Hi, I'm new!

I am new to this website and havent really ever been on a website before.... for weightloss anyways....
I have lost weight before and kept it off until my dad passed last year which made me overeat like crazy and not even care about it until now so Im going to try to get out of this funk and loose weight and get healthy for my future.

If you would like to be my motivation and vice versa please add me...thanks :)


  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    good luck with it, i have just added you so you have my full support.........
  • kieramint
    Good on you x
    Best wishes
  • LacheleG
    LacheleG Posts: 37
    Thank yall very much!!
  • Buckwheat38
    good luck i just added you :happy:
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss journey, we're all here for help and support.

    Just added you x
  • LacheleG
    LacheleG Posts: 37
    Thank Ya'll and hopefully I can be just as helpful!
    good luck to all of you!!
    from the looks of it you all are doing a wonderful job!!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck:smile:
  • NoahGayDaniels
    Good luck on your journey to your new self! :bigsmile:
  • jgonzales808
    Awesome Web site, , been using it for a month now, love the tracking tools, and the iphone app! lost 22 lbs so far :smile:
  • LacheleG
    LacheleG Posts: 37
    >>Thank you!! and the same to you <3

    NoahGayDaniels --->> thank you!! and backatcha :D

    jgonzales808 ---->>>>congrats!! i hv the iphone app and am still getting used to it but I'm liking it so far...especially since I HAVE to check in and add my food since its always w me <3<3
