, in reality, if your daily goal is 1200 and you burned 5000, you don't actually get the entire 6200 (I know you didn't do this anyway). However, the long hours and increase food can cause you to retain water. Give it a couple days, then weigh in. It will be more accurate.
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    You have water retention DURING your period. - As your Period might be ending, it's not over yet. Once it's fully over it will take at least 3days to lose all the water that you gained during that time. - That time of the month can make you gain anywhere from 5-10lbs, so I wouldn't worry about it to much! Just keep doing what your doing, and know that your body is playing tricks on you.

    I'm sure in the end you won't have that water weight to deal with in a week.
    Keep it up and grats on your weight loss so far!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    stress is also a factor in weight loss/gain...

    it could easily also be you just did not eat enough. If you burned that many calories and only took in 2000 per day.. you net calories consumed would actually be a negative number... not good :(

    but the weight does fluctuate from day to day, morning to evening... that is why they recommend only weighing-in once a week, as otherwise you will drive yourself nuts watching the fluctuations *S*
  • Dlhigh
    Dlhigh Posts: 72 Member
    Two thoughts-

    1) if you you burned more than you ate, you need to wait a few days to see the scale budge. But if you worked so hard that your net calories were les than 1200 sduring those 2 days could put your body in starvation mode.

    2) the stress of feeding 2000 people for a funeral has no doubt affected your cortisol levels that can inhibit your ability to shed pounds.

    Be patient. Hope you didn't think that you were going to drop a pound a day doing all that work
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    Trust me. I don't pay any attention to the scale for about an entire week and a half. A few days before TOM and a few days after TOM. My normal gain is 8 lbs. Every month. But a few days after TOM has left I will lose that 8 normally plus some because of the hard work I continued to do during that week. Good luck but my best advice is don't even get on the scale during TOM.
  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    If the food you ate during the funeral contained more sodium and fat than you are used to eating that could also affect your weight. Drinks lots of water to flush out your system, get back on your normal routine, and I bet you'll lose those pounds quickly. Good luck!
  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
    When I'm on my feet all day like that or am sitting all day at my desk without moving much, I tend to carry fluid in my legs and hands. I always look like I have gained, but after a good night's sleep off of my feet, it goes back down. Hope that helps!
  • Nkauj_Lis
    Nkauj_Lis Posts: 70
    I was not expecting to lose anything but I was expecting to be the same. Would have been happy with a 1 pound gain, but 4.8 just worried me.

    Thanks. I will lean to be patient.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Also, your heart rate monitor may not be very accurate at estimating caloric consumption with baseline activity. I have my doubts about 5000 calories of expenditure with kitchen work........