30 Day Shred Question

I was on D6L2 before I got sick 2 weeks ago. Should I start from the beginning or where I left off?


  • LilMomee
    LilMomee Posts: 16
    i would start over... i just started it and its hard, ur muscles might need to work back up to where u left off.
  • mamma321
    mamma321 Posts: 25 Member
    i think it is up to you...if you feel you can still do the l2 then i would start l2 day 1 and go from there...and maybe just do l2 for 20days then move up to l3...that is my opinion! i did l1 for like 3 days then i went to l2 for a week...and now i decided to restart the whole thing and i am on d4l1 good luck!
  • Beijos
    Beijos Posts: 22 Member
    Personally whenever I have had to take a break (ie. sick) from that DVD, I always start back at level 2 again. I think it's what ever you are most comfortable with.
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I had the same problem. I felt it was better for me to start back on L1. But I did not do the full 10 days over again...probably only around 5 then moved on to L2. I think it is all about where you are comfortable and then pushing yourself to the next level when you feel you are ready.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i don't know about starting over, but i know that some people will do L1 for a day or two before jumping back in where they left off.
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    start at the beginning and if its too easy jump to level 2 good luck and have fun:wink: