What is the ideal weight?

Bob_Sugar Posts: 61
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
How do you measure it? What is the ideal weight? Is it by looks, BMI.
I'm 6-3 220lbs by the #s as big as a pro football player and yet I don't look anything like one. Sick of bulking up with weights. Thinking of dropping 20lbs....


  • Well, it all depends on what you want. Or ask a random stranger to give you the truth. say "excuse me i need help with this. What do you think would be the ideal way for me to look. Should I lose weight? bulk up?" just ask! sure... your not supposed to care what others think but you can decide off of their judgement what YOU want to do.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I think you sound like you're at a great weight for your height, I might even say to gain a little... it's all about opinion. Figure out what kind of physique you want (lean, toned, bulked, etc) and then just work until you get that... don't worry so much about a number as a size
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I judge alot by clothing size and how fit I feel. I am more fit right now than I have been in my life. I have been this weight before and was a size 14, I am a size 8 right now. Last time I was a size 8 I was 20lbs lighter, which tells me that my measurements matter....to me because I am really fit. However it is different for everyone.
  • bluk30
    bluk30 Posts: 37
    If you want to be a male gymnast, 130lbs. If you want to be a Sumo, 500lbs. Weight should be dependent on what you plan to use your body for.

    No one has ever come up with a reliable test or measurement for body mass. According to the charts, I am still considered obese. lol
    If you don't like how you look and feel, drop weight until you do. Simple as that.

    I would never try to strive for "health" or "fitness", those terms have never been defined objectively. Also, you may be hit by a bus tomorrow, and it's better to die the man you want to be than what some damned chart indicates!

    PS- I have been tempted to keep my waist size either under 34 inches, or over 42, because those are the only sizes that ever seem to be left when I go to TJMax.
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