fat jokes about Kirstie Alley on Dancing with the Stars

lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
edited September 25 in Chit-Chat
Thought Id throw this out there, since we talk so much about nutrition, obesity, weight discrimination, and health, but what did you think when Geroge Lopez called Kirstie out about her weight on his talk show, comparing her to that little pig on the TV commercial.

I think its that Aflac commercial, where the lady picks up the little pig, and the pig is screaming "Weeeeee.......Weeeeee, Weeeeeee, Weeeeee............all the way home, ,whille the ladys son rolls his eyes......Weeeee, Weeeee, Weeee.....while holding a little penant flag out the windoe

kind of insensitive of him.....hes not that hot of a comic either.. I loved his mother in his TV sitcom, but really never liked him.....

and to make matters worse, she(Kirstie) and her partner on Dancing with the Stars fell "because Macc's leg gave out, although rumor is now around stating "he collapsed because of her 100 extra pound weight"

there , sadly are comments that shes too fat to be on there in the first place.......

kinda sad, I think she is doing great and takes this contest very seriouslly...........

we will have to see tonite, as well as probably saying good bye to Wendy Williams. I love her, but shes at the bottom

shes another contestant George Lopez called out as well, refering to her as being a "biological man" in womens clothing.............whoa, thats rough... Lloyd


  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    She did star on her own show, "fat actress"
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Ok wait...so this is where we post jokes?
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I'm with you on this one. I find it crass and not remotely funny. It's an acceptable prejudice, unfortunately.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    George Lopez has a lotta nerve talking about the way anyone else looks.....with his big head and pock marks.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    It has always amazed me how some of these people are so quick to knock others because of their appearance, and the majority of the time the ones making the cracks have no room to talk themselves!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I havent got a lot to contribute to this, but George Lopez is an unfunny tool. It has nothing to do with this other than you mentioned him, but all he's got is being a douche, it's the only "funny" thing he knows how to do.
  • Poking fun at herself and her weight problem that she is well aware of is one thing, but for Lopez to essentially ridicule her and her efforts is asinine...not like ol' George is a model specimen himself...
    At least she is moving her butt instead of sitting at home doing nothing, ya know?
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    jokes at the expense of others is never okay...regardless of who or what kind of show they do...

    This country is so f....ked up about women and body images....and that gets played out on the tv screen regularly!
  • I freakin' love her, and I don't think anyone can throw anything at her that she can't handle. I'm not saying they should throw it at her, but I think she is one fantastically strong and courageous lady. Dealing with a problem that is so real to so many of us in the public eye like that, and really embracing it, is what makes that lady someone to idolize. She is so real, and beautiful. Love her.
  • taylor1098
    taylor1098 Posts: 11 Member
    I think it's wrong of people to make fun of her, and I think she is very brave for agreeing to be on the show. I believe Maks' leg really did give out, it is a normal thing to happen. I hope she doesn't get eliminated tonight and I really hope people give her a chance, because I think she is quite good.
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    I like Kirstie Alley. I think she's beautiful.

    I like George Lopez. He's just doing his job. He gets paid to be an *kitten*. If people didn't like it, he probably wouldn't have his own show.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I gotta tell you-- first, no, George Lopez isn't funny in the first place. And his comments were unkind. I know that's the deal with "comedy" these days. Nobody and nothing is off limits. It is what it is. But, he's a shmuck, in my opinion.

    As for Kirstie-- I cried watching her the first time. She, for better or worse, is who she is. She wishes she were a smaller size, and her struggles are well documented. But, she went out there unapologetically and unashamed and totally rocked it. She is a wonderful dancer, and I was so proud and so moved I cried like a baby.

    here I sit with my weight piling on due to my metabolic crap I've documented, and I can't look people in the eye I'm so ashamed of how I look. And I've been busting my *kitten* for two years.

    I really was moved. She really impressed me.

    As for Maks' fall....who knows if he would have collapsed with a smaller actress? It's moot right now. It looked how it looked. It will be played in the media the way it will be played. I've always thought Kirstie was obnoxious and not terribly funny. I've had to look at her through different eyes through all this. She's a very strong, amazing woman and I wish her the best.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Is it mean? Yes. Would he say that to her face? Probably not.

    But...She has the means to lose weight. Yes, it's hard for everyone, but being a celebrity with plenty of money means that she has access to certain resources that the rest of us don't. She can hire a top trainer, chef, etc. and she can lose the weight. She even came out with her own line of organic weight loss products, she should probably be better spokesperson for them! If she put in the time and effort she could lose the weight and keep it off, just like the rest of us. If you're public about your struggle with your weight and you fail time after time you should expect that there will be rude people who will make fun. It sucks, but honestly, it's just another part of being a celebrity.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    MEGG, I agree, an aging old Chris Rock..........(yawn)

    hope she does well, and coming from a person who used to be morbidly obese, I really respect her for appearing on the show, and the time she was on Oprah in a bikini.......that takes balls...........Lloyd
  • schlubba
    schlubba Posts: 26
    I say who cares. Is she fat....Yes. I am a fat man and feel that anyone who gets made fun of because they are fat should deal with it. In my opinion, this nation has become a bunch of sensitive wimps and I can't stand it. If someone is fat, you shouldn't have to sidestep around the issue, same goes for ugly, skinny, beautiful, crackheads, idiots and the like. If they don't like it, they are the ones who can change it (generally). Then again this is my just my opinion. If you don't like it, form your own.
  • msproducer
    msproducer Posts: 101 Member
    I love Kirstie & actually voted for her. She's a 60 yr old with sass & moves. The pig commercial is hilarious, but Lopez referring Kirstie to a pig is not my kind of joke either. I hope she makes it far in the competition. I look forward to watching her!
  • I think Kirstie is way pretty. She got TONS of **** for wearing her swimsuit on Oprah along time ago. You can tell she felt confident and happy. Just to hear later everyone thought she looked like a fat pig. I thought she looked awesome and happy.

    You would think that a comedian could think of other things besides a womans weight to tease. What a horrible low blow that is. But then again..Its George Lopez, and if I say so myself I don't consider him an comedian, just a low life piece of **** that HAS to resort to teasing about personal things to make himself look better. Stupid *****
  • She handled that fall with class and grace and went on to prove that she deserves to be on that show.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I say who cares. Is she fat....Yes. I am a fat man and feel that anyone who gets made fun of because they are fat should deal with it. In my opinion, this nation has become a bunch of sensitive wimps and I can't stand it. If someone is fat, you shouldn't have to sidestep around the issue, same goes for ugly, skinny, beautiful, crackheads, idiots and the like. If they don't like it, they are the ones who can change it (generally). Then again this is my just my opinion. If you don't like it, form your own.

    cheers :drinker:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I am chubby...asian and hispanic. I gots jokes galore!
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