Obsessing over it : (

I am still under calorie allowance but I am at work and someone brought in biscotti's and of course I had to have one. Was not even that hungry but it was the 2:00 get me through food. Uggh. I just wish I had will power like other people I know. My sister is dieting also and she is on a very strict diet. Hardly eats anything at all .. I know she does not eat her calorie allowance or even close.. but she has lost 10 lbs in 2 wks.. So question.. who is doing this right.. me who is following the food tracker and exercise tracker and trying to be within calorie allowance or her - the crash dieter? Now I have not been perfect since starting.. granted a few weekend slips.. mainly too many beverages., but I truly have tried to watch and exercise as much as I have time for. I have been going to gym / walking at least 4 days a week.. Is this enough? Or should I be on the " I am not eating anything but lettuce / broccoli or whatever does not have calories diet too??? Is that really healthy? I need to buy a scale next week. I do not have one, so to be honest.. don't know if I have lost or not.


  • thisisjulz
    I'd say your way is safer. when she slips up or stops dieting she will most likely gain back quicker.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    10 lbs in 2 weeks is not healthy! once she gets to her "goal weight" and starts goes back to eating "normal", she will likely gain it all back
  • AJBond
    AJBond Posts: 14
    You are on the right track for sure!!! They way you are going, you will be able to maintain your weight loss much easier than your sister. Crash diets are horrible for maintaining! She will gain the weight she lost as soon...becuase noone can stay on that kind of diet for long! Keep it up!
  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    Dont worry about what other people are doing.. Concentrate on what is right for you... Eat when your hungry eat healthy and excersise... this is your weight loss not your sisters

    Slow and steady wins the race after all
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    Don't worry!! Your bit doing it fine. The way that you are doing it is more recommended though. If you eat extremely little not even close to your calorie goal, I could do damage to your body by losing weight to fast. But it may not. She is losing weight quicker but you are still losing the amount of weight you should be. So there isn't really a WRONG way there is just a BETTER way and that's yours. N
  • Jenncoxie
    Jenncoxie Posts: 2 Member
    I think losing one or two pounds a week over a longer period of time will help in the overall success of your weight loss. You will be building new eating and exercising habits which will prove to be stronger and healthier than crash dieting!! Stay strong and follow the program = )
  • mae3785
    mae3785 Posts: 40 Member
    Plain and simple, crash dieting doesn't work. Unless your sister plans on sticking to eating lettuce and broccoli for the rest of her life she will gain weight back. It isn't supposed to be a diet, it is supposed to be a lifestyle change.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    You're doing it right - the slower you lose the weight, the longer you'll keep it off.

    And also, crash dieting is bad - once your sister stops it, she'll probably gain it back. You have to eat a way that you can stand to eat for the rest of your life, not just a "diet" until I get to my goal weight then go back to what I was eating before. That's a recipe for disaster!

    So you're doing well, since you're staying in your calories, but are still eating things you enjoy.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Dont worry about what other people are doing.. Concentrate on what is right for you... Eat when your hungry eat healthy and excersise... this is your weight loss not your sisters

    Slow and steady wins the race after all

    well said =)
  • imagineaballoon
    DEFINITELY YOU. What your sister is doing is not only not sustainable, but also downright unhealthy. She is doing her body a real disservice. The only way to "win" the weight loss game is to play it slow and steady. Try not to view your weight loss as your primary motivating factor -- are you eating better? Are you moving your body more? Do you find you feel better physically and mentally when you're eating healthy foods and exercising? If you can answer yes to all three of those, then you ARE doing something tremendous for yourself, whether you see it in terms of quick weight loss or slow. Trust me, if you continue to follow your plan of eating well and working out, there will come a day when your sister will have gained all her weight back and you will be healthily maintaining. :)
  • sharaleeb
    sharaleeb Posts: 32
    I've found it's not realistic for me to "crash diet" and deprive myself of all the foods I like, when I do that I end up cranky and then when I give in and eat what I want my portion sizes are way out of control causing me to gain more weight than I lost in the first place! Eat healthy, watch you calories and make sure you have a treat once in awhile! The recipes people share on MFP really help get the sweet snacky at low cal thing done too! Check them out! Good Luck! I think you're doing it the right way to keep your weight off!!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    First, stop beating yourself up.....you can not always pass up everything, plus you are still under calories!!
    Second, I can not say this with utmost certainty, but your sister (super crash dieter) might be losing weight now, but that doesn't mean she is going to keep it off. Once she starts eating like a normal person again she will mostly likey gain it back plus some. You on the other hand are doing weight loss in a healthy way through diet and exercise, you are more likely to continue to lose and keep the weight off once you have lost to your goal.
    I'm sure you know all of this and are just kicking yourself for eating what you perceive to be the wrong thing, but a calorie is a calorie and as long as you are eating enough and working out hard when you can you will succeed!!!
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    Do not crash diet. You are asking is it healthy? My answer is that you probably already know it is not. You will lose weight by tracking your calories on here. Trust me! I have seen success after success on here. Everyone I know that I have reccommended this to that has really followed it, has lost weight. And you will too...if you really follow it.

    Now the question for you is...would you rather be able to eat and lose weight or starve and lose weight? Seems simple to me.
    Question number two...would you rather lose a lot of weigh now and as soon as you get to your goal weight and start eating nomal again only to gain it all back or lose weight slowly and keep it off because you did it the right way? Seems simple to me.

    It's up to you.
  • metalhed00
    Losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks is not good. Tell your sister to start eating more. More healthy foods, instead of less total food.

    You sound all over the place with your dieting. Ask a professional instead of trying to do it yourself.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    You are doing it the right way. Don't beat yourself up for slipping...we all do it. Crash diets don't work for the long run....if they did most of us on MFP would be thin, based on the number of blogs I have seen admitting to various crazy diets ... I should know, I've done most of them.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    You are doing it right. This is a life-long change. Fast weightloss will only cause problems in the long run.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member

    You are making a LIFEstyle change, not DIEting if you want to be truly successful in the longterm. You (or your sister either) didn't put on excess weight in a short time period, and if you want the weight loss to stick, you can't take it off overnight either.

    And, it isn't about perfection.....it's about making choices you can live with, and doing what you can to make good choices. Speaking in cliches, "if you fall off the wagon," "tomorrow is another day." So you ate a biscotti? Go for an extra 20 minute walk tonight after work, or get up earlier tomorrow and walk before work.

    One day at a time.....one step at a time......one meal at a time. YOU can do this if YOU put your mind to it.
  • dcashin90
    dcashin90 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi deelschneider! I don't 'crash diet' and I don't think losing 10lbs in two weeks is all that healthy, unless they had a lot of weight to lose in the first place. I try not to be too strict and allow myself the occasional treat but it is important to stay within the calorie allowance that's set for you. The great thing about combining exercise with your food plan is that the more calories you burn, the more calories you 'earn' back so you can increase your food intake without going over your allowance - that's allowed me to treat myself occasionally. My eating habits have definitely improved but I still treat myself to my favourite foods now and again and I've still managed to lose 11lbs so far at a rate of around 2lbs per week. Slow and steady wins the race, and I'm happy with that. Good luck!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'd say everyone has to find their own path and you are just wasting energy comparing yourself to your sister. And isn't not even the kind of energy that burns calories. :wink:

    Anyway, do you bring snacks to work so when the afternoon "feed mes" hit, you can have something healthy and low calorie? I still pack up my lunch with all my planned snacks for the day even though I'm on maintenance. That way I don't have to have willpower all the time.
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    YOU are on the right track! Whenever you think you're hungry, have a glass of water first. Sometimes thirst can mask itself as hunger.

    Just try to not be obsessed with the scale like me! I get discouraged if the scale doesn't move or if it goes up 1-2lbs because of water weight.

    Slow and steady is the way to go!