Udderly Disgusting...............

Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I just started reading this article online and wanted to share it with everyone. What these scientists and companies are doing to our food supply should be down right criminal!!!



  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Have you seen the movie "Food Inc." ??
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    That is really gross.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    why I can't touch anything that contains soy when there's an alternative available, ie almond or hemp milk instead of soy, finding I have to check my whey powders pretty closely as I almost bought some with soy as a filler or something, saw soy put it back.

    I'm glad I've got the animals, my own food produced on site and I know what went into them :)
  • Charrisse
    Charrisse Posts: 163
    Horrid. No wonder cancer is everywhere.. gentically engineering our food is such a foul idea.
  • Have you seen the movie "Food Inc." ??

    That movie pushed me into being a full vegetarian...when I do eat cheese/eggs (rarely) they are from local farms!
  • ladybird_
    ladybird_ Posts: 55 Member
    I know that I am going to get yelled at for this but from a purely medical stand point GMO crops have no correlation to the rise in cancer our population has sustained. If anything, the rise in over processing of foods, under exercising, obesity and to top it all off BETTER SCREENING for cancer has increased the numbers.

    In actual fact, there are so many GMO products out there we can rarely not eat them, even "healthy" ones that people love to eat such as that creepy broccoli / cauliflower plan I see all the time now in the stores.

    Other GMO's are helping the world get nutritionally packed foods to places that are historically lacking in the ability to produce food at a cost that the local consumer can afford. A great example is "golden rice" a group of scientist have enabled rice to store higher then normal levels of vitamins including the beta-carotene that gives the crop its name and since it is more stable then it's "brown" brothers it will help decrease malnutrition and morbidity in many many countries.

    Okay and now you can start yelling at me.
  • JackboyE
    JackboyE Posts: 32 Member
    I know that I am going to get yelled at for this but from a purely medical stand point GMO crops have no correlation to the rise in cancer our population has sustained. If anything, the rise in over processing of foods, under exercising, obesity and to top it all off BETTER SCREENING for cancer has increased the numbers.

    In actual fact, there are so many GMO products out there we can rarely not eat them, even "healthy" ones that people love to eat such as that creepy broccoli / cauliflower plan I see all the time now in the stores.

    Other GMO's are helping the world get nutritionally packed foods to places that are historically lacking in the ability to produce food at a cost that the local consumer can afford. A great example is "golden rice" a group of scientist have enabled rice to store higher then normal levels of vitamins including the beta-carotene that gives the crop its name and since it is more stable then it's "brown" brothers it will help decrease malnutrition and morbidity in many many countries.

    Okay and now you can start yelling at me.

    The only reason you'd be yelled at is if that was broscience but if it's legit, proven stuff you're saying, then you won't be shouted at, considering everyone in this thread so far has been giving opinions as opposed to facts.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I know that I am going to get yelled at for this but from a purely medical stand point GMO crops have no correlation to the rise in cancer our population has sustained. If anything, the rise in over processing of foods, under exercising, obesity and to top it all off BETTER SCREENING for cancer has increased the numbers.

    In actual fact, there are so many GMO products out there we can rarely not eat them, even "healthy" ones that people love to eat such as that creepy broccoli / cauliflower plan I see all the time now in the stores.

    Other GMO's are helping the world get nutritionally packed foods to places that are historically lacking in the ability to produce food at a cost that the local consumer can afford. A great example is "golden rice" a group of scientist have enabled rice to store higher then normal levels of vitamins including the beta-carotene that gives the crop its name and since it is more stable then it's "brown" brothers it will help decrease malnutrition and morbidity in many many countries.

    Okay and now you can start yelling at me.

    There is scientific evidence that GMO foods are not healthier for us, all you have to do is read what other scientists and doctors are saying. Plus, most of the GMO foods are non-edible.

    I don't eat any Genetically Modified Organisms.

    My food is from local sources including meat, raw dairy, fruits and vegetables. We have been eating what is pretty local to us or what someone grows in a winter greenhouse farm here locally.

    I am glad we are into the growing season so we have a larger variety of fruits and vegetables.

    I highly doubt that any "golden rice" is going to decrease morbidity in the world, it will only contribute to the long list of diseases that these excess grains are causing.
  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member
    There is scientific evidence that GMO foods are not healthier for us, all you have to do is read what other scientists and doctors are saying. Plus, most of the GMO foods are non-edible.

    Ok, show me a reference to a credible article showing proof for this! The only point bought up and is implied is allergies, and there is no evidence supporting this anywhere.

    And for GMO to be non-edible? Why? It adds a protein, all proteins are digested. What do you base this on??
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