Couch to 5k- 4 sessions a week instead of 3?

Is it ok to do an extra day i feel i shouldn't have 2 days off from running and it would help my progress to do 4 days a week instead of 3 so it's 1 day off 1 day running all week?


  • danyelpink
    danyelpink Posts: 26 Member
    They say that the most important part is that you rest in between so you don't get shin splints, sore feet, etc. If you think you need more cardio, walk, swim, ride a bike, rollerblade, or whatever else instead.
  • pattitricia85
    If your new to running, I would follow the training plan! The most common reason for injuries in new runners is over training. If you want to exercise still you could try swimming, that is the best cross training activity for a runner :)
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    The great thing about C25K is the flexibility of it. You can do it as many workouts as you need too, redo a week if needed, or redo the whole program if you feel like it. I wouldn't do any less than the suggested workout though, but doing it 4 times a week wouldn't be bad as long as you get plenty of rest in between.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    They say that the most important part is that you rest in between so you don't get shin splints, sore feet, etc. If you think you need more cardio, walk, swim, ride a bike, rollerblade, or whatever else instead.


    There's a little injury issue in running called TMTS - Too Much Too Soon. You need to be careful about how quickly you increase your mileage to avoid things like PF, ITBS, Shin Splints, etc.

    Yes, people will vary, but just last week I was in my PT's office and he was trying to start working with a girl who'd done pretty much just what the OP said and she was in so much pain walking he didn't want her doing ANY lower body cardio for at least 2 weeks just to try and undo the damage she'd done by doing TMTS.

    My coach talks about active rest - on the rest days if you feel you need something, you can do spinning or cycling, use the elliptical, do yoga or pilates, swim...anything other than running. It allows the muscles you're building through running to do the healing they need to develop.

    Also, don't underestimate the need for some strength training, particularly in your hips/core and your thighs. You're not using the stabilizing muscles to the point of strengthening them and that can lead to other issues with ITBs and so forth - that's why I was in PT, and I was assured it's a very common thing among runners. We tend to think "I'm working my legs with weight-bearing stuff in running. I don't need to do extra strength training." Yes you do.
  • 321k
    321k Posts: 19
    i wasn't sore or felt i was pushing myself too much so i just repeated day 3 thanks for your help
  • Wimpey
    Wimpey Posts: 64 Member
    If you are after extra fitness and possibly to keep burning more calories to support your weight goals, is best to choose any other acitvity as suggested above.

    On a begginer 5k plan you will not get much benefit from moving from 3-4 sessions per week in early days (unless you have a history of good solid running behind you sometimes in the past)


    The risks of injury

    But you can burn more calories, get more fitness by cross training. Either by resistance training or by swimming/cycling/walking etc...

    Plus... novelty wears off... you might actually get stale by just running.

    Good luck!
  • applesandglue
    I've been doing C25K 4 days a week, just because for me it's something mental that helps keep me motivated and doing it. I don't do more than 2 days in a row, so lately I've been doing it Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.