How do you cook your sweet potatoes?



  • lbarnett300
    Microwave...It only takes about 8 min. I like them plain...sometimes a little cinnamon
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Everyone has some really great ideas. I usually just bake them in the oven, but I don't rub anything on them because I don't like to eat the peel. I just wash, pierce, and bake. No need to wrap in foil either. I bake until done and cut up. Put a little butter and cinnamon on them, maybe even a little splash of vanilla extract. YUMMMMM!!!!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I'm lazy and just microwave mine but I am a sweet potato junkie! I eat them like a baked potato. I have added cinnamon and brown sugar to them too when mashed. I LOVE sweet potato fries too. My hubby has made sweet potato home fries too, super yummy. Something else he made and used sweet potatoes in it instead of white potatoes, but I don't remember what it was!!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Just bake them whole. THey are good either hot or cold. You can add sweetener of you r choice with cinnamon and margarine (if you want to spend the calories). I usually just eat it plain and sometimes with a little salt for salty / sweet flavor. They are really yummy.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    i love them baked, and fries are delicious, too! mmm.
  • Gramma5
    Gramma5 Posts: 15
    I never liked sweet potatoes until my sister got me to actually try them . I actually cheat and buy the ready cut fry ones ( Mann's I do believe ) then put a handful in a bowl , add less then a tsp of olive oil to coat , sprinkle with Sea Salt , toss good then lay on a cookie sheet or the " holey " pizza pan and cook at 425 degrees for about half an hour . I am addicted to these !
    I use a small amount of Greek Yogurt mixed with seasoning salt and a dash of sweet chili sauce as a dip .
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    nuke 'em in the microwave, add butter, cinnamon and brown sugar (15 calories per teaspoon). delish.
  • Happytobealive
    I bake mine in the oven (microwave dries them out too much) wrapped in tin foil. When done I put some black pepper and sometimes a little spray butter. Or I'll make oven fries with them. Slice with skin on, drizzle with a little olive oil or Pam spray, sprinkle on some seasoning's to taste (be creative with what you like) and bake until cooked. Hope you enjoy.

    I never used to eat sweet only white now I only eat sweet - love them...
  • mrsmartin1001
    mrsmartin1001 Posts: 25 Member

    That sounds really good. I'm going to try this. Thanks for sharing. :smile:
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Sweet Potato Fries. Cut em up, throw some olive oil spray, garlic powder, seasoned salt, put in oven at 300 for 30 mins (last five broil).. yummy fries!!
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    Awesome! These all sound great! I can't wait to try out a couple recipes. I am going grocery shopping tomorrow, so I will buy some and let you guys know how they turn out!!! Thanks MFP Peeps :-)
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I just had some last night! I have been also craving them!!
    I microwaved it and split it open and sprinkled some light brown sugar and cinnamon and YUM!!!!
    My mother-in-law peels hers, quarters them lengthwise and bakes in the oven with brown sugar and a butter alternative :)
    They are so soft and delish!
  • jesster64
    jesster64 Posts: 109
    6 min microwave.
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    rinse em good...stab em a few times them pop em in the microwave lol (turn over halfway thru)
    i love them plain...dont add n e thing....theyre usually sweet enough n jus yum n o so filling....

    P.S. i soooo sophisticated :bigsmile: but hey gimme a break i just recently started trying to "cook" things on my own haha
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I made a delicious dinner with sweet potatoes tonight. I peeled the sweet potato, then grated it into thin strips. Sauteed it in a pan with a little bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, tabasco (optional) and some chopped shallots. I mixed it into a bowl of rice with black beans and tomatoes and added some fresh cilantro on top. Delicious, a little spicy and about 400 calories for a huge serving.

    You can also make "noodles" out of sweet potatoes and serve them like pasta. Another great thing to do is steam the sweet potatoes, mash them and add seeds from a vanilla bean, sounds kind of weird but tastes and smells amazing.
  • Foxworth81
    Foxworth81 Posts: 124 Member
    We've like to cut ours into fries or even into cubes. Then we add olive oil, cumin, chili powder, onion powder and a littlbe bit of salt and bake. They are so yummy. Here is the recipe.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    There are so many fantastic ways to cook sweet potatoes. I love them: baked in the oven; peeled and cut into cubes and steamed int a bamboo steamer; boiled and then mashed; made into oven-baked "fries".

    The only way I do them that I haven't seen mentioned here is pan roasted. Cut them up into smallish (1/2 inch or 1cm) cubes and put them into a pan with 1 Tbsp olive oil and about 1/4 cup of water. Put the lid on and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Then stir them and continue to cook for about another 5 to 10 minutes stirring periodically. The water turns to steam and helps them cook through, but they still get a nicely browned outside.

    Oh, and no one has mentioned ginger. It's a fantastic addition or alternative to cinnamon. And for something truly amazing, add garlic and ginger to mashed sweet potatoes. Yum!