"The Off Button" -- all my food issues in 1 topic

I pretty much eat healthy -- avoiding butter, oils, salts, white flours and starches.

You'd think I'd be thin.

My issue -- finding my "off" button. I can be an eating machine. Having leftovers in the house of something I like is *pure torture*. It's a battle I often lose. I can' t just put it out of my mind and be content to have it for the dinner the next night, or something *reasonable*. I have it for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. It's as though I'm obsessed, and I must eat ALL of it. When we have parties, I do make people take home most of the leftovers for this reason.

But it's not just leftovers. It's what's on my plate, too. I often eat beyond "full" because I can't seem to stop myself.

So, here I am. I imagine I'm not the only one with this situation. For me, this is the Golden Ticket -- how do I find my "off button". How do I close down the eating machine?


  • pokerstar
    I pretty much eat healthy -- avoiding butter, oils, salts, white flours and starches.

    You'd think I'd be thin.

    My issue -- finding my "off" button. I can be an eating machine. Having leftovers in the house of something I like is *pure torture*. It's a battle I often lose. I can' t just put it out of my mind and be content to have it for the dinner the next night, or something *reasonable*. I have it for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. It's as though I'm obsessed, and I must eat ALL of it. When we have parties, I do make people take home most of the leftovers for this reason.

    But it's not just leftovers. It's what's on my plate, too. I often eat beyond "full" because I can't seem to stop myself.

    So, here I am. I imagine I'm not the only one with this situation. For me, this is the Golden Ticket -- how do I find my "off button". How do I close down the eating machine?
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I am definately that way. Particularly if it is enchiladas. But I have gotten better about leaving them alone until lunch. That is a big step for me because I would eat them any chance I got. One of the things I would do is freeze it into individual helpings. That way I would have to wait before I could eat it. This also keeps it good longer and I don't see it every time I open the fridge. Next I find something active to do. The more active I am away from the kitchen the better.

    Hope those ideas help.
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    You might try eating slower. Stay away from the tv and just focus on the food at meals. Take smaller bites and chew completely. It's helped me a lot. Also, try waiting 15-20 minutes after you've eaten to see if you're still feeling hungry. Usually you won't be and you won't go looking for more to eat. Those are just a couple things that've worked for me. Good luck!

    :heart: Kels
  • dhayes
    dhayes Posts: 216 Member
    I cook smaller portions of those foods I can't stop eating. Just enough to eat at that meal NO LEFTOVERS. I HAVE TO BE TOUGH ON MYSELF IN THAT AREA.

    My "lose my mind food" is pork.

    I haven't had the courage yet to try eating potato chips, which I think will be another "lose my mind food"
  • amandastamey
    amandastamey Posts: 67 Member
    I am the same way, I decided to buy a pint of ben and jerry's ice cream for my special treat. I decided I would have one serving and put the rest back for later......yah right, I ended up throwing it away cuz it was calling my name all night long and I wanted to eat the rest of it soooo bad!
    I have to just throw things away or I will eat it, I look at it this way, it might be wasting, but I would rather eat a bit and throw the rest away as to torture myself, give in and then:bigsmile: eat the whole thing!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    The "no leftovers" rule is crucial for me. If I make extra servings, I portion and freeze them immediately.

    I have many "lose my mind" foods. (love that term.) I still eat them, but have learned that whatever comes through my door, that's what I'll eat. If I really want potato chips (and sometimes nothing else will do) I buy a small portion bag (still 350 calories!) and eat just that much.

    Something that was a very liberating and empowering thing for me was dumping an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's down the dispos-all. I had bought it, had had the excited drive home, the spoon in my hand. . .every part of my bingeing ritual, then I just stopped cold. It broke every "don't waste food" rule that I had that was making me fat. It also made me realize that I had more power than the food.

    I think that one of the reasons that some of us are heavier than others is that we don't have an "off button" there are chemicals (leptin is one) that tell us that we are full. Current research suggests that some people have less of these chemicals than others. If I allow myself, I can still eat anyone under the table. I just don't get "full" like some people seem to. I know that a lot of it is psychological, but there are physical things at work, too.