when did you realize you were overweight.



  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    I guess i hadn't looked in the mirror for a long time cuz it seemed over nite that NONE of my clothes fit. It was like i had become chubby and didn't even know it!~ None of my family or friends had mentioned the difference until i was 25lbs heavier and i started freaking out about it.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I was never actually over weight but I decided that things needed to change when a friend of my BF made a comment a bout chubby people and then said "No offense" to me. The part that bothered me is that he acted like I knew it and I was ok with it. I thought about it for a couple days and finally weighed myself cuz I had been thinking my jeans were tight and I had some muffin top. I discovered I weighed 20lbs more than I wanted to. 8 months worth of light beer can catch up to you quick.
  • Kita417
    Kita417 Posts: 2 Member
    It was a number of things for me. My weight always fluctuated while I was in college and while I was pregnant I got up to 219lbs. But after I had my baby I lost about 30 pounds but was still had trouble fitting into my jeans and had massive muffin top. That's when I knew that I had to make a change. Not only do I want to lose weight I also want to get in shape.

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  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    It really hit me during winter when my pants didn't fit. Leggings and dresses just got old, so I jumped on the weight-loss wagon because I refused to buy larger sized clothes.
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I went down hill from about 20 yr old on. I got up to just under 300 lbs and I am only 5' 10". I had a dr appt cause I was having medical issues only to find out DUH! I was pre diabetic. That snapped me back into reality real fast. I knew I needed a change in my life just not a diet.

    I now eat a lot healthier and workout 5-6 times a week.

    My current weight is 207 with a goal of 188ish.

    To be honest I am happier than I have ever been overall in my life.
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    When I was standing in Layne Bryant getting a new bra and your standing there with all the mirrors and lights thats when it hit me! Holy Cow!
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    For someone who has been within a "normal" weight range most of my life, I have had several "OMG, I'M FAT" realizations. One was a picture after my freshman year of college (freshman 15), but the most recent one was several years ago. My son was diagnosed with autism and we moved to a larger city to procure appropriate services to help him grow developmentally. I consoled myself with copious amounts of Reese's peanut butter cups! But, I think I have reverse anorexia LOL...I didn't really notice the changes in my body when I gained 20 lbs, but I started wearing exercise pants all the time (minus the actual exercise!) and I did notice that people started treating me differently, in general. It was almost like I had become invisible in public. Store clerks, waitresses, etc began to ignore me...I know that sounds paranoid and it was a subtle difference, but fat people are treated differently. I HATE being ignored, so that was what spurred me on to lose the first 20 lbs. Then I got comfy and it has taken me several years to get in the right frame of mine to become truly healthy...inside and out.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Another one for me was when I went into La Vie En Rose to get a bra fitting... the lady measured my ribs and then said " you might as well get dressed cuz even our biggest size won't fit you!". She was such a rude little twit. I coulda punched her but she was right. Not exactly good work ethic to say that to a potential customer tho! :tongue:
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I was in denial for a long time. Seeing pictures of myself eventually caused it to sink in. One example is the one inside my profile with the orange tshirt standing next to the motorcycle. I also remember standing in the shower once looking down upon my enormous belly. I started playing drums on it and singing, "i got a big fat gut, a big fat gut, a big fat gut". I think it was not long after that little ditty that I started doing something about it.
  • jram70
    jram70 Posts: 91 Member
    Not until I lost the weight. I knew I was heavier than I should be and in pictures I had a 40 year old's gut and a round face, but now I look at myself currently and pictures right before the weight loss and I can say I was overweight (and still am technically).
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm another one who always had pretty high self esteem so even though I was overweight and knew it, I was ok with it. However, after the loss of a good friend a couple years ago, I let it all slide and even stopped weighing myself (something I've done daily since I was in my teens). Then I took a trip to see an old college buddy and when I saw the pictures, I was completely humiliated. How had I gotten so massive?!

    Late 2009 I started cutting back then joined WW in January 2010. Now I'm doing it on my own with the help of the MFP tools and community support. So far I've lost 55 pounds and plan to lose at least 40 more this year.
  • MGleason2010
    MGleason2010 Posts: 105 Member
    I like to think that I carry extra weight well. In fact, my mom thought I weighed 20 lbs less than I do - I wouldn't even tell her what I ACTUALLY weighed.

    I'm not sure exactly what did it, except for recently a lot of my bigger clothes are starting to look tight and I realized I have a back roll! You know the one under your bra..... It's not huge, but I HATE it. I think it was just the combination of clothing not fitting and the way I looked in the mirror. It just hit me one day I guess, even though I've been technically over weight for about 3 years now. The number just slowly keeps climping. Enough is enough!
  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 95 Member
    I've always been "heavy." I was suppose to be, my whole family is - right? That's how I accepted it for all these years. With great family and friends who never made my weight and issue (someone might have wanted to - just sayin).
    Nov 2010 the Dr. told me I was obese, had type 2 diabetes, and should have gastric bypass surgery - WHAT?
    My whole life of being "heavy but healthy" went right out the window. I came home and cried. The next day I got up and started walking.
  • WinKitty
    WinKitty Posts: 119
    When I was walking through a parking lot and for absolutely no reason, a truck full of men rolled down the windows and drove next to me calling out that I was fat and that I hoped I didn't wonder why I didn't have a man (I was married), etc. I had never been treated like that in my whole life.
  • Nogo
    Nogo Posts: 105 Member
    Always have been fat but since I was told I had a "cute face and good personality" I got away with it. Then one day - waowza - went up 2 jeans sizes and never get asked on a date by a normal guy. Time to fix this...
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    When I couldn't button up my uniform...I was talking to people about maintaining a healthy weight in hospital whilst I was breaking the scales at 180 pounds....I needed to do something immediately.
  • amarie36
    amarie36 Posts: 65 Member
    I realized I was too overweight when I had to start buying the smallest size of clothes in the Plus Size section. I've always been able to just buy my size and go without trying it on. After my second child I started having to try things on...then after awhile a Large wasnt enough...I needed an XL which was in Plus Size in alot of stores. :-( Another wake up call was when I noticed that I wasn't getting second looks from men as I walked by as often as I used to. It was never a big thing to me, but when the second looks stopped....I took notice.
  • amarie36
    amarie36 Posts: 65 Member
    When I was walking through a parking lot and for absolutely no reason, a truck full of men rolled down the windows and drove next to me calling out that I was fat and that I hoped I didn't wonder why I didn't have a man (I was married), etc. I had never been treated like that in my whole life.

    OMG! That is horrible! Nobody deserves that regardless of their weight!! :-(
  • Katherine_Nelson
    Katherine_Nelson Posts: 70 Member
    It has always been photos for me! two weeks ago my fiancee and i had our engagement portraits made and i almost cried when i saw how big i looked in some of them.
  • stephding
    stephding Posts: 16
    3rd grade is when I became overweight and I knew it right away, kids would make fun of me, so it was hard to hide from. I've been called fat since I was 8 years old, even today 20 years later people still say it. I can't wait until that label can no longer be applied to me.