Another Noobie!

Looyates Posts: 1
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to the site. My other half recommended it as he's doing well on it and my "current provider" has been failing me (I haven't lost a pound since they changed their system five months ago)! The frustration is getting too much so I decided I need a change.

Any hints and tips are welcome!



  • csok
    csok Posts: 2
    Hey, also a newbe to anything like this. Never counted calories before. So the advice i got and would like to pass to you is
    be brutally honest. Whatever goes in your mouth should be recorded on here. I honestly didn't realized how much i was eating until i started this. Cutting down on calories is way easier than i though it was once i realized my proportions were way out of whack.
    Keep it up and good luck.
  • la1206
    la1206 Posts: 1
    I am also a Newbie!!! 31 year female really needing to get back to what I use to look like in my athletic days!! I also want to lose weight because I want to have children soon. I'm excited to have joined this website because maybe it will help me.
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