Am I obssessed?!!!



  • sharondaley
    I don't do a cheat day, I am afraid something like that will throw me off my routine. Is that something a lot of people are doing? Just curious?

    I feel the same as you.
    I just want to get used to the changes that Im making with my diet.
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member

    This sounds like such good advise! I had my "cheat" day yesterday, and unlike most of you, I ate too much! I don't tend to crave really bad junk food, but I certainly ate too much of several things that have sugar in them.....tummy ache this morning, and I woke up craving more sugar. Is it possible that because I ate sugar in excess yesterday that my body wants more today?


    Sugar is definitely like drugs! When a get a chance grab the book "Sugar Blues" you would be amazed at the crap sugar does!!!
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    "Sugar is definitely like drugs! When a get a chance grab the book "Sugar Blues" you would be amazed at the crap sugar does!!!" Casta34

    Thanks Casta34,

    I just order the Sugar Blues book from Amazon. Even though I have stopped eating as much sugar, educating myself on it will help me stay away from it as well as help my kids kick the habit. I will have to help them w/o them knowing, otherwise I know they would rebel and eat more!!!!

    Happy Saturday,

    Connie Lynn
  • rhondababy

    Sugar is definitely like drugs! When a get a chance grab the book "Sugar Blues" you would be amazed at the crap sugar does!!!

    Thanks so much Casta! I have felt that was probably the case and have even read a bit about it, but I haven't met anybody yet that seems to have the same problem with sugar actually setting up cravings for more sugar. Often one little "cheat" is what de-rails me- a piece of cake is never enough; it always turns into days of cravings.

  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I am an exercise junkie as well and I do have to eat more when I exercise. I am training for a triathlon in June and I will go out on my bike for two hours and then run a few miles when I am done. I am about to add swimming in there as well. I always feel great for about an hour after I am done and then I CRASH! I am trying to figure out the right foods to eat before I and after to reduce the "crash" feeling when the high wears off.

    I am "iffy" on the cheat day. When I first changed my eating habits I would just pig out on my cheat day and then I would feel awful the next day so it really affected two days of my week. I have decided that it is not worth feeling so crummy the next day, plus the guilt that comes with it. I now save so called cheat days for things like eating out or parties or something. And even then I try to make good choices and not make a pig of myself.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I'm not going to do "cheat days." Like a few of you have already mentioned, food (to me) is an addiction. I say IS instead of WAS b/c I'm only 2 weeks into this and I'm by no means over it. Last year I quit smoking and I didn't give myself a "cheat day" because I knew that it would lead to a pack of cheat days. Instead, I do lottts of portion control. If I want pizza, I'll have it. But I'll have only one slice (or even 1/2 a slice if they're big) and then a nice veggie salad. If I want cake, I'll eat a small piece of low-fat cake with a piece of fruit.

    I went out to dinner the other night and had "cheat food" but I didn't over-do it. What threw me off were the drinks! But I made up for it the next day by working out twice as long and eating great food. I consider this journey I've started to be a rehab for the poor eating lifestyle i had for years. They don't let heroin addicts have a cheat day....
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    no cheat days here. but there are days where the choices are harder. like when the boss buys lunch for the office. great. and its mexican. shucks. another hard one. but I order the taco salad with chicken, toss the shell, scrape off the green paste (ugh) toss the sour cream. ok, now I am having a small salad with less than 1 oz of cheese, 2oz of meat and slasa. whew. came home drank a protein drink, ate an apple and went to bed.

    I am like an alcoholic with food, I can not have a cheat day. the sugar would just about undo everything I have managed to accomplished and the salty foods would take away the rest. I ate at Denny's this morning and had half a heartland scramble.....1194 calories for a whole one. my God that's an entire days food. in one meal. nope, ate half and came home to ride the bike for 45 mins. constant vigilance will get me though my 100 days, nothing less. :indifferent:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I have a day every few weeks where I intentionally go over my calories, but normally just eat more food that I would normally choose.

    Today I had a chocolate bar. This was a mistake. I feel like I might hurl. (at least I won't want another one anytime soon. . .)

    I find my "cheat days" (I've always had more like one a month) were initially crazy, out of control days. But now, I have one time a week where I allow myself something I would not normally eat. I spend a lot of time thinking about what I want more than anything else, then I eat it. (in a sensible portion) Sometimes, it's a small serving of ice cream. Last week it was a litre of OJ.

    I'm trying to avoid emotional good vs. bad names when it comes to food, but "cheat day" seems to be the term.