The play with your kids CHALLENGE

I don't know about you, but my two kids (3.5 and 2 years) are very active. They always want me to play with them. I can't always, of know the cleaning and cooking and balancing the checkbook...and so forth, but I do give them my undivided, and I mean truly, undivided attention at least twice a day for a good chunk of time. We wrestle, we go for a walk around the neighborhood, we race, and for a good muscle toning exercise I do some leg lifts with them on my feet and I lift them up and down like an airplane. I do some squats with them in efforts to swing them up and down. (you hold them close to your body and swing them up and down through your legs...all the while your knees are slightly bent. There are a million ways to incorporate your muscle toning and sometimes even cardio into your daily routine with your's inspiring. I'm sure you're already doing it to some extent without even knowing it. Here's the challenge. Take time this week to notice how you're playing with your kids. See what you can do to increase the pain (the burn that makes strong muscles). Make a mental note and increase reps, go down a little lower. Before you know it you'll be braking a sweat and your kids will think you're even better than a'll be the funnest person around...funner than uncle Bob, who always has the time and energy for a good toss up in the air.


  • Itscrunchtime
    I don't know about you, but my two kids (3.5 and 2 years) are very active. They always want me to play with them. I can't always, of know the cleaning and cooking and balancing the checkbook...and so forth, but I do give them my undivided, and I mean truly, undivided attention at least twice a day for a good chunk of time. We wrestle, we go for a walk around the neighborhood, we race, and for a good muscle toning exercise I do some leg lifts with them on my feet and I lift them up and down like an airplane. I do some squats with them in efforts to swing them up and down. (you hold them close to your body and swing them up and down through your legs...all the while your knees are slightly bent. There are a million ways to incorporate your muscle toning and sometimes even cardio into your daily routine with your's inspiring. I'm sure you're already doing it to some extent without even knowing it. Here's the challenge. Take time this week to notice how you're playing with your kids. See what you can do to increase the pain (the burn that makes strong muscles). Make a mental note and increase reps, go down a little lower. Before you know it you'll be braking a sweat and your kids will think you're even better than a'll be the funnest person around...funner than uncle Bob, who always has the time and energy for a good toss up in the air.
  • amycakes812
    Sounds great! Thanks for posting this. What a great way to increase bonding time with the kids. :smile: My son and I have rough playtime a few times a day while my daughter is at school. My challenge will be starting to do some lifting with my 7 year old! She will love it, my back will pay for it. :laugh: :bigsmile: