Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine

mamato3babes Posts: 125
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Okay so tell me... Are these bad to eat? Sometimes I think its easier instead of having to cook so many different meals for me, dh and the kids. But I dont wanna eat them if its going to deter me from losing weight either :(



  • I think it depends on your definition of bad.. They are way high in Sodium and are not usually high in protein because that costs more than carbs for them to make. They also have all kinds of other un natual stuff. We make our own.. we use left overs (or I make something specifically for it) and then freeze in individaul containers. That will give you the convenience without all the extra stuff.
  • AQHAShowgirl
    AQHAShowgirl Posts: 82 Member
    A lot of people will tell you they're bad for you...that you should steer clear of processed foods, etc. I eat them for lunch most days at work because they're quick and easy and add variety. In my opinion the biggest thing to look out for is too much sodium. Lean Cuisine seem to be worse for this, but they do have some meals that aren't too bad. Good luck!!
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    Of course they probably aren't the absolute BEST thing to have for dinner. Being a college student, I definitely don't have the time or means to cook great meals every night. It just isn't gonna happen. These are convenient for me and I just make sure to drink a ton of water throughout the day, which is easy since I rarely drink anything else :)
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I wouldn't eat them on a regular basis due to the sodium content but I don't think it will deter your weight loss. During the beginning of my weight loss I was eating them all the time for lunch and I never stopped losing.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Yes, they're high in sodium. But they ARE easy. I have been eating them for the last year and have lost almost 40 pounds. So I don't think that they are NOT good. I just really watch the sodium in everything else I eat, so that at the end of the day my sodium is within reason.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    My friend lives off of Lean Cuisine and she lost 30lbs+. I think Lean Cuisine now has a no preservatives selection out now. The only thing that I do not like is that sometimes I feel hungry an hour or so after I eat one.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    It's a personal decision of course but I eat them for lunch and I still lose weight . . .I just try to balance out the rest of my meals so I don't go over on my sodium intake.
  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    I eat them sometimes as well. But they are very high on sodium. So not the best choice.
  • The sodium can be high but, if you don't eat one for every meal...I think you're doing okay. I eat one for lunch at work a few times a week. Thats the only time I eat one though.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I keep some for emergencies, but I wouldn't plan them into my normal week.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't eat them anymore, they're teeny and that's the biggest reason they are "healthy". I sit here at work while I eat a huge bowl of homemade food for 400 calories while they eat that teeny box for 300 to 400 calories. I completely understand the inconvenience of making different food for everyone so I try to make healthy stuff that I know my husband will eat and adapt parts of the recipe for my son. Last night I made a beef stew with red cabbage and kale, etc. I knew my son wouldn't eat it, but I took out chunks of beef for him to eat and have him a side of tater tots and broccoli with it.
  • brancakes
    brancakes Posts: 263 Member
    I agree with what everyone else has said. I keep them around for lunches at work when I didn't make enough food the night before for leftovers. The sodium is not the greatest but the portion sizes are right on, and most of them taste pretty good :)
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Just be mindful that most are high in sodium which will cause you retain water. I think in a pinch they are better than fast food but maybe when you cook you try fixing enough to last a couple days.
  • rtholgash
    rtholgash Posts: 7 Member
    I don't think they are bad at all. I buy them for the same reasons...I make something for the kids and the hubby to eat, and I just eat one of my meals to stay on track. They are quick and easy. I eat them for lunch too at work....not all the time, but I do eat them frequently. I've been eating them for a long time. I think as long as your not eating them for 3 meals a day/every day then you are fine. I usually like to have stock of them in my freezer just to grab and go and incase I can't find anything else to make in the house to eat. Hope this helps.....
  • pooma
    pooma Posts: 25 Member
    They're not bad for you. (other than the taste), but you should be able to eat what you're cooking for your family, but maybe portion control. I know it's difficult. My husband can and WILL eat everything, and never gains a pound. I had to learn my portion control, and he's learned to eat more veggies and salad. Win/Win.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I do not consider these healthy but better than many fast food options. They are full of sodium and usually not whole grain products if rice or pasta, but I do stock up on them when they are on sale for an occasional quick lunch.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I eat these all the time for lunches (especially smartones, they have some good choices :))
    I've lost 40lbs and I eat a lot of processed foods. I'm a mother of twins, I also work and have a lot on the go. Sometimes, it's just easier. I don't mind eating processed foods at all. I eat as best I can, but I do what I can. Only thing about these types of foods are the sodium content so just drink more water if need be :)

    I have no problem eating these things (especially on sale) & it hasn't hindered my weight loss at all.
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    well, they are "processed" foods, so there will be lots to tell you that no, they are not good for you. BUT...I eat on average 1 or 2 a week of them to help me. either at lunch when I am running late, or in the evenings when my husband decides to bring home pizza. they may be processed, but it is much better than me grabbing fast food, or eating 5 slices of pizza, which I would do! so, there is my two cents, if they are worth anything!!

    p.s. it is a good idea to look at the sodium content when choosing which ones to buy.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I thought about that, but then I started looking for healthy recipes or modifing recipes so that I could make healthy meals and everyone could eat them. I just put it on the table and I don't make a big deal about it and none's the wiser!
  • amyfritz
    amyfritz Posts: 33
    I personally love them. I eat them every day for lunch. It hasnt stopped my weight loss one bit. Food for thought: Dr Oz said on his show to aim for a frozen dinner with around 600 mg of sodium, that should keep you ok with sodium for the day. I usually eat a lean cuisine Mon-Fri and most days am still under my sodium allowance.
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