Running/Jogging Tips

Good Morning Fitness Pals! I come to u with a request this morning...may sound a little weird but I need some tips or suggetions on breathing while running/jogging. I see ppl that run who are not panting, huffing & puffing or completely out of breath...well of course I'm the complete opposite! It isn't my legs that are incapable, but I have the hardest time catching my breath which in turn slows me down. Any advice/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated! Hope everyone's having a wonderful, productive & HEALTHY day


  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    BUMPING because Im very interested to see what responses you get! I have the same problem. My husband is an avid runner and stayed with me in my first 5k and said that I should take shorter, quicker breaths with my steps...two in, two out, but I felt like I was hyperventalating at times. He said its different for everyone...some do four breaths in and four breaths out...
    Cant wait to see what others say!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Definately work on breathing through your nose. Once you get used to running it won't be as bad but everyone is going to huff and puff for a couple months. After about 3 months or so I noticed myself getting into shape.

    EDIT: read post above me.
    I do 4 in and 4 out. That's always worked well for me.
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    deep breaths, in through your nose out through your mouth...and try not to think about it too hard, because that tends to make me more huffier and puffier. I read somewhere that someone chewed gum while they ran, because it took their concentration off of breathing. You should be taking slow deep breaths every few steps. I think with practice it becomes natural, but i'm still pretty focused on it...
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Slow down -- and insert some walk breaks to get your breathing back to normal.
    When I focus on my breathing its 2 in 1 out .... almost like lamaze breathing. But I know that my run is going well when I am not even thinking about my breathing. Every once in a while I take a huge deep breath in and blow it all out like birthday candles. Seems to keep my asthma from flaring too badly!
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Good Morning Fitness Pals! I come to u with a request this morning...may sound a little weird but I need some tips or suggetions on breathing while running/jogging. I see ppl that run who are not panting, huffing & puffing or completely out of breath...well of course I'm the complete opposite! It isn't my legs that are incapable, but I have the hardest time catching my breath which in turn slows me down. Any advice/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated! Hope everyone's having a wonderful, productive & HEALTHY day

    I have been running for several years and I have always heard there is a "correct" way of breathing when you run. However, I just breathe the way that feels best for me. My friends who run have said the same thing. I think if I tried to dwell on it very much, I would be distracted. So I just do what feels best for me. Another thing, once you have been running for a good while, your endurance increases as well as your lung function and heart. Those things make a big difference.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I have always read that you don't get enough air breathing in just through your nose. You need to breath in through both your nose and your mouth and out of your mouth. It just takes some time and some training to get your lungs used to it.
  • EJWoolcock
    :smile: I have the same problem. I asked my doctor who told me I shouldn't expect to be able to breathe when exercising because I am fat. Nice huh. What I have found is that as I have persisted it does ease off and it is getting easier. I have found if I listen to music I can't hear myself breathe and it seems to become less of an issue. When it gets too hard, I always stop and take some deep breaths until my breathing slows down and is back under control.

    Keep up the good work. Slow exercise is still burning calories!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    This is something that I've been working on as well. Mine is 4 in 4 out as well, what I discovered yesterday was that if I stopped listening to my I-pad when runnning that my concentration improved tons.
  • IzzieLee
    IzzieLee Posts: 19 Member
    I had the same problem when I first started running then found a great tip in a running book I was reading. The author (who I can't remember right now) said to breath in and out for odd numbers like 3 breaths in, 2 breaths out. If you are going faster and need to breath more, do 2 breaths in, 1 breath out. This is because when you breath out you have a tendancy to step harder so you are exerting more pressure on that same foot over and over. I find the 3/2 works well for me when I first start my run but often near the end I am doing the 2/1. I haven't mastered the art of breathing in through my nose though while running. I don't feel I am getting enough oxygen in so still huff and puff through my mouth the majority of the time!
  • yuli23
    yuli23 Posts: 89 Member
    I have the same issue ...... I don't jog much at all but I try and its been getting easier to breath. Yesterday I did two minutes and felt like I was gonna die but its better than the 30 sec I startd with. I'm guessing our body has to adjust I can't wait till I can do a mile non stop ....
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    I've been running seriously for 3 months now and I breathe in through my mouth AND nose. It works for me. Maybe you should slow down a little and get use to your time the speed will come. Cheers
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    This is something that I've been working on as well. Mine is 4 in 4 out as well, what I discovered yesterday was that if I stopped listening to my I-pad when runnning that my concentration improved tons.

    Dont really have anything to add, but I LOVE your profile pic! Boiler Up! ;)
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Ok, I promise I'm not crazy.

    But something that really helped me control my breathing was chewing gum on my runs. Maybe it's only me, but it helps me keep a rhythm and forces me to breathe in through my nose (which from what I understand is more 'natural').

    I was amazed that my heart rate was up in the upper 170's- low 180's and I wasn't gasping for breath. Maybe try it?
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Breathe as naturally as you can. There's no right or wrong way. I don't know how you could breathe through your nose while running and still get enough air, but that's just me. I'm a mouth breather when I run, and it's 2 steps in and 2 steps out, generally. I don't think about it. Distract yourself. Your lungs will come along sooner than you think. Stick with it. Running is a great way to get a really good burn really quickly. Good luck!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    this article has good info. i read in Runner's World that if you breathe in just through your nose, you're probably not getting enough oxygen. i breathe through nose and mouth and have noticed my endurance increased.

    sorry i still don't know how to make it a real link. html doesn't work and forum tags don't either. i bet there's an FAQ somewhere :-/
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I chew gum, but it wasn't to help the breathing as much as the dry mouth. You should be breathing through your mouth. Maybe you are running too fast. You should be able to carry a conversation, but not sing. If you are breathing so heavy you can't talk, you are running to fast. If can sing then you are running too slow. Maybe you should slow down your running and and work on speed as you get used to it more.

    Best wishes.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I don't know anything about you, but I"m going to post about me and my experience.

    I am an exercise induced asthmatic... who is one of the world's huffiest breathers..... or so I thought. When I ran Xcountry in HS, I was huffing and puffing and gasping.... and in shape. I could run 13 miles at a time, but I was always gasping for breath- even after the easy warm up runs.....

    I've been running for a few months now (decades later, two kids, lots of fat accumulation, etc.). I started with Couch to 5K, and am now easily running 3 miles without stopping. At a decent pace, too. I don't gasp, huff, or feel out of breath when I run now. I think it's because I started at such a base level of running and walking that my lungs had time to accommodate to my runs, rather than jumping in with both feet and running 5 miles on the first day of Xcountry in HS and playing catch up ever since. I plan on adding tempos and intervals to my training soon, to build up speed and distance..... but only within the limits of my being able to breathe easily.

    Maybe if you back off on your mileage for a bit and build up your distance slowly... your lungs will adapt with you, and you will have an easier time running. Just an idea.....

  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Agree with everyone else. I do 3 in, 3 out. I tried 2 in, 2 out and felt like I was hyperventilating. I tried 4 in, 4 out and felt like my lungs were going to explode.

    I found that counting my steps per breath also makes the run go by quicker.
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    I don't have an answer, I actually have the same problem and I'm still trying to learn how I should breathe while running. If I run past a certain speed I will choke not being able to breath.

    I do have to say that in my case having music that is louder than my panting really does help me keep going. Between songs when there is a moment of silence, I can hear my loud breathing and it really sounds like I'm more tired than I actually feel.

    Thanks everyone for posting suggestions, I will sure try to benefit as well from you guys' knowledge and experience <3
  • MsTeeBee
    MsTeeBee Posts: 14
    Hi Guys & Gals!!!! thank u sooooo much for all the tips and advice. There are so many great ideas, I think I may try them all until I find one that best suits me. I'm definitely gonna try the gum chewing & 3in, 3out method! I tried 2in and 2out today while brisk walking and it seemed to help! Can't thank everyone enough....

    *Happy Jogging...