protein shakes... should i or shouldn't i?

tinareet Posts: 126
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition

I was just having a little nosey through peoples diary for a few meal and snack ideas and I noticed that alot of people are having a protein shake. I do often lack a little bit in protein, but was wondering what the pros and cons of protein shakes are? and whether they would be suitable for me.

I am currently trying to lose 1-0.5lb a week but my main issue is trying to reduce my body fat %. I weight 148.8lbs and my goal is 125-130lbs or when i feel fit enough and can fit into size 12 UK trousers. I do zumba 3 times a week and hiking or exercise dvd once a week and soon im hopeing to include some weight training in. MFP has set me at 1300 cals plus I am now trying to eat back my exercise calories.

Also if people could suggest some good/tasty/non soya protein shakes that I can get in the UK that would be great.



  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    protein shakes are only useful when you first start a new exercise program or are changing up your weight exercises in the gym - otherwise your body only needs ~1g/kg which is very easy to attain from a regular diet. if you are taking a protein shake it's really important that you drink it as soon as you've finished your workout for the most benefit - must be within 1 hour but optimum is within 5 minutes of finishing.
    hope this helps!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Posting so I can bookmark this post for later - I just ordered some protein shakes myself because I'm doing a lot of strength training, prescribed by my physiotherapist. Trying my first one today (Optimum Health Whey Protein - in Strawberries and Cream flavour). I'll come back and post how it was!
  • jesster64
    jesster64 Posts: 109
    I do weight training and areobics. They say take one within 15 minutes of your aerobic exercise finish where your muscles absorb it better. Truth be told, I take it because it tastes great and I can count it as a meal. I usually add fruit, yogurt, protein powder, 2 percent milk, and sometimes ice cream or frozen yogurt. A lot of calories but when I watched a health store make one that way, I figured I could do it a lot cheaper at home.
  • kenuk1
    kenuk1 Posts: 64 Member
    Dependent on what shake, I am using but not every day, you can get stacks of protein from Chicken and Prawns etc, but the days when I work out, I have a shake or creatine, this is simply because more muscle burns fat, I figure its worth giving it a shot.

    Beware that protein shakes are notoriously bad tasting, so nip down to Tesco and try the samples first.

    With regards to how you take them, morning and night, regardless of workout, the night time one is essential as this is the best recovery period for your muscles.

    Thats about as much as I know lol
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    when looking for protein powders go for ones that are very low in sugar. I am currently using GNC Whey Protein. also, from everything that I have read you body won't really absorb more than 20 or so grams at one time. So, even though my serving size for this protein is 3 scoops I only use one. I add it to 1 cup skim milk, a tsp of natural peanut butter and half a banana or some frozen strawberries. If it very filling and keeps me going. Sometimes I will add a bit more frozen fruit - makes it more like a frappe so it is like dessert.
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    It can't hurt....I use to have a shake after each workout, now I use the protein powder as a quick protein option, and not always as a shake...if you to stick to a concentrated protein powder that has been cold pressed processed, with little to no sugar, and make sure it has very little fillers..
    Allmax (if available in your area) is an excellent brand with tonnes of options.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    It's good to have some protein after a workout as it helps your muscles.
    I'm from the UK and use "100% gold standard whey" from Optimum Nutrition. It's about £40 for a tub that holds 73 servings, you might get it cheaper online though, I've seen bulk offers on for it. Comes in lots of flavours and really easy to drink - the other protein powders I've tasted have been really nasty tasting. About 115 cals and 24g of protein per scoop, I just add water to it.
  • rurukidoo
    rurukidoo Posts: 54
    I was just thinking about this last night so had a little look on the holland and barrat website, I was thinking on getting some of the Maxitone definity....has anyone tried it before?
  • kenuk1
    kenuk1 Posts: 64 Member
    Google MYProtein, its great and the stuff is cheaper than most big name brands, I have a couple of discount codes too so add me if you want them.

    They have a product called Total Protein, this is for people like us lol
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    I use PHD diet whey in the UK which comes in a few different flavours, but chocolate orange in particular is pretty good. Also much cheaper than maximuscle etc and same components
  • fatty024
    fatty024 Posts: 9 Member
    I get impact whey from MyProtein too . simple packaging and good price too, chocolate mint tastes superb.
  • rurukidoo
    rurukidoo Posts: 54
    Thanks for the info, I'll check it out!
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I use hemp powder from Holland and Barrett. I drink it because it's a complete protein, which can be tricky for vegans to get, and really makes a dent in my exercise calories after two hours of martial arts. I'm trying to build muscle as well as lose fat, so it's important to me to get enough low-fat protein (since otherwise, it would mostly be peanut butter).

    You can get protein from other sources. I just use a shake as an occasional superboost.
  • Mrs2Mac
    Mrs2Mac Posts: 16 Member
    I mix a cupful of Pure Protein chocolate flavored mix with a 1 cup of Vanilla flavored soy milk - blend it for a couple of minutes and it takes like the creamiest chocolate milk ever! I drink it immediately after getting home from a workout - which mainly consists of weights at this point. I only drink one on the days that I work out. I will tell you that when I first started working out again I expected to be soo sore like I have been in the past and I haven't been at all. I don't know if this is attributed to the protein drink or not, but I'm not complaining. I was mixing the protein powder with frozen veggies and a banana with the soy milk which makes it more like a shake consistency and was also very good - but it was too high in calories. I only do this now if I am going to use the shake to subsitute breakfast.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    protein shakes are only useful when you first start a new exercise program or are changing up your weight exercises in the gym - otherwise your body only needs ~1g/kg which is very easy to attain from a regular diet. if you are taking a protein shake it's really important that you drink it as soon as you've finished your workout for the most benefit - must be within 1 hour but optimum is within 5 minutes of finishing.
    hope this helps!

    Terrible terrible advice.
    Protein shakes are always useful. And the 5 minutes after finishing a workout has been disproven.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    There aren't really any cons of protein shakes. I'd try to get the majority of my protein from whole foods, but it's fine to supplement your diet and add in a shake or two. I usually have 2-3 shakes a day to get 230+ grams of protein daily.
  • kenuk1
    kenuk1 Posts: 64 Member
    Get the flavoured ones tho, I made the mistake of getting without, my god, it makes you gag, had to add Nesquik at first, then found adding it to porridge is ok
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    If you're going to get a protein shake I'll make a couple suggestions:

    Don't get walmart or kroger brand. They suck flavor wise and don't mix as well.
    Avoid GNC for all supps. They overprice their supplements and will tell you anything to make a sell.
    Order online or go to vitamin shoppe.

    I'd reccomend looking into Dymatize, XF whey, or scivation whey.
    Scivation is gonna have like 22-24 grams and only about 100 calories.
    Or you can get better tasting ones, but they'll have sugar and closer to 200 cals. Syntha 6 and Muscle Milk taste great but fall into this category.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    It's my opinion that they're only really useful if you are a bodybuilder trying to put on bulk in a hurry. They're a fake food, without the nutrients, probiotics, yadda, yadda, yadda, found in real food. Protein is ridiculously easy to obtain in our culture.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    It's my opinion that they're only really useful if you are a bodybuilder trying to put on bulk in a hurry. They're a fake food, without the nutrients, probiotics, yadda, yadda, yadda, found in real food. Protein is ridiculously easy to obtain in our culture.

    Whey protein is derived from milk. Thats like saying the casein in cottage cheese doesn't have nutrients.

    It works well if you're on a cut or bulking. Protein intake should be kept high during a cut to prevent muscle loss.
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