
  • I so want to read this, but I have SUCH a hard time reading posts with every word capitalized... was this done on purpose? From what I can read it seems he just plain doesn't trust you... and you did betray his trust... so it sounds like its a sick relationship that you might need to consider moving on from... some things can be worked through, but some can't...

    he betrayed her trust

    oh oops. i just read further down
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member

    Did read it which is why I said dump him or deal with it.
  • I Dont Even Know Anymore.
    He Beautiful And Funny And I LOVED Hangingout With Him
    But Lately
    Im Not As Attracted To Him As I Used To Be We Dont Have Fun..
    But Every Now And Then We Will Have One Day That Reminds Me Of How Things Used To Be.
    This Is Really Bad But He Doesnt Have Very Good Hygiene Anymore.....I Have Talked To Him About It
    I Tell Him To Brush His Teeth And I Invite Him In The Shower With Me
    I Wont Even Kiss Him With Tongue Anymore
    And He Gets Mad But Im Like OKAY I Told You You Need To Start Brushing Your Teeth More..He Doesnt
    I Tried To Get Him TO Workout
    I Made A Deal That If I Made My March Goal He Would Start Wokingout Too
    He Said He Did...But I Know Him
    And I Know He Didnt
    And Now Hes Telling Me He Can Help Me Find Someone Else...
    And I Probably Already Have 5 New Boyfriends...
    He Keeps Messaging Me Really Mean Things
    I Feel Like I Have Already Explained Myself More Than Enough
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Honey, sounds like he's trying to give you an easy out.....
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Okay,take a deep breath and read what you have written here...please?

    You are not in a relationship you are in an emotional trap and you are not the one setting the terms.
    Get out and get out now,there is nothing good or long term that can come from what you describe.

    You fear being alone and I know it does suck but is still better then a lifetime of absolute misery.
    You know what you have to do and is why you started this thread,I am just confirming what is.

    Exactly. How is the cheater calling the shots? Making ur life hell and hes the 1 that dipped out. Don't be surprised if he does it again. Not because once a cheat always a cheat...naw thats not absolutely true. From what you've posted he isn't mature enough to be involved in a relationship. He doesn't know how to control himself emotionally so when he get overwhelmed he is going to dip again.

    What you except now in a relationship you have to be willing to except if you decide to take the next step. I hope this isn't how you see your future.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Yeah. Like cat77cl said, it sounds like he is trying to get you to say it, but he's done, too. I'm sorry, sweetheart.
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member

    Why are you even posting about your emotional/relationship problems in a weightloss message board?
    From what I read, he sounds like a real *kitten* so dump him or deal with it.
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    No No No I Didnt Cheat...HE DID
    Thats Why Hes So Suspicious Of Me..Cuz He Once Did It
    Sweety...If he did it once he'll do it again....GET OUT! :explode:
    Hold your head up and realize you are worth so much more that what you are allowing right now. The "real men" on MFP will tell you the same. As would (I'm sure your father or brother - if you have one).
    You asked for advice and you been giving it - resoundingly from your friends here. I know it feels terrible to think about ending it but how are you feeling right now. A few weeks of pain to regain your confidence and your life back.....a small price to pay. :cry:
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
    RUN AND DO IT NOW.....NOT TOMORROW! This man is dangerous! Anyone who cares for someone on any level is not this way.
    He needs to mature and I do mean NOW! He cannot continue to be a little boy trying to be a man. The two do not mesh! MEN DO NOT CHANGE....THEY ONLY GET WORSE WHEN THEY THINK THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING! But that is his problem. YOU NEED TO RUN.......LISTEN TO ME ...I'VE LIVED 6 DECADES AND I KNOW DANGER WHEN I SEE OR READ ABOUT IT. DO NOT GIVE HIM ONE MORE MINUTE OF YOUR VALUABLE TIME......PLEASE...FOR YOUR SAKE.
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
    I'm sorry to be so blunt but I'm really frightened for you. Please get out........................................
  • sounds simple enough to me. dump the a hole
  • Wow! You took the words right out of my mouth! I am in the EXACT same situation. I hate it..I don't know why I ever agreed to being in a relationship! Lol
  • give him the boot
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    When there is no trust, there is no relationship. obviously becuase of your past actions, he doesn't trust you, and it doesn't appear to be something he will "get over"

    NO trust NO relationship
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    grr I always post my reactions before I read becuase I want it to be true to how I felt initially, so now I see it was HIM who cheated.
    I still stick to NO trust NO relationship. it is just a matter of you finally getting a clue that you deserve better than this. Guilt does awful things to a person.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Honey, sounds like he's trying to give you an easy out.....
    ^ This!! That's what I hear too!
    Sounds like He's just not into you anymore! As the poster above shared looks like he's holding the door open for you to leave. Often times when someone doesn't trust it's when they themselves are not being completely honest but playing it on the other person to take the focus off themselves.

    Definitely something to think about..
  • It's not complicated. If you've talked to him about the problem and he won't change, or if you've tried to talk to him but he won't listen, break up with him. The drama is unnecessary.
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    Curb meet boyfriend, boyfriend this is curb and I just kicked you to it. Nuff said.
  • How about starting with editing YOUR first post, so there is no confusion about who cheated who...
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