Is a calorie a "calorie"

carajo Posts: 532 Member
I was on another site which stated that a calorie is a unit of energy no matter where it comes from calories are are you telling me 500 calories from fruit and veggies, and 500 calories from a piece of chocolate cake will be used by your body the same?? I don't buy it! Of course the fruit and veggies would offer vitamins and nutrition...and the cake would offer....well nothing good.....Anyways i'm curious what everyone thinks???


  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I was on another site which stated that a calorie is a unit of energy no matter where it comes from calories are are you telling me 500 calories from fruit and veggies, and 500 calories from a piece of chocolate cake will be used by your body the same?? I don't buy it! Of course the fruit and veggies would offer vitamins and nutrition...and the cake would offer....well nothing good.....Anyways i'm curious what everyone thinks???
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    The other calories are empty calories, which don't DO anything for you...
    So I've wondered before- if I have 300 calories left and want 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt, OR could have a banana or something healthy- would it matter?
  • amandastamey
    amandastamey Posts: 67 Member
    I have heard this before but I would rather eat something filling and nutritious (most of the time haha) than use my calories for things that will spike my blood sugar, not give me any vitamins or nutrients or leave me starving in an hour.....:smooched:
    I guess that is what you have to take into consideration when deciding to use your 300 cals on a peice of fruit or a piece of cake?