Need to vent!!!!

DOTY1 Posts: 97
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I know this has nothing to do with weight loss but Im very stressed and stress = food. Just alittle back ground info I am married to a woman and we have a daughter named Zoey that I had before I met my wife. We were married 1 1/2 year latter about a year into our marriage we decided that we wanted to have another baby. So not being rich or having alot of money I decided to use the Zoey's " father " We tryed 2 mo in a row and recieved nothing but heart ach then last nite I was on face book and his sister is a friend of mine and she put how she loves being an aunt and how she will be another one on June 8th. So I commented back and said O who is pregnant????? And she said Amanda and Scott are having a boy!!!!!!!!! WTF I was crushed! What did I do wrong why didnt I get pregnant whats wrong with me..... It seems like everytime we try one of our close friends become pregant. We are so happy for all of them but when does our time come???? I view this with weight loss I kill myself at them gym and others I know dont and yet my weight stays the same and their lbs are coming off like nothing I mean Im loosing inches but this all just suck sorry for my vent!


  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    try not to be stressed love, even though you are ready now your body may not be, it will happen when you least expect it, just dont go stressing out and working out like crazy just relax and enjoy the moment, hope this made you feel a little better, if u need to talk i am here for you <3
  • I am so sorry you are going through this. Try not to blame yourself. I know that is easier said than done, but it is not your fault. Are you going through IVF? It can be so heartbreaking and frustrating to want to get pregnant with a healthy baby and not be able to. And if you are going through IVF or IUI then you are dealing with the crazy hormonal imbalances that come with the medications you need. It makes you very emotional.

    It can be so hard to see everyone around you getting pregnant with no problem, a lot of them without even trying! Believe me, it can make you want to cry--or sometimes it can make you angry. I have said many times, "It's not fair!" Not that I would want anyone else to have trouble conceiving--or for me--trouble holding onto a pregnancy, but it just gets to me that for so many people it is so easy.

    I hope you are feeling a little better. And I hope you are able to have that baby you so want!
  • Also, are you going to an RE? Does he/she think there is a medical issue that is getting in the way of you getting pregnant?
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    Not that I am aware of...... I am doing it the old fashion way. I have had two healthy kids already and am not sure why its taking so long the dr sd that I have to try for 1 yr before we look at different options
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I've been ttc for 2½ years.....Doesn't get any easier.
  • A1Ortega
    A1Ortega Posts: 4 Member
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    A1Ortega what testing?
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    no worries hun!!! Dont let this get you down....your time will come for another baby it might just take a little longer this time!! Keep at the weight loss too and that in time will prove to have amazing results!! xoxo
  • The old fashioned way, huh? Interesting! Your wife is ok with that?

    Sorry if I am getting too personal!
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    My wife supports me 100% we both want another baby
  • brbmom
    brbmom Posts: 10 Member
    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) has symptoms that include difficulty conceiving and weight gain or difficulty losing weight.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Just a thought, but you just started on this website in Feb, If you just started working out at that time, then maybe your body is still getting used that and can't handle a pregnancy right now. I would say either wait until you are in better shape and used to exercising, so you don't have to give it up as soon as you get pregnant, or cut back on the intensity of exercise and work on maintaining so your body can do it's thing.

    Sounds like too much at once.
    If I am wrong and you have been exercising for a while now, then just relax a let nature take it's course. I have five kids I know how impatient you can get when you want to see a positive on a pregnancy test. You already have 2 kids, that's a good sign that it is not you. Not saying things cant' change, but try to be optomistic.

    Best wishes.
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    Ive been active for awile I started in dec and my page was deleated I had to make a new. I was very active with my 2 child gained 13lbs and she was as healthy as can be. I dont intend of being any less active I still plan on making the right choices. I know it takes time it is just hard watching all of the people I know get pregnant when its something we want so BAD!
  • I know the feeling. We haven't had too much difficulty getting pregnant, but we do have difficulty staying pregnant.
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