HELP!! Why am I not losing weight? I'm about to go back to



  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    Sorry, I haven't been very diligent about tracking water intake. But I generally drink a Brita pitcher a day, which is 48oz.

    I know that sometimes it says I'm not eating my 1,200, but I don't necessarily input every Tablespoon of oil. So I guess I was thinking I was staying within my 1,200. Should I keep track of every T of oil?

    On the days that I do increase my calories (generally the days I don't input everything into myfitnesspal) I gain weight the next day, and definitely don't lose for the week.

    Do I still increase calories?

    yup, because you have been eating so little, your body will try to hold on to the extra food you start eating when you increase your cals. but that wont last for long, you will just have to live with a few pounds being gained to start losing again.

    you don't have a huge amount to lose in total, so unfortunetly, it's going to be harder and slower for you to show significant loss. just remember when you start to get discouraged, that you are doing it the smart and healthy way, which in the end will lead to a bigger likely hood of that weight staying off. you can do it :)
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Sorry, I haven't been very diligent about tracking water intake. But I generally drink a Brita pitcher a day, which is 48oz.

    I know that sometimes it says I'm not eating my 1,200, but I don't necessarily input every Tablespoon of oil. So I guess I was thinking I was staying within my 1,200. Should I keep track of every T of oil?

    On the days that I do increase my calories (generally the days I don't input everything into myfitnesspal) I gain weight the next day, and definitely don't lose for the week.

    Do I still increase calories?

    I would suggest logging EVERYTHING you put in your mouth because that's the only way you are going to see what's not agreeing with your body. How will you know if you've had too much sodium or sugar or cals or not enough of something? And 48oz of water is great, but perhaps you need more? Good luck :) And 15lbs is fab!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    You're exercising way too much! When I first started, I exercised every day, constantly, and GAINED weight. I ate right and everything, about 1100 calories a day. After I lowered my exercise regimen to about 3-4 times a week, I started losing weight! Your body needs time to rest.

    Well... unless somebody's spending all their time exercising, and hurting themself (or their life balance) by doing so, I don't know that it's possible to say flat out "too much exercise". However, there's a good point in here -- it has to do with eating enough *for the amount of exercise you're getting*!!! There are two ways to correct that imbalance: either you eat more (for the amount you're currently exercising) or you exercise less (for the amount you're currently eating)! Either way, it'll balance out nicely...!
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I have only lost 12lbs in 5 months. I don't feel bad at all for your amount loss. You don't gain the weight overnight and your definitely not going to lose it that way either. 5lbs a month I would take it. If I lost that I'd be at my goal weight already.
  • nlc6899
    nlc6899 Posts: 9
    OK, you're right, what I have been doing has not been working. And I don't want to throw in the towel, slow progress is still progress.

    But I will try logging work outs and eating more calories to see if that revs things up again. I will also try the suggestions from the forum link that was posted in one of the replies.

    I have 20 pounds still to go, so I wasn't thinking it was a plateau because I was close to my goal. And my goal weight is not a ridiculously low weight, it's the weight I was when I was working out consistently and was very muscular.

    Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. If I increase calories, can I go back to having my glass of wine a day? Or should the calories all be "healthy" food options?
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    This is pretty much the same thing everyone else has said but you're eating too few calories! I'm 31, 165lbs and am doing P90X. On my intense cardio days I eat around 1800 calories and on strength training days I'll eat around 1700 calories. On average I'll eat 350-400 calories per meal, including an afternoon snack. I have to have my blood sugar stabilized otherwise I can tell a huge difference in my mood, mental clarity, and energy level. Sometimes it carries into the next day!
    Feel free to friend me and take a look at my food diary to get and idea of what I'm talking about. That's an open invitation to anyone who's interested. Good luck to you!
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    as long as all the other stuff you have is better for you, one glass of wine shouldn't cause any harm. but then i am of the mind that nothing is bad as long as it is in moderation. the second it's more than a treat, time to find something else lol.
  • sociable15
    Yes you should still increase your calories because your body is going to take time to adjust to the fact that you're giving it all it needs. It'll take more than a day or even a week to come out of starvation mode.