Help! Im scared of trying on wedding dresses!

edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself

I got engaged in January and we're getting married next March (2012). Every picture I see makes me cringe and I'd hate it if I hate all my wedding pictures!

I cant even bring myself to try on wedding dresses because I know once I see a picture, Ill be miserable! The thought is horrible.

I joined to lose the 30 pounds to get to the point I know Im happy with how I look in my pictures - particularly my face and smile. I hate how chubby my smile is. I've been that weight a couple times as recently as a couple years ago, so I know I can do it...

I've been running and now I even joined a second gym so I can run during my lunch break. I eat under my caloric goal and I do weights once or twice a week, but I still haven't seen much of a budge on the scale. Its so unforgiving! and so frustrating!

Help me help myself! :) Feel free to add me as a friend, its great to see other's progress :)


  • Brittney24
    Brittney24 Posts: 105
    Good luck! It'll take time but I believe you'll get there by March!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member

    How many calories a day are you eating? Make sure to eat enough...eating too few can be counterproductive and your body will hold onto everything instead of letting the fat go.
  • I'm getting married next June and my motivation is being able to fit into a smaller size dress (since wedding dresses are sized higher than regular).

    are you drinking a minimum of 8 8oz glasses of water a day? I live by this cause since I started drinking a minimum of 2 liters of water a day, the weight's been melting off like butter in a skillet :)
  • eheinze12
    eheinze12 Posts: 58 Member
    HI!! I've been engaged since December 2008 and we are getting married, OFFICIALLY, June 30, 2012! I lost almost 50 pounds from January 2010 to June 2010 and then gained it all back. You can totally do this!!! I am now back on my weight loss plan and have lost 6 pounds so far. I started in March. I am the same way as you.. I will not be happy trying on a wedding dress until I lose a little. I would be really happy at losing 30 pounds and staying there for right now. I plan to start trying on dresses at the end of July/August so I can get a real feel.. then hopefully make a decision by September/October. I am trying to slowly lose weight! I have been doing Turbo Fire for over 30 days now and then plan to do another round of chalean extreme along with running after this is over with. I feel the same way and want to look and feel better about my wedding day! :)

    added you :)

  • Don't give up , I have talked to a few people that even gained wait at the beginning. Make sure you are not putting your body in starvation mode by eating too few calories. I even saw that on biggest loser show. The trainer told courtney she was not eating enough calories for the workouts she was doing and was sabotaging herself. Just keep track of your food and eventually things will start to move. Good luck and don't get discouraged .
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    You will definitly get there by next year, you just gotta keep at it! I bought my dress in November and was married in March.... It was a special order and was here in plenty of time for my wedding.

    Just remember that your wedding day is going to be special no matter what you "feel" you look like. Your beauty is going to shine through on that day and you are not going to be worried about how you look (except maybe after dinner, food in my teeth??) Looking back at your pictures, you will remember the happiness of the day and how much that shines through into your pictures.

    But, if you keep with it and work toward your goal, you will definitly get there!!!
  • tracylesq
    tracylesq Posts: 12
    Another bride here! I know how you feel. I was nervous to go try dresses on, largely in part to the fact that most don't come in a sample that is supposed to fit a bigger person (or even a person bigger than a freakin' size 4 :grumble: ) But I went anyway, and I found a gorgeous dress. Now all I need is to lose weight so that it actually looks good on me. By the way, if you find the right dress shop and the right salesperson, they will put you in to a sample dress and make it look good, even if it doesn't fit. So try not to be discouraged.
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    Rule #1 of wedding gowns - rip the size tag out! In comparisson to the current standard sizing Wedding dresses are going to run small. Ex. if one is normally a size 10, expect to buy a size 12-14 dress.

    Rule #2 - if I remember right, minimum time to order your gown is 3-4 months before your date, and then there's a rush charge. You're a year out, so you're starting in plenty of time!

    My Rule #1 of scales - The scale doesn't lie, but neither does the fit of your clothes! Watch inches before weight because muscle weighs more than fat, and if you're running/excercising that much, you may want to watch your inches more than your pounds. :)

    Just keep perservering and the time and committment will pay off!
  • Coachcritty
    Coachcritty Posts: 17 Member
    Clothes shopping can be frustrating. Think of your favorite dress...what style is it? Look for a wedding gown that has that same style. Also, you don't have to go with traditional "bright white" which is unflattering on so many of us. Pick another shade which may be more flattering against your skin. Any good bridal consultant can help you come up with other guidelines when picking a dress. Good luck to you in your search. You should feel like a million bucks on that day!!

    As far as the weight loss...I was having the same problem. I actually work with a personal trainer now, but I know that many gyms offer free personal training assessments to help you pinpoint your specific needs and give you a program on how to get there. I often ran, but my heart rate was too elevated to burn fat. I slowed my running speed and ran for longer periods of time in order to get my heart rate in the fat burn or cardio levels (depending on my goal for the day). My trainer also helped me pinpoint foods that I ate that were not as great for me and healthier substitutions for those things.

    Best of luck to you. I know weight is so frustrating esp when you have such an important day coming up. Hang in there!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Measure yourself weekly. If you're working out, you may not see a lot of difference in the scales, but you should notice the inches start to come off. I've only lost about 6 pounds so far, but have already lost 1.5 inches in my waist. It's my darn thighs that won't let go! :grumble:

    I agree that you shouldn't pay any attention to the size on the dress, it's the size of YOU that matters. Good luck to you!
  • Thanks everyone! Ive been coming under my calorie goal by 500 or so each day.. I eat around 1400 but I dont 'eat my exercise calories'. Im wondering if this is why Im not losing weight?

    Does everyone try to balance what they eat and work out to make that 'calories to go' 0 every day?
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    There is such a thing as eating "too little". If you're only netting a 300 calorie consumption, then you're body may very well believe you're in "starvation mode", and may be trying to store up what little is left. Try eating a *little* more, just make sure it's healthy choices.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    MFP already creates a deficiet for you. So if you are undereating by 500 each day and have it set to lose a lb a week (another 500) then you are a negative 1,000 calories a day. You need to eat more in my humble opinion.
  • coxy1968
    coxy1968 Posts: 77
    Another bride here! I know how you feel. I was nervous to go try dresses on, largely in part to the fact that most don't come in a sample that is supposed to fit a bigger person (or even a person bigger than a freakin' size 4 :grumble: ) But I went anyway, and I found a gorgeous dress. Now all I need is to lose weight so that it actually looks good on me. By the way, if you find the right dress shop and the right salesperson, they will put you in to a sample dress and make it look good, even if it doesn't fit. So try not to be discouraged.
    I have bought my dress in the size I am now which is a UK16 and the bridal assistant did say that that is rare as normally you would have to go up 1 or 2 sizes.
    The sample dress i tried on was a 12 and OMG it was gorgeous and made me look way slimmer.
    She told me that she could order a size down if i wanted but it didnt matter as the dress can be aletered 2 sizes down.
    I would prefer to have it ordered in my size now and I will have it taken in to fit me later in the summer once i have lost the rest of my weight.

    If you really set your mind to it you CAN shift the weight and you will look gorgeous on your big day :happy:
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    Afraid to try on wedding dresses?? Believe me... I've been there. I'm getting married May 28, 2011 (T-51 days!), and I was so reluctant to go dress shopping. I originally planned to go shopping last summer but kept pushing it off because I was planning to lose weight. I didn't, so I had to go as I was: 205 pounds (5'11, street size 14-16, bridal size 18-20). I'm not going to lie to you, parts of the dress shopping experience really sucked. There were samples I tried on that were so tight I couldn't really imagine how they would look in my size. There were others that I couldn't even try on. Not to mention that the sizes in bridal run about two sizes smaller than normal clothes!! I tried on seriously close to 100 dresses but couldn't find one I loved. I had pretty much resigned myself to settling for a dress that I liked okay. Then in an odd twist of fate, I found a random bridal salon that happened to have a sample in my size of a dress that happened to be everything I'd been looking for. I tried it on, and I felt amazing. Sure, there were lots of tears and a ton of frustration along the way, but ultimately it all worked out.

    You will find a dress that you love and makes you feel beautiful. Be sure to buy one that looks good on you at your current size, though. That way if you have issues losing the weight (for whatever reason), you still know you'll feel good in your dress. It will only look better if you lose a few pounds!

    Now for a cautionary tale... After finally finding a dress that looked good at my current size, I somehow managed to spiral out of control with my eating (I have a dress! It looks good on me even though I'm big! Why bother trying to get smaller?!) to the tune of gaining 18 pounds by Christmas. My complacency dug landed me in a major hole that I needed to overcome just to fit back in the dress at its original size!!

    I joined MFP on December 28, 2010, and I haven't looked back. I've lost 39 pounds, and when I went back to try on my dress last week, the seamstress told me that she needed to take it in 4.5 inches in the waist and bust and 3 inches in the hips. I truly believe that MFP can help anyone as long as they fully commit to the process.

    Best of luck! You will be a beautiful bride!
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks everyone! Ive been coming under my calorie goal by 500 or so each day.. I eat around 1400 but I dont 'eat my exercise calories'. Im wondering if this is why Im not losing weight?

    Does everyone try to balance what they eat and work out to make that 'calories to go' 0 every day?

    As for this part of your post, it sounds like you are probably eating too little, and that could be keeping from losing the weight. Assuming your calorie burn is accurate (based on an HRM), you should try to get as close to your net goal as you can each day. If your burn is based on MFP or machines at the gym, you may want to only eat back about half of the exercise calories because those burns tend to be overinflated.

    Net Calories = Calories Eaten - Calories Burned

    This post is really helpful about explaining calories:
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