when did you realize you were overweight.



  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    I needed to have a medical exam done when I was applying for insurance, and I weighed in at 150 LBS! I'm 5'3" and that's the most I have ever weighed. I had lost my job and stopped stopped caring about my apperance. I still wasn't doing anything about it until I got a new job. All of my work clothes were TIGHT, so I decided that my first day of work would be my starting point. I have been eating healthier and exercising 3-6 days a week ever since then.
  • twigs187
    twigs187 Posts: 7
    When I looked at pics of me and noticed my stomach more than anything else...oh..and when my family members teased me about it :grumble:
  • RJaxon00
    RJaxon00 Posts: 13 Member
    I think my realization came in a combination of things.

    - I avoided the camera
    - I mostly wore my shirt when I was looking at myself in the mirror
    - My kids have a longer endurance than I do

    Lately, I started to become winded when I would carry my 1y/o up the stairs. I knew something needed to change in my life.

    Oh, and it doesn't help when my kids think "Daddys are supposed to have big bellies" :frown:
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    -When I would buy shirts bigger so my muffin top wouldn't show
    -When all I wanted to wear with sweatpants
    -When I started getting a double chin
    -When my uniform got super tight
    -Ultimately, when I decided to weigh myself (hadn't done it in over a year) and realized I was almost 150 lbs
    -When my husband started not looking at me
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    For the longest time I didn't know. I have a lying mirror in my bedroom that always makes me look svelte. Then I started associating with different people. And these people took a lot of pictures. I couldn't even recognize myself.
  • MsScorpio67
    MsScorpio67 Posts: 91 Member
    When I tried to find a wet suit for a river rafting trip and even the largest men's suit wouldn't fit.

    When me and my family went to an amusement park. Me and my son and a couple of his friend got on a ride. But unfortunately I couldn't fit and had to get off the ride. Now I fooled myself into thinking that I was fine with being kicked off a ride. My son and his friends stayed on. When my son got off the ride, and at the age of 11, (No shame in his game) fell into my arms crying his eyes out because he couldnt' understand why they didnt' make rides EVERYBODY could get on. That's when I realized that I was fooling myself into thinking I wasn't as big as I thought and my weight was affecting my son.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    When I tried to find a wet suit for a river rafting trip and even the largest men's suit wouldn't fit.

    When me and my family went to an amusement park. Me and my son and a couple of his friend got on a ride. But unfortunately I couldn't fit and had to get off the ride. Now I fooled myself into thinking that I was fine with being kicked off a ride. My son and his friends stayed on. When my son got off the ride, and at the age of 11, (No shame in his game) fell into my arms crying his eyes out because he couldnt' understand why they didnt' make rides EVERYBODY could get on. That's when I realized that I was fooling myself into thinking I wasn't as big as I thought and my weight was affecting my son.

    that happened to me too...at Cedar Point. I was with a friend. Horribly embarrassed. I didn't even try to hide the fact I was upset. But even that didn't trigger me thinking something was wrong. It was pictures from my brother's wedding that did me in. Holding my nephew and I looked HUGE!!! cause I am huge. It's getting fixed now....but wow...I wish there was a way to redo those pictures when I get to where I am comfortable with myself.
  • I already knew, but it really hit home when I told my doctor that I was having trouble breathing and he suggested that the extra weight I was carrying around was probably the culprit. For some reason that really got to me. I was inspired to lose weight after that. Funny thing: I went back after I had lost about 35 lbs and he goes "Oh my God, you actually listened to me?" hahaha
  • ltaylore
    ltaylore Posts: 54 Member
    Facebook photos over a course of a year and a half. I looked back at my albums and realized I was getting chunkier and chunkier. LOL You can lie to yourself but photos don't lie!
  • Several things come to mind.

    Running out of holes on my belts
    Belly hanging over belt buckle onto my gas tank when motorcycle riding
    XL shirts not fitting
    Having trouble buckling into my snowboard because of the belly
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    When my choices of clothes stores diminished to about 3
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I have always been overweight most of my life with some thin breaks in between here and there but I have never ever been in denial about it, I just didn't give a dam! I finally came to my senses and something clicked back in November 2010 after I had found out the my Ex had a new girlfriend, that was it for me...I was tired of feeling so down on myself and knew that something had to changed, if it didn't, I would have kept getting bigger and bigger! Losing 57 pounds so far had made a world of difference and I feel so much better about myself and the way that I look. I still have 98 pounds to lose but I am more motivated than ever to get there and keep going. MFP has been an absolute Godsend, I couldn't have come this far without it and the help from all you fine folks who lend so much inspiration and motivation...and for that, I thank you! This feels so much better than stuffing myself with "Ben & Jerry's' Toffee Heath Crunch Icecream! I will take fitting better into my clothes anyday over that misery!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lucietelfort
    lucietelfort Posts: 9 Member
    In high school was chubby or as I like to call it "thick". Then I graduated and life happened. I didn't have much of a social life before highschool ended and it just got worse from there. I hated shoppoing because nothing I tried on in stores fit or looked good on me. then everything I hadn't experienced decided to hit me one day with one hard blow. It was then I realized that I had let my weight stop me from ever really having any fun or being just normal. I was just disgusted with the way I'd let myself go and I gained even more. I literally stop going out and alienated myself from the world. I decided it was either do something about it or die because I wasn't about to spend the next 50 years of my life the same way. Hopefully I accomplish my goal. I'm trying really hard to find the new me or rather the me I've always been just burried under all the fat!
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    I never really felt obese until last June. Even though at 295 pounds most people would feel obese I didn't, don't know why, just didn't feel like it really affected me. Obviously there were some things that I didn't/couldn't do, (mountain climbing, touch my toes, skinny dipping etc) but those were things I've never had an interest in or didn't feel like they were very important anyway. But, then in June we had a family reunion and I decided to go. I hadn't seen my cousins, aunts or uncles in about 10 years since we moved to TX from MI. Get to the reunion, got some cute shoes on, hair is done, make up is on, was feeling pretty good and then as I was walking up the drive I see the double takes. Then it hits me, these people haven't seen me since I was 17 weighing in at 130 pounds. Oh. My. God. Thankfully everybody was gracious enough to shake it off and not stare except for my grandmothers sister who got this little smirk on her face every time she saw me. :ohwell:
  • I have been called fat from the first day of school looking back I wasn't very big I just had a chubby face and as a teenager I got so obsessed about being fat I used to bin my lunches and skip breakfast I was still over weight even then. the only time in my life I have ever been slim was when I nearly died ofa immune system problem I was yellow and nearly dead but all I cared about was how thin I was. then I got pregnant and my weight has gone up with each of my three babies. the thing that has made me want to change is I had gestational diabetes and was told if I dint lose weight I will probably develop it pretty soon.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    -When my husband started not looking at me

    that one is hard...
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I was always thin, skinny even. I had a 19" waist when I was 20 years old, I didn't gain weight even after three children I was a UK size 10 (US 6-8) but then my son was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD, my Mum had a stroke and I started to gain weight, then my Mum was diagnosed with cancer and I gained more weight, she then died and my marriage broke down and I gained more weight, BUT I didn't see myself as fat until one day just over a year ago in my new job with my new husband I realised that I was the fat one in my office, not the skinny one, not the one who could look good in anything, not even the middle of the road one, the FAT one. No one was bigger then me. WOAH

    All my life this was someone I NEVER thought I would be, it took me about 5 or 6 years to see it and I got to over 200lbs before I noticed. I have a way to go still, but I am no longer the fat one in my office.
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    When I couldnt fit into a size 16 jeans.... And I had began to get stretch marks on my arms... EEKK
  • MsMe79
    MsMe79 Posts: 54
    When I left my ex-husband and realised that because of him I'd gained 50kgs (over years) and I looked in the mirror one day and saw him and what he did to me, so I admitted I was fat and it's been a long journey and still a long way to go, but I want to see the skinny me and let me new fantastic supporting husband enjoy the wife he deserves and that I want to be
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I had known I was overweight, but didn't really "see" it until I was 36. This was my wake up call year. My dad died at 37 of his second heart attack (not overweight, exercised, etc). When I reached 36, I realized I had better start controlling the things that increased my heart disease risk. That started my 11 year journey to this point.
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