27.2 pounds gone in 6 weeks, how I did it!

I started my weight lose journey about 5 ½ weeks ago. So far I have lost 27.2 pounds. I’ve seen a lot of questions in the forums about what diet, and what exercises, and how long does it take to lose x amount of weight. I thought I’d share how I’ve done it so far.

I started out at 318 pounds 6 ½ weeks ago, my wife was 292. I was not serious about losing weight. I thought and talked with my wife. We decided to start just eating better. The big thing I did that week was my switch to water. I gave up everything else, and have only drunk water since then. I am probably most proud of that one achievement so far. In fact I am drinking water as I type this. I drink about 100-150 ounces of water per day. The week of us just eating better lead to us deciding to workout a little. We hit Wal-Mart and picked a DVD for walking at home. I kind of laughed being a guy, “This is silly walking at home, to easy”. Uh, no! I was wore out after the first day. I plowed through the rest of the week with eagerness because I finally realized I was in horrible shape. I thought, “I can’t even walk without my heart jumping through me chest!” Scary! I walked for 6 days. During that week I ordered the Power 90 Program. Somewhere around the end of that week my wife found Myfitnesspal.com, the iPhone app, and we’ve been on it ever since.

We stay under our calorie goal every single day. We follow the Power 90 workouts exactly. We work out 6 days per week. 3 days of strength, 3 days of cardio, alternating days as we go. We take a Vitapak supplement program from GNC every morning. I’m on the Men’s Mega Man Sport, and my wife is on the Women’s Ultra Mega Energy and Metabolism. We drink the GNC Wheybolic extreme 60 recovery drink, one scoop for our AM snack, one scoop for our PM snack.

Now on to our “diet”. I have tried every fad diet, Atkins, South Beach, Soup, blah, blah, blah. They don’t work. I’m sorry to say it but the only thing yo-yo dieting got me was my gallbladder removed when I was 30. Yo-yo dieting is a main cause of gallstones. I put the word diet in quotes because what we are doing is eating right. I eat sugar, I eat carbs, I eat fat. I eat these things in healthy percentages and amounts that Myfitnesspal.com helps me track. I think I pay more attention to the nutrition portion of my iPhone app then I do the calorie count. My food diary should be open to everyone to look at. We decided to really help our weight lose by drinking a meal replacement shake from Shakeology at night. This really is as much a convenience factor as it is a diet issue. You see we don’t work out until about 6:00PM every night. We want to have our last calorie intake of the day by 7:00PM. So cooking was a hassle, then clean up, then our whole night became about the eating and diet. We did it for three weeks, but the shakes are quick and filling.

So the other factor that helps us is getting our metabolism going and staying burning through the day. We eat! We wake up, we have a cup of water each, take our Vitapak, and eat breakfast within the first hour of waking up. You must eat breakfast! Your system doesn’t “wake-up” and burn calories until you eat. We then have our AM snack (our recovery shake and maybe a Nutrigrain bar or nuts) in about 2-3 hours after breakfast. We then eat lunch, then our afternoon snack (Recovery shake and fruit or trail mix, maybe even something a bit larger depending on calories at lunch). We go home workout on a mostly empty stomach so we are burning stored energy (a.k.a Fat) as we workout. We do our dinner Shakeology, and that is it. We try to time our dinner shake about 3 hours before bed. Our goal is to go to bed just a little hungry feeling. This means our body is burning stored energy (a.k.a. Fat) all night.

We weigh daily, track it versus calories consumed. We measure weekly stomach, chest, thighs, arms, hips, and neck. I’ve lost 4 inches off my hips, 3 from my waste, and my pants are getting ready to fall off of me now! We track daily because for about a week I wasn’t really seeing much lose. I actual had to bump up my calories to see the weight start to come back off. Weight lose slowed again at the end of last week, I’m now easing up on the calorie intake again. The differences are only about 400-500 calories a day, not a lot, and I think the variation keeps my body guessing and it seems to not be able to settle into a lower metabolism that way. That is what works for me.

I’m not saying I have the keys to weight lose for everyone. But I will say the fact of take in less, but better foods, exercise more, and eat several small meals throughout the day, and don’t go to bed on a full stomach. The psychological part is the hardest. I still crave cheese burgers, but my motivation to really change is real this time. I currently weigh 290.8, and my wife is at 270.


  • BlueSkies_12
    BlueSkies_12 Posts: 74 Member
    Great job, thanks for the post!
  • morningmom
    morningmom Posts: 100
    Great ideas! Thanks!
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    Great job! Great advice! That's a real accomplishment! Keep up the great work :flowerforyou:
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Congrats on your achievement thus far as well as your wife.
    I agree with you 100%, I also eat everything but in moderation and I have had great success. Guess what, I don't have to go carb free to lose weight; yay for me!
  • LAALee
    LAALee Posts: 2
    Congrats! thanks for the details.. it's interesting to see how people are incorporating changes into their daily lives. :)
  • peimomof2
    peimomof2 Posts: 79 Member
    WOW!! You guys should be so proud of all your hard work! Keep it up. Commitment pays off in the end. If you're not motivation, i don't know what is :)
  • bouldert
    bouldert Posts: 225 Member
    congrats ,greatly appreciate the info and everything,
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Good job to both you and your wife! You must feel so great!!!
  • NoMoreThickyMickey
    NoMoreThickyMickey Posts: 73 Member
    wow, i commend you and your wife on the strides you two are making. The beauty of it all, is you two have each other to do this with. The shake sounds like something I need to incorporate into my daily routine... Keep up the great work :)
  • DaisyBayberry
    That is great!!! Thank you for your story. It helps to know how healthy choices and moderation can make such a difference!:happy:
  • Nelly711
    Nelly711 Posts: 52
    That is awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!!! It is very frusterating....what works for one, may or may not work for another. I think to myself all the time...I am not losing weight...I should just quit,.....however.......I am building muscle by walking and strength training, I feel better everyday, I am not sluggish and dragging to get out of bed, so I AM doing something right.

    I am tempted EVERY day with "bad" foods, I live in a house with 3 boys and a husband, who could really care less about healthy eating, calories and whole grains, but, I am choosing to make my own choices and eat what's good for me, and I slowly incorporate "healthy foods" in with their lunches and dinnners, and there isn't much complaining!!!

    I am proud of you and your wife. It takes a lot of will power to start something and stick with it, Good for you guys!!

    Good luck in your journey and keep us posted!!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    SO proud of you guys!

    How do you like Power 90? How hard is it for you guys to do? I keep hemming and hawing on whether I should order it or not. I just don't want to spend money on something that I can't do, or when I do do (heh) it, I can't move for 3 days after.
  • lpm3925
    lpm3925 Posts: 39
    I actually feel great! I sleep better, pretty sure any sleep apnia issues are gone now, I feel rested. I'm getting some muscle tone back that I haven't seen since high school. i can do push-ups from my toes again!

    One of our real motivations si to surprise our familys at Thanksgiving when we go home to visit. This motivation is great becasue it makes it fun. we may not drop 100 pounds by then, but the looks on everyone's faces will be great when they see the way slimer, fit us. It's exciting!
  • Puggled
    Puggled Posts: 26
    You the man! That's totally awesome. I look forward to your next instalment in six or so weeks when you've gone even further. Good luck.
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    well done and thanks for sharing, you have both done amazing x
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Awesome Job! I'm so happy that you and your wife can share this wonderful journey together!
  • mommy3x
    mommy3x Posts: 46 Member
    Congrats on the achievement so far - and thanks for the ideas!
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    Great post, very encouraging, give me more motivation. Thanks and keep it up!!
  • MeeeMeee
    MeeeMeee Posts: 3
    That's Great!!! you and your wife are doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work and much luck on continued loss to you both
  • faithvarvel
    good job, keep up the great work. that advice helps thanks.