For ladies whos SW is/was under 150lbs...



  • i'm 5'6" and starting at 145lbs looking to get back to 130lbs possibly even back to 120lbs (which was my weight before i got pregnant with my son, who just turned 3 years old!) I am thinking 120lbs might be impossible but no matter what my weight if i could successfully lose the love handles/muffin top i would be happy!
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    I'm 5"5" and currently 146-ish. I got down to 138 about a year ago, but it crept back up. I keep bouncing between my CW and 150. Its driving me nutters!!

    I do cardio 3-4 times per week and weights 2-3 times per week. I've still got that stubborn "mommy tummy" tho!!

    Glad to see I'm not alone!! :D
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    id like to be in this bc i have less than 10lbs id like to shed, but im 5'8 and i started at like 148, when i joined MFP i was about 144 and now im down to 138/139 and seem to be stayin there.. been uping the intensity of my cardio, but its only been about a week, so.. definately would like to hear some tips, its definately more muscle id like to see and a smaller stomach and love handles!! lol theyve gone down, but want them gone! lol
  • mountainwoman98
    mountainwoman98 Posts: 182 Member
    I started here in Jan. at 154lbs. and dropped 11 in about 5 weeks...hit a little plateau so I changed things up a bit and have lost another 1.5. I want to get down to about 125-130 and you're right, those last 10-15 lbs. are hell
    I eat as clean as I can and work out just about every day. I'm 5'3"
  • wildbio
    wildbio Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'2 (on a good day) and I'm trying to get around 110 or so. I'm finding that my body is VERY stubborn when giving up the pounds so new friends with ideas and support would be greatly appreciated too! Feel free to add me and we can work at it together!
  • mrswood99
    mrswood99 Posts: 6 Member
    HI ladies, Jan 11 SW 150, CW 144 and GW is 137, been tracking cals (diff site) , foundthis site couple of weeks ago and i've been mainly sticking to 1200 cals and but exercising very much at all, not lazy, time is very tight, i am bobbing up and down between 144 & 147 most of the time.
    Some weeks i have managed to fit in some exercise but doesn't seem to make much difference to weight loss at all.
    Getting a bit cheesed off tbh!
    Glad I am not alone though
    Any tips would be appreciated!
  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    I Started back this week, i am 5ft 1 and i weigh 146 pounds, i would like to get to 122pounds
  • stephierue
    stephierue Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 5'4 started at 145 & my goal is 130. I would like to get back to 120 but not sure if I can keep it there though. I'll decide once I'm at 130. Hopefully soon!!!
  • nlc6899
    nlc6899 Posts: 9
    I started at 159 and the first 15 pounds came off fairly regularly. Now I've been stuck at 143.5 for almost a month. I wanted to get down to 125, but right now I would be thrilled *thrilled* to get past 140. I still have two sets of skinnier jeans to get into.

    The lack of progress is driving me INSANE! I started eating my workout calories this week (which is so much tougher than it sounds) to see if that starts the scale moving again. My wellness coach through my health insurance suggested upping my water to more than 64oz/day. Now I think I get quite a bit of my exercise just going back and forth to the restroom. I started on 30 Day Shred a few weeks ago and I'm not seeing the results. My muscles are definitely there, but there's still a layer of pudge on top. Maybe I suck it up and do P90X.

    I really wanted to hit my goal by the summer and say goodbye to everything in my closet, but I'm thinking that won't happen by summer. Getting older and the slower metabolism sucks. Definite motivation there though to not be overweight as I get older. So I could definitely use some motivation and advice.

    Has anyone tried adding cinnamon and/or cayenne to boost metabolism?
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    definitely in the same boat, gained about 20 pounds over the last two years and finally had to kick my own *kitten* for letting it happen, i love my clothes and want to look great in them again.

    aiming for 115lbs (from 141) and content to do it slowly but surely so the good habits stick and just become a lifestyle. exercise and food logging has made *all* the difference for me ... accountability rocks!
  • aekriebs
    aekriebs Posts: 45
    I'm 5'1" and am currently sitting at 127 lbs. Really should be at 110 or 115. A week ago I ate whatever I wanted and did not exercise AT ALL, so I am hoping that just by cleaning up my intake amounts and hitting the gym 4 or 5 times a week I can tone up before summer gets here. I sometimes feel a little out of place on this site since I don't have a massive amount to lose, so I was glad to find this thread and know that there are plenty of us out there!
  • MissMed07
    MissMed07 Posts: 34
    When I started here I was 152 and now I'm 136 pounds and 5"4. I am looking to get to somewhere in between 122-128. I try to exercise 4-5 times a week. I hate pure cardio so I do circuit training most of the time. I ADORE everything that concerns Jillian Michaels. I use her 30 Day Shred, Yoga Meltdown, No More Troublezones, and 6 Week Six Pack videos and I can see a HUGE difference in my body! I have lost four inches on my hips and currently have a 24.8 inch waist. If you like variety I would recommended her stuff. For days that I want pure cardio I bike, or do Julianne Hough's Just Dance! or Cardio Ballroom workouts. Both are equally excellent and challenging.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    I was around the same goals as you and i just made goal. You can do it!
  • Wow, I'm glad it's not just me.. I'm 5'3" and weighing in somewhere between 130 and 135 (not sure of exact number since I gave up the scale for Lent). I'd always been around 120, and suddenly I was up over 135.. I lost about 4 pounds when I first started here, but haven't been able to break that 130 mark since..
  • FitToFab
    FitToFab Posts: 47
    yea i need to lose some stubborn pounds, im already toned but I want the scale to go down!!
    117 is my goal..
  • nsciambi
    nsciambi Posts: 70 Member
    In August 2009, I started my journey @ 150 lbs (I'm 5'6" and was in my healthy weight range, if that matters.). I was pretty diligent with my tracking my calories and getting in at least four cardio sessions each week. By losing .5-1 pounds per week, I met my goal of 130 pounds around Christmas. At the beginning of the year, I start lifting weights and have gained a few pounds of muscle.

    I've got a new goal to get down to 120, and maintain between 125-130. But honestly, if I could just cut down my body fat a couple percentages, I wouldn't care what the scale says. I think that once you are in a healthy weight range, it's better to focus on inches and body composition than weight. I'd rather be 150 pounds of muscle than 120 pounds of fat. KWIM?
  • That's me!!! I got down to 130 this past summer and felt good but of course gained back during winter. My goal weight would be 120 (I'm 5'5). If I could reach there I feel I would be 100 % confident. Feel free to add me if you'd like! Tomorrow is my day 1 and I will most likely go under my calorie range the first week to shed some pounds quick.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Yep! I'm in the same boat! Just losing that ever so stubborn 15lbs and then maintaining it! On top of that I just want a healthier lifestyle!

    I've taken up running and yoga mainly - at this stage its all about toning the abs and the arms and burning that troublesome bit of fat on my thighs and DIET (not 'crash diet')!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Tomorrow is my day 1 and I will most likely go under my calorie range the first week to shed some pounds quick.

    Whatever you do DON'T go under 1200 basic calories a day! You'll put your body into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow right down - this is worse the less you weigh to begin with! As soon as you start eating more again you'll put the weight back on and that's just sooo disheartening!
  • shug458
    shug458 Posts: 99
    same boat here - I'm 4'11 - 5ft - not sure which one LOL - I fluctuate between 123 - 126 and I'm trying my butt off to get to 110-115. Seems like we're all in the same boat which is great - waiting for my JM 30 days shred to come in - praying it works - seen very very good results from ppl on here - I will add you and hopefully we can all learn tricks from one another
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