Anybody else hate running?



  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I say do what works for you, but that being said...running works for me so I do it. Cycling doesn't work well, hiking - meh, weights - to a certain extent, but running works. I don't particularly LIKE it, but I do it. I would agree you should get outside and do it. I personally enjoy the solitude of just me and my iPod - I don't get much alone time. I work out a lot of issues in my head and do some introspection while I'm on the road. I've also come to enjoy running with friends, which I NEVER thought I would like. Trail running is fun and passes the time quickly - not to mention includes incline to burn more calories AND the scenery is great. I only get bored with running when I run 10 or more miles.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Same here. I hate running with passion :explode: traumatized in high school. but I cycle a lot. Pure pleasure and lots of burned calories :wink:

    Hey I love my trail running but I have to agree with you on cycling as well. I think I burn far more calories cycling and it is a great feeling to go fast and sweep through the turns. I even enjoy the challenge of hills. And dogs chasing me... dog sprint! I enjoy both road biking and mountain biking; totally different workouts but both great fun. And P90X is great; love that Plyo-X on rainy days. I do such a variety of things that I'm really no good at any one but do OK at each and enjoy all. I think (hope) that they all contribute to wholeness in fitness,
  • conmar51
    conmar51 Posts: 12 Member
    I hate running too, & it's rough on the knee's since I'm "top heavy" (basically have a beer gut). What I do is up the treadmill elevation to around 8 or 9 & crank the speed up to 3.4 -3.6. This will get me into the fat burning range of around 70% of my MHR. Do a 5 minute warm up then try it for 30 mins. It's a great workout. Good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I think a lot of people are missing the point of the OP - she stopped pushing herself to do something that she didn't really like and found her joy and success through other methods of exercise. That, to me, is something to be very proud of!!

    Personally running is one of those things that is keeping me going because it's something I NEVER thought I'd do and it's still quite a challenge for me (which keeps my competitive side motivated). I started last year with some short walks which progressively got longer and faster and then I started doing a little jogging. Once I came indoors this winter, I found out I could only jog at about 4.5mph but I slowly worked up my endurance and now I'm doing most intervals at 5 and even 6mph depending on the particular routine. Oops, sorry, went into a ramble there...never mind
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    See, there is the misconception- it's hard to LIKE the actual running. It hurts, it can be boring, and long, but the feeling of accomplishment when it's done is unmatchable.

    Exactly. There really, truly is such thing as a runners high. I did 5 miles earlier this week and when I got off the treadmill I felt like a superhero!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    I can't say I despise running, but it far from my favorite activity. I do it when there are not other options, but I much prefer doing Metabolic Resistance Training or HIIT (not using running usually) for my fat loss. Usually the workouts are under 30 minutes, and they burn fat like crazy. I have lost noticable inches since starting MRT as my primary exercise modality (that is only 3 weeks ago). I have never had quick changes in how my body was configured ever. I used to measure weekly and be happy if their was a very small change every week. Now I measure weekly and have seen very consistent .5" changes even while my weight did not change that much. I will run if I have to. I will run playing various sports, but just running for the sake of running those long distances, nope. I think my only exception to that is if I decide to do the warrior dash, in which case I would do a month or so of distance running in preparation.
  • debgomes90
    I'm not a fan of running either!!! But running gets me in shape real quick! I just make a kick *kitten* playlist and I'm constantly switching up my routes... Plus I don't start off too quick I like to slowly build up my speed. Then do intervals of quick and slow. Running is def something that takes a while to get used too
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I don't hate it but when I do feel like running I go to the track and do warm up laps. Then I'll do lunges, skips, hops, and a lot of other track work. I like to change things all the time.
  • sheetsofheaven
    sheetsofheaven Posts: 57 Member
    I have never been a runner either, but I have a very high energy dog who loves to run!!! I feel like I'm going to die, I cant breath and I have major shin splints, but I really do feel good when I get over all that! This may be a really dumb question.....but for you runners out there...."WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???" I dont want to run a marathon or anything, I just want to run more than a few minutes and be able to still breath!