Carbs Fats and Protein

Im struggling with getting the right amount of carbs in my diet. I have eliminated rice, breads, pasta, and oats for the next two weeks. I know these are high in carbs but i know there has to be another solution. I am also getting almost triple the amount of protein that i should, anyone mind helping me out?

Totals 1,180 83 58 143 16
Your Daily Goal 1,450 199 48 54 29
Remaining 270 116 -10 -89 13
cal carbs fat protein sugar


  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I would suggest looking at your food diary and see the items you are highest in and reduce from there.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Just looked at your food diary and I think your ratio of carbs/fat/protein is what's causing you to not meet your daily allotment. I do a 40carbs/20 fat/40 protein mix . My ratios were given to me by my trainer/nutritionist for optimal fat loss and muscle retention.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I would focus on one area and work on that for a couple of weeks, than after that focus on another area.

    Personally, I can't cut out whole food groups - like carbs, I just try to limit myself (whole grain, oatmeal, etc...).
  • captbaka
    captbaka Posts: 10
    I'm a little confused. If you want to be eating more carbs, just eat carbs and less protein...?
    If you want carbs without eating those specific things, what about sweet potatoes, potatoes, and other starchy vegetables?
    Fruits have tons of carbs (though a lot of that is sugar).

    I personally ignore some of the suggestions they give on MFP, since I am also on a low-carb, high-protein diet.
    A lot of trainers even tell you to eat a gram of protein for each lb of body weight.
    But I still eat oatmeal with protein powder. Almost everyday for breakfast.

    But in the end, you know the most about your body. If you need some carbs, have some carbs. Just don't overdo it!
    Good luck, you can do it!
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I don't understand. It seems you want to eat more carbs, but you don't want to eat rice, bread, pasta, or oats. And looking at your diary you also don't want too many sugars.

    Its going to be really hard to increase your carb intake without eating any foods that contain carbs. I guess you can look at lentils, but I would reconsider cutting out so many healthy foods from your diet.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Here is a calculator that will show you what the numbers should be specific to your weight, sex, age, etc. Eating too much protein isn't really a bad thing. However, eating too many carbs can really make it hard to lose weigh. I lowered my carbs below the suggested amount. My doctor told me what I should have them set at in order to lose weight. I have my carbs set at 140.
  • bhunter20
    bhunter20 Posts: 14
    Its hard to just increase my carbs without also increasing everything else as well especially sugar which is something i want to keep at a low level.
  • nlt518
    nlt518 Posts: 7 Member
    Carbs have gotten a very unfair bad rep in this country, mostly because of trendy diets designed to sell books and products. Carbs are a key part of a balanced diet. In fact, your body requires carbs to process protein.

    Rather than give up carbs, try eating differently. Switch over any processed breads, rices pastas etc to whole grain products; and minimize, if not elimnate processed sugars. Read the labels carefully; whole wheat flour is not the same a wheat flour, which is just white flour. Pay attention to portion size and calories. Whole grains are a good source of protein, fiber, as well as carbs. They fill you faster and keep you fuller longer than their white counterparts.

    Pair a carb and a protein together when ever possible. That way you'll your energy levels will rise quickly from the carb, and then the protein comes behind it to sustain you. If you just eat carbs alone, they will drop you fairly quickly, making you crave more.

    Focus on eating foods low in fat, and when possible, cook with olive or cannola oil. Foods that are high in proteins are often also high in fat,, which you don't want. Whole grains and beans can complement other more complete meat proteins. Chicken and Fish are lower in fat than most other meats, and should be the staple proteins in a balanced diet.

    Fill up your plate with green vegetables, and a serving or 2 of yellow ones. Enjoy a serving of fruit when you need a pick me up or as a little sweet dessert. Try to have have both some carbs and protein at each meal. Drinks lots of water and exercise 4 or 5 day a week.

    Eating a good balanced diet will not only help you get the weight off and keep it off; but keep it off and avoid all sorts of problems later in life. Depriving yourself of a food group or balanced diet will only encouage a yo yo affect in your weight. I learned that too late in life.

    Good luck! Nancy
  • katietigar
    You can customize your percentages based on what is recommended by your health care professional or trainer. I think MFP sets it automatically at 55% carbohydrates. A very low carbohydrate diet might have 25% or less, South Beach has about 30%, Zone 40% - you get the idea. So first clarify what is healthiest for you and then set your MFP %s. If you are still having trouble meeting your carb goal agree with the other posts - look for foods that have carbs AND fiber. My favorites include Ezekiel bread, oat bran cereal, baked sweet potatoes, whole apples, and berries. I also need to vary my carb amount and type based on exercise.