Where my ZUMBAholics AT?!!??!!



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Okay, technically it isn't rhythm that is my problem. I can keep a beat. I just have no groove.:laugh: But call me Stella cause I'm determined to get it back! Just gotta figure out where I left it.... Last time I remember seeing it was about 10 years ago...:grumble:
  • mlh93075
    I'm addicted to zumba also. I take zumba at the ymca 5 days a week and I never get burned out on it because it's a blast. If I miss zumba you know I'm really ill. It's been the best workout ever invented. I'm having to miss zumba tomorrow because of an interview & trick or treat tomorrow night for my children but I will be back at it Friday morning.
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    I have a heartrate monitor and that is how I calculate my calories burned. I weigh 273 and burn anywhere between 800-900 calories in an hour. It is alot of fun. I only get to go once a week though because the other night I have other plans that I cant get out of.


    Wow, I can't wait to get my HMR so I can see how much I'm burning! It should be here Friday I hope!! I can only go to class one night a week because that is all that it's offered at the rec center (plus I am doing something else every single night of the week!!) but with the dvds I hope to get to zumba-ing 2 or 3 times a week...
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    we had such a small class tonite because of trick or treating, and so i really did big moves because I had so much room!!

    mlh, i would die to have zumba five days a week. Mine is three times a week, and i miss it on the off days!
    I actually bought one of the cds so i could do it at home on the hardwood floor, but i just wish i had a big dance mirror in my house! LOL

    tresa you are gonna love that hrm! I never go to zumba without mine and feel naked exercising without it. It is such a motivation for me to see my progress and my exact final number. You will not regret that purchase.

    happy halloween everyone!

  • imdawn
    imdawn Posts: 50 Member
    Yay..glad I found this thread! I just ordered 4 Zumba dvd set off of Ebay last week ($23.50 buy it now if anyone was wondering) and they should be here Monday (I hope!) Can't WAIT!!!! ANYWAYS....my question those heart rate monitors...are those something you can get at Walmart in the sporting goods section, like for your wrist or are those not the same kind you guys are talking about? Do I need the kind that goes across the chest? Does anyone have a website or a name brand that I could use if the Walmart kind aren't the right ones????? THANKS!!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    im not sure about the inventory at wal mart, but i can tell you that you definitely need the kind that HAS a chest strap. that is what monitors your heart rate constantly, the watch is merely a receptor and screen for the information. The kind that is just a watch has two sensors on the face of the watch that you have to press your fingers against to get a heart rate, so to calculate calories burned you would have to take your pulse very often, average it, and do some math. The chest strap eliminates that.

    The kind I have is a High Gear pulsewear duo. It was cheap on amazon, but rather hard to set up and understand how it works. It does also have the finger sensors in addition to the chest strap,

    BUT i am saving my money up for a polar. there are quite a few kinds, and it is the number one brand in my opinion!
  • imdawn
    imdawn Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you for responding so quickly...you wear it outside of your shirt or inside?...sorry for so many questions..I guess I've never actually seen a chest heart monitor before! :blushing: But I'm getting one now...going to Amazon right now to look up that brand that you gave me =D Thanks again! :happy:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I love Zumba!!! My sister is a Zumba instructor and she is now at the convention in Orlando!!! My instructor is also there and there were going to meet up. They are not kidding when they say you burn from 500-800 cals per session. Last time I took the class I burned 536cals!! It all depends on how much you challenge yourself. There have been times that I have burned about 400 but I was tired or I did not have much room to move around :laugh: But no matter if I burn more or less I still have lots of fun when I go!! :flowerforyou:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    i wear the chest strap tucked under my bra, the sensor on it has to rest right at your breast bone, and make skin contact with a bit of sweat (or spit) to get it conducting. I cant really even tell it is there, because i already have a bra on, it is just one more strap.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I :heart: zumba even though I can't dance :tongue:

    I burned 393 calories in 45 minutes today. :bigsmile:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    the great thing about zumba is that no one cares if you 'can dance' no one is looking anyway!
    the important thing is that you keep that heart rate up and you will succeed!