Help me!! I am craving all the wrong foods!!

lexy83 Posts: 122 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
OK, So I started on my weight loss journey about a week ago and I think I am doing good but, Today I am craving sweets and everything in sight. Seriously I am not just craving one thing! its like my body and mind is telling me "go grab some fast food" or "go get a piece of cake, cookies, candy" I am not crazy... but this is really how I am feeling today... this diet is so much needed I have 150lb to lose and I don't want to give up... I want to for once be healthy and fit.. PLEASE SEND ME SOME ADVICE! ADD ME IF YOU CAN, I am new to MFP and I don't really know much about diet nor can not afford personal trainer or a fitness expert! Any advice on cravings or healthy meals and exercise is really needed..... Also I want to lose weight and not become saggy in the tummy or arms ... any workout tips or advice!


  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    Biggest Loser CookBook
  • would fruits help your cravings? if not look for the 100 cal paks from nabisco. or the lo cal jello or yogurts ,
    tice cream anything! but just read the labels....
    my hubbie just brought me a plate filled with blackberries strawberries and rasberries! i am not a fruits junkie ans this looks goood!
    g luck!:drinker:
  • kimbirdy
    kimbirdy Posts: 2 Member
    Here's how I deal with that. I drink a lot of home-brewed tea with a squirt of liquid stevia in it. Also I drink a lot of water so if I do end up eating the wrong things, I am pre-emptively feeling full and don't eat so much. Liquid stevia can be found in the supplements area of Whole Foods and co-ops. I think you can get powdered stevia at places like your local grocery store and even Target.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi and welcome, r u drinking water, im not having any cravings but am drinking about 14 glasses of water throughout the day, and for ur stomach and arms u could try a gym ball, is gd for stomach crunches and i use mine also for toing my arms, also i do a lot of walking, cycling and running:flowerforyou:
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Are you getting these cravings when you are bored? I know that's what happens to me so i make sure i have low calories foods to snack on or i workout.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    When I crave something sweet I eat a yoplait you know the ones with a dessert flavor. Or you can try a sugar free pudding cup put in the freezer to make it taste like ice cream
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Some days are like that.

    What I TRY to do (doesn't always work) is eat a high-protein snack. It helps if it's sweet -- Zone Bars are my poison of choice. The protein and fiber are filling, they're under 200 cals and they're CHOCOLATE.

    What I try NOT to do (doesn't always work) is to give in altogether -- like, go on a total sugar binge. Anything to distract myself -- drink water, go for a walk, get out of the house and go shopping somewhere that DOESN'T have snacks -- it's really hard, though.

    Hang in there, and if today is a bust, start over tomorrow.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Keep healthy snacks around, so when you get the urge you have something good there to eat insead of looking for something bad to binge on.
  • I know how you feel. What has helped me alot is yoplait smooties, I love ice cream. They are 110 cals for half of the package. I also carry a pack of gum with me at all times. I love the Wrigleys dessert delights they help me get through my cravings.Key lime pie is my favorite. Keep in mind though the have 5 cals per peice. Hopefully this will help.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Your title made me crack up. Does anyone crave the right foods?
  • Ash32b
    Ash32b Posts: 9
    Welcome!! I understand what you're going through this is week two for me and I started craving all the wrong foods. But I really want to loose weight so I am trying hard to avoid them. My advice....try not to keep the bad foods in you're house...chew sugar free gum or drink water to help get rid of the cravings....also I noticed when I work out it makes me stay busy so I am less likely to want a snack. As for workouts....I've been doing dance videos Zumba....So you think you can dance...Hip Hop Abs. I also have a Wii so I bought some games to play like...Zumba...Just Dance...they seems to be good work out games and I have fun playing them so I end up working out longer. I also try to walk at least 30 mins a day. It seems to be working for me so far. Hope this helps and good luck!! :)
  • TwistedLemonade
    TwistedLemonade Posts: 4 Member
    Im with you lady. I had 150lbs to lose at the start of mine as well. So far I have lost a total of 60lbs. My advice for cravings depends on what it is. Theres different ways to go about it. Either A) flat out ignore it and fight it (not always the best/easiest/successful way) .. B) have A bite. Just one. Get the taste. Call it good and WALK AWAY. (again not always the best/easiest/most successful) .. but the way that worked most for me and still does... C) think of that work out you did today. how hard you worked. how long it felt like it took. how good you felt after. now look at that food and picture it all being for nothing. All those calories you burned... gone..... Tell you what man. That was the QUICKEST way for me to say no to cravings lol. Also when I was wanting sweet stuff. I would eat grapes or a granola bar. Retrain your head to want the better kind of sweet stuff instead of the processed sweet stuff. And drink lots and lots and lots of water. Use Crystal Lite if you have to (god knows I did. I cant stand plain water). And dont drink soda! lol

    Anyway thats what worked for me. The guilt trip worked the best for me and still does.
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    First of all, GOOD for you for joining have to pat yourself on the back for reaching out :smile: Secondly, make MINI GOALs for yourself because looking at the big picture (losing 150 lbs.) is too overwhelming and discouraging in my opinion and put mini goals on your profile page, on your refrigerator, your desk at work, so that you can see them written. That will make you more accountable and "on track". Each time you achieve a goal, reward yourself with something (a pedi, a mani, a new shirt, a new purse, whatever). And DO NOT give up. Stay on this website, log your foods and exercise, get ideas from others, and get motivation most importantly.......this Community Blogging will help you, believe me!!! You can do this if you want it!!! Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels :flowerforyou: as for cravings, eat a small piece of what you crave (or a lower calorie version of it), moderation is key!! and move, move, move!!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Drink a big glass of water. :happy: That usually helps me feel full. :drinker: :drinker:
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I've got a similar amount to lose. I ate a lot or junk. I never even realised how much of the food i was consuming was complete rubbish. When i started i set my mfp goal as 1lb loss a week. The only thing i tracked was calories and just worked on cutting down my food sizes. I still ate whatever i was eating just in smaller amounts. This is how i did this for me. I saved some calories to have a sweet snack int he evening when my cravings were at there worst. I still had meal off a week meaning i didn't count calories for that one meal and it was a takeaway.

    I am doing this step by step. It's probably a bit slower than some people but it's working for me. As i go on i make changes. I don't have my sweet snack in the evening anymore and i don't have a takeaway weekly. I also now track sodium and have reduced my mfp goal to lose 1 1/2lb a week so a few less calories a day.

    I would suggest takign it slow and go by how you are feeling. Good luck :)
  • i am feeling the same way today! i really want to go to mcd's for a number 1! I have been hungry all day. i'm not going to though-i think i will go to subway so i can get that "fast food feel", and when i'm not hungry anymore, i won't crave as much. It helps me to look back over my exercise log and also to see that i've lost some weight-i've worked hard and don't want to mess it up!
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    Gum helps me ALOT - I am really digging on the Extra Dessert gums, especially the key lime pie. Just know that when you are having really strong cravings it is one of two things 1) psychological or 2) something is out of balance in your body. I have lost 150 pounds so I have taken the same journey you are on and there is a mental reason that we got there. Food is an addiction and it should be addressed. Why do we eat so much that we make ourselves morbidly obese? It is highly likely that what you are going through is a combination of numbers 1 and 2. You are looking for those things that "make you feel good" and that you are comfortable with - gotta just work though it or seek someone professional that can help you with it. Re. number 2 - if you haven't already, go see your doctor and get blood tests done - let them know the journey you are embarking on. Your doctor may be able to tell you that you are getting enough of this but that that is out of balance and that will take care of the physical thing that is out of balance.

    On the saggy skin deal... I am sorry to say that I do not have good news for you. I have exercised like a fiend, both cardio and weights, my entire journey and have the saggy skin issue. I did get a tummy tuck and am looking forward to the day that I have enough pennies in my piggy bank to get my inner things done. Just do the best you can and find comfort in the weight you are losing and how much healthier your body is.

    Good luck and BIG props to you for starting this adventure.
  • If you like is a recipe for a to die for lemon pie:
    6 whole reduced-fat cinnamon graham crackers
    2 Tbsp butter
    11 oz fat-free sweetened condensed milk
    2 large egg(s)
    1/2 cup(s) fresh lemon juice
    1 Tbsp lemon zest

    Preheat oven to 350ºF.

    Grind graham crackers in a food processor until fine crumbs form. Or place crackers in a resealable plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin. Place crumbs in a small bowl.

    Melt butter on stove top or in microwave and pour over graham cracker crumbs, mixing with a fork until completely moistened. Press crumbs evenly onto bottom of a 9-inch pie pan; place crust in refrigerator while preparing lemon filling.

    In a medium bowl, combine condensed milk and eggs; mix until smooth. Add lemon juice and zest; stir until incorporated and pour into prepared crust.

    Bake pie for 15 minutes. Cool completely and for best flavor, serve chilled. Yields 1 piece per serving.

    Sweet tooth cured!
  • angel_eyes17
    angel_eyes17 Posts: 103 Member
    If you can set up your meals so you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner and a healthy snack at about 10am and another one at about 3pm, this should help you not to eat the wrong things.

    My snacks are kashi dark mocha almond granola bar. (if you have 130 calories to spare) - 100 calorie cottage cheese and fruit packs. (apple cinnamon is good) - hummus

    I work in an office where people bring in donuts and cake all the time. Today we had a girl scout cookie delivery. Needless to say, I'm avoiding the kitchen and I had my granola bar. Hope this helps.
  • This Just happened to me as well last week, and I have been on this Journey for a while. Usually I never have that problem. But for some reason it was like I wanted cake, cookies, Just pure junk. It was terrible !!! I just wanted to keep going to the Kitchen and the Pantry searching and searching. It seemed like nothing else was going to help. I did eat a few things I should not have, but I tried to keep myself busy with other stuff. I even became frustrated that i could not find something at one point. Cause I try not to keep that stuff in the house. But it was a tough day. You just have to keep your mind off of it as much as you can. By the next day it was over and I had no more cravings. But I understand where your coming from. hang in there it gets better.
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