Why I hate facebook, account officially deactivated.



  • I dont mind social networking, but I think people spend so much time updating statuses that they neglect face to face interactions... I got rid of my FB because I found myself spending more time chatting with folks that Id much rather hang out with face to face.... for everyone else, there is email...

    I LOATHE those minute by minute, hour by hour updates.... I don't need to know you are going to pick lil Jimmy up from Day Care and then heading to Pizza Hut....

    and worse are the self-righteous who need to post a "motivating" piece everyday... Puh-LEEZE!!

    and then the ones who suffer from TMI-Syndrome... everyone isnt meant to know every detail between you & your mate, or lack thereof... we don't need to know what bodily functions kept you up all night....

    but after ALL of that, FB doesn't make me feel inadequate... and it has helped me get re-acquainted with some folks I miss and also made me realize why I left some folks in the past....
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I like FB, it serves a purpose (my little sister lives in Africa and I only see her 3 times a year, so it's great to be able to see her photos and she can see my children). I have a few close friends I live a long way from and rarely see, and I like keeping up with them, but I get the life gauge thing. But then most of the people I know in real life have so much more than I do, I find myself envying them more than my facebook friends.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I like facebook. I like seeing what my friends and thier families are up to.My friends and I use it to arrange playdates, mommy night outs, find out if a certain place was worththe trip, you name it. I have never once thought to think that someone else life was better than mine because of the things they do. Everyone is different, waht may be or may not be exciting to one may not be to another. That doesnt mean that what I do isnt as "cool" or exciting as someone else's. I am happy with my life the way it is so someone else could be buying a mansion and getting married to a prince and I still wouldnt feel like my life sucks. I think the OP was reading way more into FB than its intention and if others people lives made the OP feel insignificant then thats a whole nother problem aside from FB
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Oh never mind....I give up. I'm glad to see most people get my drift. I don't feel bad about my feelings about facebook. I don't have issues, I don't need a shrink. Was just sharing a thought. I think sometimes we jump on the bandwagon of certain things that become popular and don't see them for what they really are because everyone's doing it.
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    Guess I am the opposite, I enjoy facebook, I enjoy seeing my friends children that I wouldn't normally see through pictures, I enjoy connecting with my friends, who are all in one little convinent spot.
    When I post something its becuase I am actually proud of it (like working out) not becuase I am in competition with anyone, I don't view it that way at all, I see it as a quick way of sharing whats going on in everyones lives.
    That being said, I only have people on mine that I do actually give a flying crap to know whats going on with them, and the people who feed off drama. boom deleted. its just facebook I have no qualms with deleting people or not adding people I don't care to talk to in real life :)

    I agree with that. When I'm down I can feel like others are leading better lives than me but then I remind myself that I am making myself feel that way... not my friends.
    I love seeing my friends babies, houses, lives as we are spread out around the world and cannot always afford to call or manage time zones well enough to stay in touch. Some of us are just not good at writing letters so little updates on fb keep us in touch.

    It is whatever you make of it I think. Some friends of mine choose not to use it and I respect that. Me, I prefer to use it.

    Congrats on deleting your account and focusing on other means of staying in touch though :-)
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    Guess I am the opposite, I enjoy facebook, I enjoy seeing my friends children that I wouldn't normally see through pictures, I enjoy connecting with my friends, who are all in one little convinent spot.
    When I post something its becuase I am actually proud of it (like working out) not becuase I am in competition with anyone, I don't view it that way at all, I see it as a quick way of sharing whats going on in everyones lives.
    That being said, I only have people on mine that I do actually give a flying crap to know whats going on with them, and the people who feed off drama. boom deleted. its just facebook I have no qualms with deleting people or not adding people I don't care to talk to in real life :)

    Ditto. I mean, sure sometimes the updates hit hard when I think about wanting children and not having them yet etc, but I'm SUPER happy for other people's successes, just as I hope they'll be/are happy for mine.

    Are we becoming a society that sees positivity as just "showing off"? I hope not, because I don't want to live in that world. Furthermore, I wonder when the OP will start to give up on MFP because of all of the positive updates we have on here? I can see it now: "I'm leaving MFP because I'm sick of people who post that they burned a hella lotta calories on the elliptical or that they lost another 4 pounds. What show offs..."

    I'm being a bit facetious (I hope), but my God it must be sad to want to live that way.
  • I amost deleted mine for the SAME reason last week, but didn't bc there ARE a few friend's profiles I like to look at and get updates from. I "hide" all of the annoying people, and I also went into my settings and blocked certain people from seeing my posts. I deleted 300 ppl from my page, and I rarely log on. I get push notifications to my phone and mostly just do that so I can see if someone I DO care to hear from sends me a message or wall post. Don't let it trouble you, you'll figure it out ;)
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    If you read my post a little more closely you would have seen that this has nothing to do with mfp.....forget it.
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    If you read my post a little more closely you would have seen that this has nothing to do with mfp.....forget it.

    I did read it - actually twice before I commented. Please don't take this as an attack. You are certainly entitled to your feelings about Facebook and/or the seemingly successful lives of old acquaintances. What I took from it was that it's only a matter of time before you start hating everyone who has lost weight and/or had a great workout on MFP too (IMHO).

    You are more than welcomed to disagree. That's why they're called opinions. Everyone has one. Just like - well you get my drift.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    And I think everyone knows what happens when you assume....darn it, I couldn't resist.
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    And I think everyone knows what happens when you assume....darn it, I couldn't resist.

    fair enough :laugh:
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    I see your point, however I dont think I'm strong willed enough to go delete my facebook. I have a few people who I am seriously jealous of their lives. Their constant vacations and things of that nature. it just turns me instantly green, but I cant help but look!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Theres actually studies on a new thing called "facebook depression"
    where either seeing how happy or how sad your friends are can seriously affect your emotions.

    *shrug* I just habitually delete tons of people, and hide people from my news feed.
    I need it to keep up with events and concerts and whatnot, otherwise my facebook would be LONG gone
  • kathieh1
    kathieh1 Posts: 23 Member
    Well I applaud you for doing something that is good for yourself. Computer relationships can be great or toxic and it takes self control to detach from something that is not supporting you. Everyone has different reactions.

    I'm on FB, but I NEVER do status updates. I primarily joined so I can be friends with my daughter and I do enjoy seeing some of the random updates that popup - although I haven't made any effort to friend a lot of real family or RL friends. I don't put pictures there and have not mentioned my weight either way as if I did I'd probably feel judged one way or the other.. but not doing that is OK with me.

    Anyway - thanks for venting. This is a good safe place to do that, and take care of yourself.
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    Facebook makes me feel like I don't have a life. Everyone seems to be out living their lives - drinking, getting engaged, getting married, having kids., etc. and here I sit... alone... counting calories.

    I feel tha same. But I am just plain happy. Can't put that in facebook :)
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    When I first started a facebook account I thought it was pointless and stupid. Then people from my church started requesting to be friends and so about a year after I started my account I actually started using it. I don't post many updates and only say something when I feel the need, but I find it interesting to read about people who I care about. My brother in law lives in texas and we're pretty good friends and hubby has a distant cousin in Arizona who I've gotten pretty close to on FB. Same with a couple of his aunts. However, I see your point about some of the stuff. I don't have much of a life because my husband works an hour away and we only have one car. I could take the bus, but I don't know how to use the system and we are very low income, so I tend to feel that I don't really fit anywhere. I am also the quiet type and find it easier to talk to someone I don't know than someone I do know. That is why I like this place a lot. :)
  • WOW this is so true! It is such a waste a time.!
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