The wandering eye....



  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Yeah, I never get jealous or frustrated. To be honest, hubby and I check out women together all the time.

    He says, Hon, you gotta see this woman!
    Me: Yikes! She is smokin'! So, did you want to get the whole wheat pasta again?
    Him: Yeah, that was really good.

    The end.

    Haha.. that's awesome!
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    As my old pastor used to say, which is apropos for this site:

    "Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu"
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    if he didnt take a second and third look and follow her around the isles it shouldnt bother you.. like has been said men will look, the chic could be ugly and we'll still glance. half the time we dont even realize we're doing it, plus i'm sure while you all have been out together you've seen a cute guy or two that you noticed..
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'm a guy and I'm married, and sometimes I can't help but look. I'm sorry. I wish I could "cut" this part out of my brain, but I can't. People can't help but to look at the opposite sex, especially if they are good looking.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member

    I jokingly tell my bf we should take our waitress (or random girls) home with us. I dont get the big deal
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    As my old pastor used to say, which is apropos for this site:

    "Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu"

    I don't look at other people. As I don't go shopping when I know I have no money to spend. To me it's totally a waste of time... Many of you are right, it is about me, not about my husband - I need to accept my body will never be the same again :frown:

    Still it felt good to get it out and thanks for reading :smile:
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member

    I jokingly tell my bf we should take our waitress (or random girls) home with us. I dont get the big deal

    Wow, you are very secure in your relationship and you have not one ounce of jealousy in you to say such things. That is great.
    I think I've been cheated on one too many times to feel so secure. I hope you never get your heart broken in this way.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Yeah, I never get jealous or frustrated. To be honest, hubby and I check our women together all the time.

    He says, Hon, you gotta see this woman!
    Me: Yikes! She is smokin'! So, did you want to get the whole wheat pasta again?
    Him: Yeah, that was really good.

    The end.

    LOL. Same here.

    Sometimes when I catch him sneaking a peak at some hot girl I just have to call him out on it. I might ask fairly loudly "Is she hot?" Hahaha. It's kind of funny to wach him squirm when he knows he's totally busted.

    I've never said anything to my man, but I am totally going to do what you said. I just want to see how he reacts, I am laughing just thinking about all the possibilites....:laugh:
  • marshallmat
    marshallmat Posts: 11 Member
    First of all you are a beautiful woman so dont think your competing with anyone. Second its natural for a person to look at someone who is attractive either male or female. It goes both ways which is fine. Its bad when the person takes to the next level and stares. I have a policy of look but dont touch. Appreciate the beautiful people out there because your one of them!!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I actually giggle and tease my husband when he does this. He is not at all one to gawk but every now and then I'll see him take notice of a hot girl. I am not at ALL offended by this.... why... because sometimes I'm noticing her too!!! LOL... not in the way he is mind you but I'm thinking... wowzers that girl is freakin' gorgeous. As a married woman, are you completely oblivious to an attractive guy? I'm not. I notice good-looking men and think, "Hello hottie!!!" I call them like I see them. Looking at someone and appreciating their aesthetic advantage is quite common and we all do it. Gawking and commenting is taking it a bit far... but noticing? What's wrong with that? My husband can notice all he wants to as long as he's coming home to me and treating me right. And really... I work quite hard to make sure that what he's got at home is pretty damn good...
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    I actually giggle and tease my husband when he does this. He is not at all one to gawk but every now and then I'll see him take notice of a hot girl. I am not at ALL offended by this.... why... because sometimes I'm noticing her too!!! LOL... not in the way he is mind you but I'm thinking... wowzers that girl is freakin' gorgeous. As a married woman, are you completely oblivious to an attractive guy? I'm not. I notice good-looking men and think, "Hello hottie!!!" I call them like I see them. Looking at someone and appreciating their aesthetic advantage is quite common and we all do it. Gawking and commenting is taking it a bit far... but noticing? What's wrong with that? My husband can notice all he wants to as long as he's coming home to me and treating me right. And really... I work quite hard to make sure that what he's got at home is pretty damn good...

    Ha, thats what upsets me the most in the first place : I work SO damn hard to make sure what he's got at home is good that
    I find it insulting when he still needs to look elsewhere. But it is nice to read all your replies it def. puts a new perspective on this.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Guys look till they die (or are totally blind). Has nothing to do with you. Visit a retirement community some time. 90 year olds will still flirt with young waitresses. On the flip side, know a young lady of 75 who just married her toy boy of 60 LoL.

    If you want him to break his neck, take him to a good motorcycle rally some day - ;-)
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I actually giggle and tease my husband when he does this. He is not at all one to gawk but every now and then I'll see him take notice of a hot girl. I am not at ALL offended by this.... why... because sometimes I'm noticing her too!!! LOL... not in the way he is mind you but I'm thinking... wowzers that girl is freakin' gorgeous. As a married woman, are you completely oblivious to an attractive guy? I'm not. I notice good-looking men and think, "Hello hottie!!!" I call them like I see them. Looking at someone and appreciating their aesthetic advantage is quite common and we all do it. Gawking and commenting is taking it a bit far... but noticing? What's wrong with that? My husband can notice all he wants to as long as he's coming home to me and treating me right. And really... I work quite hard to make sure that what he's got at home is pretty damn good...

    Ha, thats what upsets me the most in the first place : I work SO damn hard to make sure what he's got at home is good that
    I find it insulting when he still needs to look elsewhere. But it is nice to read all your replies it def. puts a new perspective on this.

    You've got to consider this... no matter how beautiful or fit one is... there is always someone better... right? Does my husband look at me and think I'm the hottest thing that ever walked the planet... not at all... because I'm not! However he does think I'm a hottie... and not just any hottie... HIS hottie... that's what makes me so special to him. It doesn't matter what other ladies he notices or appreciates... I am his reality... and honey he ain't complaining! Men are very visual... they are programmed to be that way. Do not take it personally because it isn't a slight against YOU. I can tell you for a fact there have been times my husband has been in a group of women... and he's noticing them... and his eyes have come around back to me.... and I know he is thinking... "Some of these chicks look alright... but this one... she's mine... and I'm alright with that!"
  • jjhenry5
    jjhenry5 Posts: 80 Member
    A friend of mine used to say, "it doesn't matter where you build up your appetite as long as you only eat at home."
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member

    I jokingly tell my bf we should take our waitress (or random girls) home with us. I dont get the big deal

    Wow, you are very secure in your relationship and you have not one ounce of jealousy in you to say such things. That is great.
    I think I've been cheated on one too many times to feel so secure. I hope you never get your heart broken in this way.
    oddly enough, we've been on and off since 05. hes left me for exes twice.
    I just dont see the point in dwelling. dwelling just asks for problems.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Yeah, I never get jealous or frustrated. To be honest, hubby and I check out women together all the time.

    He says, Hon, you gotta see this woman!
    Me: Yikes! She is smokin'! So, did you want to get the whole wheat pasta again?
    Him: Yeah, that was really good.

    The end.

    Yup...same's like..she is let's carry on..LOL
  • SO frustrating. I hear ya.

    I went on a cruise shortly after we were married and I was one hot woman. No kids yet and still in that honey moon phase.

    We were playing black jack and a pretty girl walked by and my husband turned all the way around in his chair to look at her.

    Everyone at the black jack tables noticed and gave me sympathetic and pitying glances.

    I was so hurt.

    I still am.

    I just wouldn't ever do that to him.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    I love my love love it. However, doesn't mean I am not going to look at newer or customized models of it when I see it on the road
  • jackiemarie
    jackiemarie Posts: 111
    I was just in the Emergency room with my fiance when he broke his ankle, we were waiting in the room and he (half) jokingly said "I hope I get a hott nurse" and in walks a smoking hott MALE nurse! Lol it was hilariuos he got his Hott nurse alright!!!! ;)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    It is like admiring a painting. You can admire it from afar but you don't take it off the wall and handle it. If his glancing at a woman is the least of your problems... nice.
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