I dont want saggy arms or tummy! ADVICE PLEASE...

So the thing is I am very big right now... I am 333lb and I am on a seriously lifestyle mission... I am working out and eating right... MY CONCERN IS - I have seen people lose weight and sag a lot under the arms behind the legs and get a flabby belly. I know I will have some sagging as i am big and that is expected. I do however want to work on preventing it as much as I can. my question is.... WHAT CAN I DO TO PREVENT AS MUCH SAGGING AS i CAN??? WHAT WORKOUTS SHOULD i DO?? PLEASE ADVICE IS NEEDED... ADD ME LEXY83 . have a great day!


  • SamRu
    SamRu Posts: 7
    That sagging is excess skin and no exercise in the world is going to fix that. You just have to give it time and hope that your skin will shrink back to size. The younger you are the more elasticity your skin will still have and the less sagging you'll see.
  • JJBRAY85
    JJBRAY85 Posts: 35 Member
    I would think weight training and good skin care is your best bet. I've heard wonders about coco butter lotions.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I honestly don't know. I have the sagging skin on my abdomen from pregnancy thing, and nothing I have tried (and I have tried it all bar surgery) has made it go away, but a lot of exercise has definitely helped.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    You are 27, so not too old for your skin to rebound. Lose slowly as that allows time for your skin to adapt and shrink. I was reading another message thread about this here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/210486-good-tips-to-help-with-lose-skin