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Not losing...HELP Please:)

So...I have opened up my diary for public viewing and am hoping for some feedback on what to do to make things happen. I have lost several inches over the past few weeks but only about 3 pounds. When I complete my logs the red numbers at the bottom say that if every day is like today....I should lose about 15 pounds in 5 weeks but I don't think that this is going to happen.

What can I do to make the pounds come off????


  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    hmmm....i m kind of at a loss. It looks to me like you are making really smart choices. A lot of fruits and veggies. Meeting your net goal of at least 1,200. Maybe your sodium is high? I'm not sure how it could be with all those fruits and veggies but maybe you can add sodium to yout tracker and see? I wish you the best and hope someone will maybe catch something I may have missed that will help you! And also remember, inches mean more than the actual number on the scale. Keep going!!
  • sometimes your sodium intake can be really high and definitely be a factor in your weight loss. otherwise it might just be a plateau and you need to change up your workouts. i haven't lost any weight in the last while, so i started changing my gym routine and it has really helped, so i'd say try that.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Your sodium and sugars are bother REALLY high - like your sodium for today is almost double what it should be. I see you have some diced ham listed. Processed meats are terribly high in sodium. You also mention that you're losing inches so you are doing something right. If I were you, I would focus on lowering the sodium and then the sugar. When I'm in weight loss mode, I keep my carbs below 100, my protein above 100, sugar below 30, and my sodium is always below 2500 - usually around 1250 or so and that's with a calorie intake of around 2200 a day.
  • I would add sodium to your food plan. Salad dressings are loaded with it and so are alot of so called healthy foods. I think it is your sodium. Do you drink alot of water? Inches lost is better than lbs. lost any day. Stay at it........
  • Looks like you are making good choices. I see that you are regularly under your calorie guide so as bizzare as it sounds maybe try eating a little bit more? also try mixing up your exercise routines? and maybe check your measurements - as you are probably loosing inches!
  • BTMurray
    BTMurray Posts: 7
    Sodium intake will directly effect water retention... but is irrelevant to fat loss.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Sodium intake will directly effect water retention... but is irrelevant to fat loss.

    Which would explain the loss of inches and the retention of the pounds you see on the scale - excellent point!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Why did I look? I have been wanting sushi for days and you had it on your menu. We don't any place for sushi around here.

    But on a more serious note. That is hard, you are definitely eating good. You don't look like you are under eating. The only other thing I can suggest it to check your goals. Make sure your activiy level is set right. Make sure you aren't double counting exercises, like if you are counting chores as exercise but have your activity as lightly active.
    The other thing is check your exercise calories. I couldn't see what you are doing, but MFP over estimates on a lot of standard exercises. Maybe you should get a heart rate monitor.

    I also didn't notice how close you are to your goal weight. If you don't have a lot to lose you can't creat a huge deficit and lose that much weight, even though your calorie counter say you can at the end of the day. The goals calculator is "dumb" it has a formula in it that doesn't account for real life.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I don't see sodium and sugar on your log, so you might want to add those. You do under-eat many days. This can stall weight loss. A couple of questions: Do you weigh and measure all your food? If you're eye-balling portions, a few calories here and there can add up. And how are you measuring your exercise calories? The numbers on this site's database and most cardio machine readouts are often way higher than actual burn. The most accurate method is a heart rate monitor.

    So, you may be under-estimating calories eaten, over-estimating calories burned, or not eating enough. It's hard to tell which at this point. Assuming your caloiries eaten and burned are accurate, then I would start eating more to bring up your calories and good fats. A handful or two of nuts or peanut butter and a few crackers or apple slices should do it. Try that for a few weeks and see how it goes.

    Keep in mind that subtle changes like these can take a few weeks to show results, so you must be patient and wait it out. I know everybody wants the weight off NOW, but that's not how it works. If this doesn't work, you might want to consult your doctor and a nutritionist. Best of luck!
  • BTMurray
    BTMurray Posts: 7
    Replace the oatmeal in the morning with 2-3 whole organic cage free eggs, that's a start!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    People are going to argue with me here, but a really easy (not 100% conclusive, but generally pretty good) way to tell if it is sodium is to drink a glass or two of wine (I know it works for me with red, I'd assume white works). It acts as a diuretic, flushing excess water weight away. Give it a shot--worst case scenario, you're 'stuck' drinking a delightful glass of wine, lol.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Wow, your breakfast is loaded with sugar, and the rest of the day has a massive amount of sodium. Set up your diary to show sodium and sugar, you will be surprised. Then, maybe you can start eliminating all the processed food in your diet and replacing it with healthier whole foods. It's a process, Rome wasn't built in a day. Just make small changes every day and you'll get there :) Good luck!
  • belinda1carroll
    belinda1carroll Posts: 4 Member
    I'm confused by the bacon. You chose generic-bacon. That can be a mistake because you are trusting someone put the information in correctly. If you use the Oscar Mayer bacon selection you will see that 3 strips of bacon have 98 protien and are way higher in calories and fat. Enough to cause you a problem. Turkey bacon is so much less. Also, you should be eating six meals a day. That will boost your metabolism a lot! Just be careful how you input your food, be cautious of anything labeled generic! I hope this helps. Good luck.

    I see that you do eat six times a day, sometimes. But brownies for a snack, even if under your goal, will not help your metabolism. Six healthy meals a day and a small cheat here and there or life becomes sad and full of despair...or maybe that's just me. :)
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Since January I've only lost about 6 lbs, butI have lost plenty of inches. I've been using this time to try out new workouts...I've finished Jillian Michaels 30 DS, started a new kettlebell routine, etc. My arms and shoulders are looking good! Bottom line is the scale can be a liar. It's all about how you feel! Good luck and don't be discouraged, its just a temporary plateau!
  • It's interesting that everyone is saying sodium. I highly agree that if your weight isn't coming down, sodium may definitely be the culprit. But just remember, sodium and salt are two different creatures. Sodium is naturally occurring in our foods while salt is sodium CHLORIDE. That sodium is what you need to watch.

    Water in helps you release water, but the sodium = retention. When fat is broken down, the final two components is carbon dioxide and water. You don't want to retain that water! It was once explained to me that it was like putting a potato in your tailpipe, you will still lose but it will most definitely be hindered in the long run.

    What's worked for me is drink to 100 ounces a day and carefully watch the sodium. This includes all the raw meat I buy (enhanced or injected with broth or solution, etc = salt & sugar). I do not buy anything from the deli, pickled, sauces, dips/dressing, or prepackaged and I usually do not add any to my food so, naturally speaking I keep my sodium level under 1,000. oh and I don't eat cheese that often (those can be pretty high in sodium). On occasion I will make Jillian Michael's brownies or other healthy goodies that use baking soda, baking powder, and salt and I hesitate on adding the salt, but in the long run - the single serving of that home made goodie is a LOT less then what used to eat and I feel like it's fine as long as my intake is still under 1,000.

    My DH has high blood pressure and one of my children had Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and went on kidney dialysis so I try to watch all of our intake now, wary of my husbands health and my daughters possible future health. Me however, I am pretty salt sensitive so when I eat too much I really retain but I also have low blood pressure and suffer a lot if I don't eat enough so it's a balance :) hth!

    BTW: http://healthyguy.com/199908_salt.htm is the article I believe will explain it all, including how long it takes for your body to release the salt and water retention induced by table salt and added salts in your food.

    You will be surprised at how much you can lose, I lost 15lbs in 1 week by getting rid of the salt shaker and things with salt added. I am not as diligent NOW because I do want to have some salt in my diet when i want a goodie or something but I do make sure I have about 4 days before my weigh day, lol.
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    a couple of things come to my mind.... you make reallly good food choices it seems! Great work!
    I wonder if maybe you are guesstimating portions rather than actually measuring. Looks can be rather decieving you aren't actually measuring. The other thing that I would consider changing is the way you log exercise. I am a firm believer that you NOT log regular / typical duties you do all the time (like house cleaning chores). I think those kinds of things are already calculated in your activity level when you signed up.

    Does that make sense? Otherwise, I am not really sure what is going on. It is great news that you are losing inches!!! I know it is super hard when the scale doesn't move, but INCHES are actually more i mportant for self worth and health. We have just be brainwashed to think the number on the scale is more important! (me included).
  • arw3b3
    arw3b3 Posts: 52
    Thanks for all the input:)

    I drink between 10 and 12 glasses of water per day and I dont add hardly any salt to my foods. I try to switch things up when it comes to what I eat so that I dont get bored and lose interest and admit that I dont really take sodium into consideration. Today wa the first day that I have had oatmeal and real bacon in months and I had a craving for brownies this weekend so I made some, so maybe I should have waited to ask for help on a different day...lol.

    I try to switch up my workouts between walking, the wii fit and the 30 day shred. I will keep a closer eye on my sodium and sugar intake and try the wine trick.

    Thanks again for the help and support:)
  • 10-12 glasses of water should be about it. huge Kudos to you for doing more then 8!

    I know how you feel... It is hard when you aren't adding salt on purpose, but there's hidden salt, so look at your contents on the back of everything (you will get used to it) and see that they add so much salt to meat (ever buy big chicken breasts only to have them shrink down?) and other things, it's ridiculous.

    If we buy anything from the frozen section, I always check the ingredients - for instance, shrimp nearly always has salt added for who the heck knows why. Canned, we only grab what is packed in water, only juice (no sugar added), and No Salt Added (del monte and heinz tomatoes for instance).

    Truly, that only depends on you how much you are reaching for in that area, but honestly - if you want to have the salt, limit it where you can and just be caution and yet still enjoy the things you want.. cheese can be very high in sodium unfortunately as is anything cured. Oh and watch your cooking wines, and vinegars if you use them. Cooking sherry is very high in sodium and "seasoned" rice vinegar (that they actually use in sushi) contains sugar and salt.

    I love brownies!! OOH, next time, try the Makeover Your Metabolism brownies


    I was cringing while I was making it, betting it would taste like honey and blah but I ate my 2x2" piece and was very surprised, satisfied, and delighted. It's a lesser of the two evils you can say :) lol

    I think you are doing a great job BTW. :) You are definitely losing fat if the inches are going down even if the scale isn't. Remember, muscle weighs as much as fat but takes up a lot less room. ;)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Your diary isn't open anymore, I guess.
  • arw3b3
    arw3b3 Posts: 52
    I have opened it back up:) I am open to more suggestions and conctructive critisms please!!