Starving vs. Eating Junk

hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Growing up, I was never very educated on how to eat properly.
I can't cook. At all.
I know, I'm a woman that lives alone, I should be able to cook, right?
Yeah, something like that.
On top of that, I work full time, and go to school part time.
I don't have a whole lot of time to prepare healthy meals, or plan my food ahead.
What caused me to gain the most weight over the last year, was those convenient little vending machines all over campus.

Since I don't have time to make a real meal, fast food and snacks always seemed like the go-to choice.
Which is why I'm fat.

Now that I'm trying to get on the right track, the hardest part is figuring out what I'm supposed to eat.
Okay, salad. Yay.
But you can't live just off that.
And I don't eat much meat.
Just can't do it.
Fish and turkey is all I can handle.

I've realized lately that it's easier for me to just NOT EAT, rather than battle with what's healthy enough TO eat.

Trying to improve on that, I picked up eating slim-fast for breakfast and dinner.
I'm trying to eat carrots as a snack between.
But then, lunch is left.
Today I was in a battle with myself on whether or not subway was healthy.
Bought it.
Then threw it away.
Does anyone else feel like it'd be easier to just NOT eat, instead of trying to figure out if it's good enough or not?


  • deboyd5004
    deboyd5004 Posts: 14 Member
    I have started taking a 100 cal sandwich thin, half slice of 2% cheese, Boca original vegan (mainly bc it's less cals but you could try others). Pop it in the microwave and it's good to go. I always microwave the Boca burger first then throw in the sandwich thin. Takes maybe 2 minutes.Then take along a piece of fruit/veggie and maybe a light yogurt. I keep it all in my lunch box and don't worry about putting it in the fridge (anyway, the one at work is nasty :) ).
  • rwarren2
    rwarren2 Posts: 25
    I perfectly understand your dilemma. Have you ever tried healthy choice, steamers, they are low in sodium and most of them are 300 calories and under. I usually eat one for lunch and it is quite filling. I hope this helps. Anything in moderation is fine.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I eat at Subway. Just watch what you eat. You certainly do not want to get one of those meatball subs with pepperoni on it lol.
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    You can look up nutrition info on subway, and most restaurants and plan your calories in advance.
    No way could I not eat.... I think my problem is, I stay in my calories and I do great, but some of those calories aren't that great I know. I think you could start looking up product nutrtion info too, and logging your calories will help you say on track.
    It could be work, yes, but it's worth it!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I just worry that because I sit at a desk all day, I'm going to just GAIN weight, and never lose any if I actually eat.
    Yeah, I go to the gym as soon as I leave work.
    And I do calisthetics as much as I can during lunch and breaks.
    But it just does NOT seem like enough to get rid of the calories I would take in if I ate a whole meal.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I worry that because I try to burn more calories than I eat (it'll make you lose a pound a day, right?) that I might be getting into some sort of anorexic mentality.

    I don't want to starve myself.
    I just want to see results quicker.
    And since you have to burn twice as many calories as you eat to lose a pound, wouldn't it be quicker if I just didn't take in any calories?
    I mean, I can't spend four hours on a treadmill. I have things to do.
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    that is why I like the Jillian Michaels DVDs. 20 minute workouts, using all muscles, it helps get results.
    No way could i spend 4 hours in a gym!
    Your body needs calories anyway, you have to be careful about "starvation" mode. your body will hang on to the fat and won't budge if you aren't eating enough.
  • It's really hard... but you have the internet at your fingertips. Google, google, google! There are endless recipes/ideas out there.

    For lunch, when I'm at work, I usually have some kind of meat (turkey meatballs, pork tenderloin, chicken, etc) in a salad or over vegetables or in a wrap... I always just try and put together some kind of vegetable, protein and complex carb. Sometimes my foods don't "go together" but it doesn't matter. I had to read and learn A LOT to get on the right track.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm happy with my workout routine.
    I'm tearing that up! :)

    It's just the food I'm not good about.
    It was easy to cut out candy, chips, soda.
    But now making the smart choices on what I actually SHOULD eat is hard.
  • Crissy_jo
    Crissy_jo Posts: 18 Member
    I work full time, go to school part time, run 20+ miles a week (that is 200 minutes of running plus travel time), participate in boot camp (another 2 hours a week + travel time), volunteer in two organizations, and have a family. I still manage not to eat out of a vending machine. You have time to cook. You just need to plan ahead so you don't sabotage your efforts. Now for my ideas...

    A recipe book I recommend is by Bill Phillips, Eating for Life. His recipes generally are for just 1 to 2 servings, but can be up to 4 servings. The left overs will be your lunch the next day. So cook once, and you have at least two meals. His meals are very simple and tasty - as a new cook you should not have any problems. Try the book out from your library, then if you like it, buy a used one from Amazon or ISBN: 0972018417. I think I got mine for $8 from Amazon a year or two ago.

    Invest in an ice pack and a lunch box. Take your snacks and lunch with you for the day. For snacks (and he also mentions these in his book), try an apple with string cheese, or sugar free yogurt and strawberries, or an orange and handful of almonds. Essentially you want some protein, some fat, and some carbs.
  • Crissy_jo
    Crissy_jo Posts: 18 Member
    I worry that because I try to burn more calories than I eat (it'll make you lose a pound a day, right?) that I might be getting into some sort of anorexic mentality.

    I don't want to starve myself.
    I just want to see results quicker.
    And since you have to burn twice as many calories as you eat to lose a pound, wouldn't it be quicker if I just didn't take in any calories?
    I mean, I can't spend four hours on a treadmill. I have things to do.
    If you lose a pound a day, you are going to have a miserable time, give up, and gain it right back. Shoot for no more than 2 pounds a week. Stick with the calories you get for the day, don't starve yourself. I see so many people do this and they end up bigger than before. You need to develop habits you can live with for the rest of your life. This is the time to develope and hone those habits. Make sure they are the right habits.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    It quite easy to put your body into starvation mode , therefore you wont lose weight.

    It may seem hard but I think you should try and pre pack some lunches/snacks , take a little bit of time before going to bed and make something. even if you have a day where you have some extra spare time then make some meals for the coming week.

    I also wouldnt worry trying to reach your goals so quick , I did that some years ago (and you mentioned on your profile you have too ) , if you dont do it right your more likely to fail at it.

    Take your time , eat well and the results will happen. You can do it.
  • tekroncke
    tekroncke Posts: 8 Member
    I was faced with this dilemna as well for a long time. Salad is the big booster meal at the end of the day. You sholud follow the idea of social classes in your meals. Eat like a queen at breakfast 3/5 of your daily cals. Like a working person at lunch 1/3.then a puper at dinner. This is easy considering a giant salad is like 25o cals dry and you can add tofu for about 200 more. Just remember to plan plan plan. A little forethought keeps the weight off!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Well Crissy, I think your post kind of made me feel like ****.

    I'm glad you can bring yourself to do all those things, but I would still like to enjoy my youth a little bit.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    Your weight loss goals are unrealistic if you want to maintain the loss. The only way to maintain is to lose it slowly, like 1-2 pounds a week, if you weight over 200 then at the beginning it might come off faster. You just have to be patient, it didn't take you a month to gain it.

    If you keep on the way you are going you will end up gaining it all back and then some.

    You have to make time for yourself and that incluldes putting aside time to have healthy meals. It just takes a bit of organization.

    I have 2 kids, work full time, my kids are in sports and I find time to ensure we all eat not only healthy and 99% whole foods. I also find time to excercise every day, because If I don't look after myself I can't look after my family!

    Sorry for the "tough love" approach but sometimes the truth is what we need to shake it up!
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    If you have 15 minutes, you have more than enough time to put some chicken tenderloins in a non-stick pan (add a bit of olive oil so they don't stick), dash on a little seasoning, cook for 5 minutes, and flip over to cook the other side. While that's going, make a salad or carrots or cut up some fruit or saute some spinach with a little bit of onion or some mushrooms.

    If chicken's not your thing - try some sort of fish.

    If that's too much to handle - go to the grocery store and buy pre-cooked chicken breasts (or whatever protein you like) and get some frozen veggies that you can steam in the microwave.

    Scramble up some eggs for dinner every once in a while. Make an fritatta by sauteeing up some veggies (onions, mushrooms, whatever), bacon if you want, then add 3 eggs (scramble in bowl first) - stick in 350 degree oven until eggs are set and not runny. Eat. Make hard boiled eggs for a quick snack or lunch.

    Make your own healthy version of subway - the grocery store has all the ingredients ready, just assemble and bring in a cooler. Try Greek yogurt for a high-protein snack or meal (I like to get plain and sweeten with a little honey and vanilla).

    Open up a can of beans and eat with your protein, or wrap in a whole wheat tortilla and make a burrito.

    Get Mark Bittman's book - How to Cook Everything. Super simple, very straightforward, and he assumes you know nothing. It is my Bible in the kitchen.

    You CAN do this. It's just a matter of wanting it enough! You'll enjoy your youth a lot more if you're happy with your weight, no?
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    subway is always a good choice when you don't have time to eat in. You need to get wheat bread and a lean meat like ham or turkey, no cheese and all the veggies you want. Also, the honey mustard is really good and its fat free. You get all that for only 290 calories! and its filling :)
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    As I said earlier, I do work out every day and I am TRYING, hence eats slim fast twice a day instead of nothing like I was doing before.

    I am TRYING. That should count for SOMETHING, right?

    So far I have noticed many people replying saying I need to do it the "healthy" way, or I'm going to gain it all back.

    The only thing I'm doing wrong is skipping lunch.

    It's not like I'm starving myself AND sitting on my *kitten* all day.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Thank you to the people who are actually being nice, and giving productive input.

    Also, money is a concern.
    As I said, I live alone, work, and go to school.
    I don't have too much money to buy coolers, ice packs, baking pans, foods, seasonings, etc.

    My energy bill seems slightly more important.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Your not doing bad hushhush , and not eating junk food is a great start.

    My concern is your not eating enough calories therefore your drop will into starvation mode. That doesnt mean you are starving yourself so to speak but your body doesnt burn what it should but stores the fats.

    If you exercise then you have to eat more to prevent going into starvation mode.

    Eating 5 to 6 small meals is the way to go , it trains your body and your metabbolism increases ,therefore you burn more. Skipping meals only damages you and thats speaking from experience.

    Stay positive hushhush , glance through the threads there is a wealth of imformation on MFP.

    No body is perfect , I fall into bad practices all the time but Im not going to give up.
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