Feed to shed fat



  • I feel the same way, I am at a standstill, I know I just started the program, but I'm looking for quik results, but I'll be patient and let it flow, but still maintain my calorie count.
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks for this!
  • anniebnannie
    anniebnannie Posts: 85 Member
    10) Last but not least, you are responsible for your results, so not giving your all to it will show, and if you are unhappy then guess who you get to blame. Yep sucks doesn't it? But hey at least you are now geared up for success and not failure. it does not mean the end of the world as you know it, you can still enjoy your fav foods but in sensible portions now and best of all you may have a whole new set of favs like I do. The very thought of McDonald or fast food makes me want to puke now, and I loved my fries and burgers there a few months ago.

    All of your information sounds well thought out and researched! I absolutely agree to this last statement - nothing at those fast food places taste good anymore. I've been cooking almost all of our foods selectively since January and my new motto is (and my husband is using it now too) is IF IT DOESN'T TASTE WONDERFUL I DON'T EAT IT. If I only get so many calories per day - I want to use them on foods that I find taste GREAT and are good for me so I'm not going to waste them on a boring piece of bread or other empty calories... :-). Since starting MFP and watching what I am eating - I am now actually tasting the foods!

    Thanks again for your information!!
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    I have a degree in Physical Education, was the Physical Director at the YMCA in Savannah Georgia many years ago. You can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. Think of it as useing the fat as energy to build muscle. A lb of body fat has 3500 calories, a pound of muscle about 600 calories if I remember right. Lets say your calories used to just maintain your body was 2000 per day. You add enought exercise to burn 500 calories a day. You are going to lose at least one lb a week,, 3500 calories,,,, but you are going to turn some of the additional calories into muscle. One of the things that happens is One pound of muscle burns 6 calories a day where a pound of fat only burns 2 calories a day. Also remember a lb of fat is about 3 times the size of muscle. There is a lot going on with your body any time especially when you are loseing weight.

    If your serious about weight loss you had better exercise.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I have a degree in Physical Education, was the Physical Director at the YMCA in Savannah Georgia many years ago. You can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time.
    yes you can but not as much as you would in a caloric surplus, the body needs cals to build muscle so when in caloric deficit your muscle gain gets really stunted. I know as I have gained muscle while shedding fat, muscle gain has never been a problem for me, I can gain upwards of 10 lbs/mth of muscle when eating for that purpose. You will not gain a large amount while shedding fat though, you are simply not eating enough calories to build muscle effectively.
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
  • Well put Fuzzy! I am going to get metabolic assessment next week. Hopefully that will help me with my BMR and eating enough calories! Thanks for all the advice
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    lol thx and you should be shedding like a champ bud anyway I can support let me know.
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    thanks for posting this very interesting.
  • tellybelle
    tellybelle Posts: 144
    2)How much of a deficit do we need to shed fat? Well that is around 15-20% of maintenance. MFP gives you a best guess, its not bang on and may require some tinkering to get it right. In my case it was pretty close and I had great success shedding fat by cycling my cals using the zig zag principle. Zig zagging is not going from 2000 cals down to 1200 then back up despite what many on here have said. In proper application it is going to the max deficit (20% or in some cases 1000 cals) for 2 days and on the 3rd going back to maintenance, the purpose is simple to confuse the body, you are taking it to the brink of starvation mode and then recovering on the day you eat maintenance keeping metabolic rate high. So if you are 6ft tall and 300 pounds 1200 a day is not enough to shed fat effectively end of story. You may have great success for a week or 2 maybe even 3 but then you will bring up solid and be in worse shape than when you started out to begin with.

    3) Exercise cals there has been great debate about this, eating them back or not. I want you to consider the case where you have someone whom works out 5-7 days a week burns off 500 or more cals a day eating 1200 and not eating them back as an extreme example and not losing weight despite their best efforts. Well you are killing your body, congrats, you are in starvation mode friend. This is why you are deadlocked, the body requires a min of 1200 for women and 1500 for men unless you are exceptionally short to function at a good metabolic level. When you drop below that level the body shuts down the metabolic engine and fat loss, it will consume muscle to feed itself and it will not get you results. So if you are working out like mad you need to eat to feed that metabolic engine to keep burning fat, up the cals, spreading them out throughout the day for optimal fat loss.

    Ok I am interested in trying the zig zag and I am following how to do it based on using the MFP values given (maintenance amount and deficit amount and bmr amount). I get confused once exercise gets factored in. Do I just eat back the total amount of calories burned through exercise (ignore those as far as calculating them into the zig zag) and only zig zag the actual MFP values?
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    I agree with EVERYTHING you said. I have insulin resistance and eating every 3-3.5 hours is exactly what I am doing. I am never super hungry anymore, which is perfect cause I don't overeat anymore either. And I am losing at a pace of about 3 pounds a week, which I imagine will slow down as i get closer to my goal ( I still have 99 pounds to go). I also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and try to watch my carb intake. And I exercise every day for at least 30 minutes if not more. I always say you gotta work HARD for what you want and you really have to want something bad to work hard, lol. I want to lose this weight BAD.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    ). I get confused once exercise gets factored in. Do I just eat back the total amount of calories burned through exercise (ignore those as far as calculating them into the zig zag) and only zig zag the actual MFP values?
    yes you eat them back so that you are at your goal for net cals. The exercise will boost the metabolic rate, so not eating them back can hinder progress in the zig zag principle.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I agree with EVERYTHING you said. I have insulin resistance and eating every 3-3.5 hours is exactly what I am doing. I am never super hungry anymore, which is perfect cause I don't overeat anymore either. And I am losing at a pace of about 3 pounds a week, which I imagine will slow down as i get closer to my goal ( I still have 99 pounds to go). I also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and try to watch my carb intake. And I exercise every day for at least 30 minutes if not more. I always say you gotta work HARD for what you want and you really have to want something bad to work hard, lol. I want to lose this weight BAD.
    glad to hear that you are on track. You will get there and yes as you get closer it will slow down I am currently in that stage. I am going to start zig zagging again though to amp it up again. I like to vary things based on how I feel, if I am feeling sluggish I eat, and when I am feeling good I am on track and ready to go.
  • kalia87
    kalia87 Posts: 30
    LOVE this !!!!!
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    Bump. Thanks for posting!!
  • kalia87
    kalia87 Posts: 30
    Just order the clean eating mags:)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    thx for the bump sarah
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    thx for the bump sarah

    No problem! It's all great info. I presonally can't understand how people diet and eat so little... I love food too much!

    My personal goal is to reduce my BF%. It's at 30%, I want it down to 25%. My calucations tell me that my weight would be about 125ish with a 25% BF (weight is about 131 right now). I think I'll also be a lot happier with the way I look with less fat and more muscle.

    I'm exercising 2x a day, 5 days a week. Cardio in the morning and weight training in the evening. I'm hoping I can gain a bit of muscle and lose a bit of fat. I'm doing intervals for my cardio and lift pretty heavy weights--- I'm squating 150 lbs and leg pressing 240 lbs. Still working on the old bench press- just up to 80 lbs on that. Oh and I always have a protein shake after weights.

    Anyway, I'd love any advice on how to acheive my goals!
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